
Give People a Reason to Follow You – How to Write a Good Twitter Bio

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The Twitter bio. How long did you spend pondering the possibilities of what you could write in this section while being confined to 160 characters? A Twitter bio is the second item a user sees after your profile picture. Because of this, it’s important to think about what your bio is revealing about you to other Twitter users. It plays a role in whether or not people decide to follow you and helps you establish yourself as a thought leader in the Twittersphere. Your Twitter bio is searchable, so it’s not only about how you’re portraying yourself in front of users who have landed on your page.

It’s also about how you want to represent yourself to the 645 million active Twitter users. That means your bio is serious business. Instead of having Josh Schultz’s magnificent Twitter Bio Generator create a typical Twitter bio for you, here are some aspects to consider when writing your own.

Twitter Bio Generator: How to Write a Good Twitter Bio

1. The Bio as a Value Proposition

The Twitter bio is 160 characters that allow you to tell users why they should care about you and, thus, follow you. The first step in writing your bio is thinking about who you want to appeal to and who you’re hoping to attract. As we’ve mentioned before, a Twitter following isn’t based solely on the number of followers; the quality of your followers is more important than your quantity.

SEE ALSO: The Secret to ROI on Social Media – Having a Following That Cares

Your Twitter bio should clearly outline why people should follow you. That means stating how you can help them, i.e., a value proposition. This could mean saying, “I help sales and marketing professionals with lead generation, qualification, and CRM,” or “I’m focused on marketing and specialize in creating infographics.” Your expertise and interest areas are critical to helping users understand what you’ll be Tweeting about and what you’re passionate about.

I’m sure we’ve all seen a lot of Twitter bios that look like this:

These are pretty wonderfully generic Twitter bios, but they tell us little to nothing about who they’re hoping to connect with on Twitter. Sure, one says they’re a business leader, but what kind of business? What will she be Tweeting about? Don’t let your users have to ask themselves these types of questions. Tell them upfront about what you can offer them.

2. Components

Credentials and credibility: consider putting your job title or what you do full time. There are a lot of authors and speakers out there, so try to think creatively about constructing a bio that will stand out from the rest. You can equate this thinking to ad text on Google Adwords or FB and LinkedIn ads. Wordstream has a free Ad Text generator here.

Main body: As we talked about above, write a bio that describes what you do and how that will impact others. Keep in mind that you have to do this without being too sales or promotional. This means it shouldn’t sound like these:

3. Personal and Professional Account

If you’re also using your profile for professional uses or find it easier to have one account, you should still consider keeping your bio value proposition-based. It’s not wrong to humanize your account and talk about your hobbies, but realize that that’s just icing. If you’re using your Twitter account as a joint as personal/professional, professional should dominate your Twitter bio.

4. How Your Twitter Bio Impacts Your Follow Back Rate

The difference between a 10% follows back rate and a 15% follow-back rate is huge at the end of the day. It means you have to do half the work when it comes to going out and finding leads and getting in touch with people that are prospective customers. For those using Socedo, we find that our base follows back is around 10-30%.

To reach that 30%, users have to have a great bio, strong profile picture, and consistently relevant Tweets. We’ve also discovered that individual profiles have a higher follow-back rate than company profiles, making sense. People like following people. If you don’t have a strong bio that clearly explains what you can offer your followers, your follow-back rate will be affected.

Final Words

The Twitter bio is arguably the most important aspect of your Twitter account. It tells your prospective customers, current clients, influencers, and other business leaders what makes you unique and what you can offer to the community. So, don’t be scared to put the time in; it’s astonishing what a well-written bio can accomplish.


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.