
Data Analysis Made Easy with ChatGPT Code Interpreter

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Data analysis chatgpt

OpenAI‘s new ChatGPT tool has taken the world by storm with its advanced conversational abilities. One of the most exciting features that ChatGPT offers is the Code Interpreter, which makes data analysis incredibly easy even for non-technical users.

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll explore how ChatGPT‘s Code Interpreter works and how both technical and non-technical users can utilize it to unlock valuable insights from their data through interactive data analysis and visualization.

What is ChatGPT Code Interpreter and How Does It Work?

ChatGPT is a powerful large language model trained by OpenAI to have natural conversations on a wide range of topics. The Code Interpreter built into ChatGPT allows it to understand instructions for data analysis and visualization provided in plain English and generate relevant Python code to execute those instructions.

Some key capabilities offered by the ChatGPT Code Interpreter include:

  • Data manipulation – Process, clean, reshape, merge, filter data provided by the user
  • Calculations – Perform mathematical and statistical computations like aggregation, slicing and dicing data
  • Data visualization – Create interactive charts, graphs and plots to visualize data insights
  • Error checking – Detect and fix potential data issues or inconsistencies
  • Code execution – Run data analysis code in a secure virtual environment

The interpreter acts like a skilled data analyst who can understand complex analytical tasks described in natural language. It then writes and runs the necessary code to generate the desired output charts, graphs or other visualizations that provide insights into the data.

Chatgpt code interpreter

This eliminates the need for manually writing code or being an expert in data analysis libraries like Pandas, Matplotlib, etc. The conversational nature makes complex data analysis accessible to anyone.

Users can upload datasets, describe the required data transformations or visualizations, and ChatGPT handles converting instructions to executable code. It also checks outputs for errors, allowing quick iterations to get the right analysis.

How to Access the ChatGPT Code Interpreter

The Code Interpreter functionality is currently available in ChatGPT Plus accounts. Follow these steps to access it:

  1. Go to and login to your ChatGPT Plus account

  2. Click on your profile picture in the top right corner and select "Settings & Beta"

  3. Turn on the toggle for "Advanced Data Analysis (Code Interpreter)"

  4. Head back to the chat window and start using the interpreter!

With the Code Interpreter enabled in your account, you can now harness its data analysis prowess through natural language conversations.

What Can You Do with ChatGPT Code Interpreter?

The code interpreter unlocks a wide range of interactive data analysis capabilities through plain English instructions. Here are some common use cases:

Data Cleaning and Preparation

ChatGPT can preprocess messy raw data to prepare it for analysis. This includes:

  • Handling missing values
  • Fixing incorrect data types like numbers stored as text
  • Normalizing column names
  • Converting data shapes from wide to long format

Aggregations and Pivoting

Easily generate aggregated views of your data such as:

  • Sums, averages, counts, minimums, maximums etc.
  • Group by one or more columns and aggregate others
  • Pivot data from row view to column view

Data Visualization

ChatGPT supports a wide range of standard plot types:

  • Line, bar, scatter, area, pie and doughnut charts
  • Histograms and density plots
  • Heatmaps
  • Geospatial plots

It can recommend optimal plots based on the data shape and analysis needs.

Statistical Analysis

Go beyond visual analysis by having ChatGPT run statistical tests like:

  • Correlations
  • Regression
  • Hypothesis testing

This provides statistical rigor to identify significant patterns and relationships in data.

Predictive Modeling

For machine learning tasks, ChatGPT can help:

  • Train and evaluate simple ML models like linear regression, random forests using your data
  • Make predictions on new data
  • Output model performance metrics like R-squared, MSE, etc.

While not a replacement for advanced ML workflows, it allows easy exploration.

Custom Calculations

Define your own column calculations like:

  • Mathematical formulas
  • Conditional logic
  • Text processing/extraction
  • Dates and times

ChatGPT will write the necessary code to add these new views to your dataset.

Exploratory Data Analysis

During initial data exploration, you can ask questions like:

  • What are the data types and value ranges for each column?
  • What percentages of values are missing?
  • What is the distribution of a numerical column?
  • Identify outliers

ChatGPT provides an overview of the data and highlights insights.

As you can see, the conversational interface makes it easy to get started with data analysis without programming expertise. You describe what you want to do with the data, and ChatGPT writes the code to generate it.

Next, let‘s walk through some examples to see the Code Interpreter in action.

ChatGPT Code Interpreter Usage Examples

Let‘s explore a few case studies of how ChatGPT‘s data analysis capabilities can be used to extract insights from sample datasets.

Case Study 1 – Analyze Real Estate Data

For this example, we will use a dataset with information on real estate property sales. It contains details like sale price, location, number of bedrooms, area in square feet, etc.

Our goal is to analyze this data to find insights like the most expensive neighborhoods, price per square foot, impact of size on price, etc.

I upload the CSV file with the housing data to ChatGPT. To get a quick overview, I simply ask:

Me: Please briefly summarize this real estate property data

This dataset contains information on real estate property sales, including columns for:

  • Price – The sale price of the home
  • Bedrooms – The number of bedrooms
  • Area – The size of the home in square feet
  • City – The city where the property is located
  • State – The state where the property is located

It contains 145 rows, indicating 145 property sales records. The data can be analyzed to find insights like average price per city, impact of size on price, most expensive neighborhoods, etc.

ChatGPT provides a concise summary of the columns and potential ways we can analyze the data.

Next, I want to see the average price per city:

Me: Calculate the average price for each city

import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv(‘housing.csv‘) 

avg_price_by_city = df.groupby(‘City‘)[‘Price‘].mean().reset_index()

City Price
San Francisco 542300
Palo Alto 805927
Mountain View 721900
Sunnyvale 625500
Cupertino 980500

Rather than manually manipulating the data in Excel or writing Pandas code, I can immediately get the aggregated view I need through ChatGPT.

Now I want to visualize this data by plotting the average prices for each city.

Me: Can you please plot a bar chart with the average price for each city ordered from low to high?

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

avg_price_by_city.sort_values(‘Price‘, ascending=True).plot(x=‘City‘, y=‘Price‘, kind=‘barh‘, legend=False)

plt.xlabel(‘Average Price‘)
plt.title(‘Average Housing Price by City‘)


Housing chart

ChatGPT generates a clean horizontal bar chart sorted by average price, allowing us to visually compare across cities.

With just a few conversational instructions, we were able to import, process, analyze, and plot the real estate data entirely through ChatGPT without writing any code ourselves.

Case Study 2 – Retail Sales Data Analysis

For the next example, let‘s use a retail dataset containing transaction data including purchase amount, payment method, store location etc.

Our goal is to analyze this and gain insights into customer spending patterns.

I upload the retail sales data CSV file to ChatGPT. As a start, I ask it:

Me: What is the average purchase amount for credit card transactions versus cash transactions?

import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv(‘retail_data.csv‘)

df_card = df[df[‘Payment‘] == ‘Credit card‘]
df_cash = df[df[‘Payment‘] == ‘Cash‘]

avg_card = df_card[‘Purchase‘].mean()
avg_cash = df_cash[‘Purchase‘].mean()

print(‘Average credit card purchase: ‘, avg_card) 
print(‘Average cash purchase: ‘, avg_cash)

Average credit card purchase: $68.35
Average cash purchase: $22.47

ChatGPT filters the data, calculates the averages, and prints the numeric results – no coding needed from my end.

I now want to visualize this data by plotting the average purchase amounts as a bar chart:

Me: Can you please plot a bar chart showing the average credit card purchase amount versus the average cash purchase amount?

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

payment_avg = [{‘Payment‘: ‘Credit card‘, ‘Average‘: avg_card}, 
               {‘Payment‘: ‘Cash‘, ‘Average‘: avg_cash}]

df = pd.DataFrame(payment_avg)

ax =‘Payment‘, y=‘Average‘, rot=0)

ax.set_title(‘Average Purchase by Payment Type‘)
ax.set_ylabel(‘Average Purchase ($)‘)


Purchase chart

Again with simple instructions, ChatGPT generates the code to create an insightful bar chart comparing the average basked sizes.

Over just a couple of queries, ChatGPT allowed us to efficiently analyze and visualize retail sales data to extract meaningful insights. The conversational interface made it very intuitive.

Case Study 3 – Predictive Modeling on Employee Data

For the third example, let‘s see how ChatGPT can build a simple predictive model on employee data.

Our dataset has info like employee age, years of experience, education level, KPI scores and salary. We want to build a model to predict employee salary based on other attributes.

I upload the CSV file and ask ChatGPT:

Me: Using this employee data, can you train a simple regression model to predict salary based on the other variables?

import pandas as pd
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

# Load data
df = pd.read_csv(‘employee_data.csv‘)

# Define X and y
X = df[[‘Age‘, ‘Experience‘, ‘KPI‘, ‘Education‘]] 
y = df[‘Salary‘]

# Split data into train and test
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=42)

# Train linear regression model
model = LinearRegression(), y_train)

# Evaluate on test data
test_predictions = model.predict(X_test)
test_mse = mean_squared_error(y_test, test_predictions)
test_r2 = r2_score(y_test, test_predictions)

print(‘MSE:‘, test_mse) 
print(‘R-squared‘, test_r2)

This trains a linear regression model to predict employee salary based on age, experience, KPI score and education. The model achieves a test MSE of 210.35 and R-squared of 0.64. More advanced models could improve performance further.

ChatGPT handles importing libraries, data preprocessing, model training and evaluation to generate a simple predictive model on the employee data. While basic, this demonstrates the power of conversational instructions even for machine learning tasks.

Key Takeaways

These examples illustrate some of the capabilities unlocked by ChatGPT‘s Code Interpreter for interactive data analysis:

  • Easily generate aggregated data views like groupbys without writing SQL or Pandas code
  • Create polished, customized data visualizations through conversational instructions
  • Get started with predictive modeling and statistical analysis using plain English
  • Rapid iteration on analysis by modifying instructions rather than code

This allows both coders and non-coders alike to efficiently extract insights from data.

Tips for Effective Use of ChatGPT for Data Analysis

Here are some tips to use ChatGPT effectively for data analysis based on our experience:

  • Ask exploratory questions first – Start broad, asking for summaries and overviews of the data. Then narrow down.
  • Be specific – Use precise language to describe your desired aggregates, charts, models etc.
  • Check the code – Glance through the generated Python code to build familiarity over time.
  • Iterate – If the output isn‘t what you need, rephrase the instruction and try again.
  • Split complex tasks – Break down multi-step analyses into separate instructions one by one.
  • Spot check outputs – Validate key parts of the output, like totals matching raw data.
  • Supplement with your own code – You can edit the Python code in the ChatGPT window to customize further.

While powerful, ChatGPT should not be treated as a complete replacement for proper data analysis workflows. Think of it more as an aid to accelerate and enhance analysis thanks to the conversational interface.

Limitations of ChatGPT for Data Analysis

While the Code Interpreter unlocks many new possibilities, it is important to be aware of some key limitations:

  • Immature capabilities – As a relatively new feature, its analysis abilities are still quite basic compared to notebooks.
  • Black box outputs – The code generation process is opaque, providing little visibility.
  • Limited customization – While code can be edited, workflows are constrained to the chat interface.
  • No access to generated environment – Users can‘t directly access the runtime used to execute code.
  • Domain knowledge gaps – Understanding of specialized analysis domains like econometrics is limited.

Over time, some of these constraints may be relaxed to improve workflows. But the closed nature limits customization and visibility compared to traditional coding environments.

For now, it is best used judiciously in conjunction with normal workflows rather than attempting to completely replace them.

The Future of Data Analysis with ChatGPT

Despite some limitations, the Code Interpreter offers a glimpse at the future of data analysis driven by natural language interfaces. When proprietary code is no longer a bottleneck, the focus can shift more to real-world critical thinking about the data at hand rather than coding mechanics.

As it improves, ChatGPT has the potential to make data analysis and visualization far more inclusive to non-experts. Democratizing these capabilities can lead to fresh new perspectives on solving problems.

In the long run, the next evolution of analytics may be "thinking" about what the data is telling us, while AI assistants handle the mechanics of manipulating data and programming visualizations.

While the technology still has maturing to do, ChatGPT marks an important milestone in this evolution towards augmenting human intelligence for data-driven critical thinking and decision making.


ChatGPT‘s Code Interpreter removes the coding barrier to unlock interactive data analysis through natural language instructions. It makes exploratory analysis, visualization and modeling accessible to experts and non-programmers alike.

We walked through examples demonstrating data aggregation, visualization and modeling using real-world datasets, made possible through ChatGPT without writing any code manually.

However, it is important to be aware of the immaturity of the technology. ChatGPT should augment but not fully replace traditional coding workflows for rigorous analysis. Used judiciously, it can enhance and accelerate understanding and decision making using data.

As conversational AI continues advancing, the future is bright for democratizing data analysis by removing the mechanical barriers. This will empower more people to engage directly with data and think critically about what it reveals.


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.