
Top 12 AI Tools to Skyrocket Your Productivity: Text & Image AI Generator Tools

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Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies have progressed exponentially in capabilities. Chatbots converse with eloquence, analytics software preempts complex business needs and image generators conjure any visual scene imagined.

AI-powered productivity tools now make light work of endless rote tasks across industries — welcome news for time-crunched professionals. This post explores leading text and image generators that amplify output while retaining human creativity and oversight.

The Rise of AI Productivity

Once a figment of sci-fi movies, AI now drives measurable business growth daily. By 2030, PwC forecasts AI could contribute $15.7 trillion to the global economy—more than the combined outputs of China and India today.

Household brands increasingly invest in AI to maximize human potential. For example, Grammarly‘s writing assistant handles typos and tone so writers can focus on strategy and narrative. Top lawyers leverage contract review tools to process documentation with 98%+ accuracy, freeing up mental bandwidth.

The message is clear: AI is here to help, not replace, the workforce. When incorporated thoughtfully, it makes the impossible possible.

Projected Global GDP Increase from AI by 2030

PwC estimates enormous global economic gains from artificial intelligence adoption over the coming decade. Source

Next let‘s overview today‘s top text and image generators that enable anyone to tap into creative superpowers in minutes.

Best AI Text Generators

AI writing tools craft high-quality content exponentially faster than humanly possible. While great for jumpstarting drafts, human oversight remains vital to refine nuance and voice.

1. ChatGPT by OpenAI

Background: ChatGPT launched in November 2022 as an ultra-advanced chatbot and writing assistant. Its conversational abilities stunned tech circles previously skeptical of AI‘s language mastery.

Capabilities: ChatGPT fields complex questions, explains concepts confidently, writes articles, composes creative fiction and even develops computer code with proficiency. Its articulation and versatility set it apart from previous AI bots.

Use Cases: OpenAI trains organizations including AWS, Reddit and Mozilla on applying ChatGPT ethically. Individuals use it for drafting tweets, emails and essays or as an ultra-smart personal assistant.

Limitations: As an AI system, ChatGPT occasionally generates false information or biased perspectives requiring human evaluation. It also lacks knowledge of events after 2021 since its training data capped then.

ChatGpt Article Generator

2. Jasper AI

Background: Founded in 2020 by AI pioneer Anthropic, Jasper simplifies content creation from blogs to social posts to white papers. It continues honing its personalization and alignment.

Capabilities: Jasper asks clarifying questions on desired tone, length and topics to optimize suggestions. It writes full blog posts in seconds for inspiration or finalization depending on needs.

Use Cases: Small businesses often use Jasper for social media captions and blog drafts. SEO agencies generate client white papers tailored for lead generation. Authors enjoy plot help for developing fictional stories.

Limitations: As a young platform, Jasper‘s diction and topic mastery remains inferior to pioneers like ChatGPT. For certain sensitive subjects, it risks generating problematic text.


Background: Founded in 2019, aims to generate marketing copy that sells. Its AI studies high-performing advertisements and messaging to optimize engagement.

Capabilities: crafts product descriptions, email/SMS campaigns, Facebook/Google ads, landing pages and more. Users specify their goal, industry, tone and other parameters to maximize conversions.

Use Cases: Ecommerce brands use to efficiently produce item descriptions at scale. Marketers integrate it into their social media and digital campaigns for consistent messaging that converts.

Limitations: For industries with unique terminology like law or pharmaceuticals,‘s generic training falls short. Additionally, continually evaluating outputs for accuracy remains critical.

CopyAI Unique Marketing Copy Generator creates customized, high-converting marketing copy tailored to your business goals.

4. ContentBot by Roobot

Founded in 2020, Roobot developed one of the market‘s first AI content creators, now called ContentBot. The tool aims to democratize quality writing using machine learning.

Capabilities: ContentBot generates blog posts, social captions, emails, chatbot dialogue and more. One feature creates full blog drafts from just a headline for extreme efficiency.

Use Cases: Marketing teams use ContentBot for automation of rote content tasks. It also assists freelance writers with frameworks to accelerate ideation and drafting.

Limitations: As with all AI generators, rigorously evaluating and editing the output remains critical before publication. ContentBot also falters creating highly creative or emotionally compelling narratives.

5. QuillBot

Background: Launched in 2017, QuillBot pioneered paraphrasing algorithms for simplifying and enhancing language. Its objective approach improves context and readability.

Capabilities: Beyond paraphrasing written text, QuillBot summarizes long-form articles into key takeaways. You can also fine-tune the sophistication level and tone from basic to advanced language.

Use Cases: Students and academics use QuillBot to augment essays and research papers for better clarity and flow. Business professionals simplify dense corporate documentation like financial reports or legal contracts into accessible overviews for stakeholders.

Limitations: QuillBot focuses narrowly on paraphrasing rather than original writing. As it manipulates submitted text, checking outputs to avoid meaning distortions remains important.

6. ShortlyAI

Background: Established in 2021, ShortlyAI aims to optimize written communication for clarity and impact catered to various audiences.

Capabilities: Upload company presentations, investment documents, technical specifications and more. ShortlyAI simplifies and improves them using millions of writing data points including syntax and word choice.

Use Cases: Corporations use ShortlyAI to enhance dense investor presentations into compelling, easy-to-digest narratives. They also simplify technical documentation around products or services into appealing consumer-friendly summaries.

Limitations: Its specialized focus on corporate documents makes ShortlyAI less suitable for creative writing applications. As usual, continually scrutinizing AI outputs stays vital for accuracy.

Across industries, businesses small and large discover augmented efficiency and creativity through AI writing tools. Let‘s now explore leading options for automated visual content creation.

Best AI Image Generators

Advanced image generators redefine self-expression using machine learning to manifest ideas instantly. However, thoughtfully incorporating them into design workflows preserves creative direction.

7. DALL-E 2

Background: Released in 2022 by AI trailblazer OpenAI, DALL-E 2 generates images from text captions with remarkable skill. The system demonstrates an eye for photography principles like contrast, color and composition.

Capabilities: DALL-E 2 produces aesthetic, print-worthy images tailored to any descriptive prompt within seconds. Users can also upload existing images for editing, merging and expanding based on added text guidance.

Use Cases: Bloggers leverage DALL-E 2 to swiftly visualize written posts for greater reader engagement. Marketers integrate generated social media images tailored to campaigns, heightening interest exponentially faster than manual alternatives.

Limitations: While technically impressive, DALL-E 2‘s full creative potential remains constrained by content moderation policies. All images pass through filters, occasionally reducing artistic risk-taking in final outputs.

DALL-E 2 Unique Image Generator

8. Midjourney

Background: Founded in 2021, Midjourney pioneered an artistic take on AI image generation focused on imagination and boundary-pushing. The platform delights creators through unexpected, surreal suggestions.

Capabilities: Midjourney transforms text prompts into stunning digital artwork in seconds. Users also iteratively edit outputs by adding guidance until desired results emerge organically, making it highly dynamic.

Use Cases: Midjourney excels assisting artists, photographers and graphic designers in conceptualizing book covers, album art and other creative projects through unconventional, dreamlike visuals for inspiration.

Limitations: Its niche arts focus makes Midjourney less suited for pragmatic branding and social media images. Additionally, digesting large volumes of experimental output takes time and human discernment.

9. Canva

Background: Established in 2012, DIY design platform Canva empowers professionals and amateurs alike to create visual content. In 2022, Canva integrated groundbreaking AI image generation and editing capabilities.

Capabilities: Canva users describe the photo composition, style and other attributes. The AI then manifests custom images, presentations, logos and more tailored to parameters. Users further refine selections before exporting printable results.

Use Cases: Bloggers, marketers, brands and other non-designers benefit from Canva‘s beginner-friendly UX and flexible image customization tools assisted by AI. Final assets maintain quality resolution and alignment for professional application.

Limitations: Canva‘s image generation focuses on appealing graphics for pragmatic use rather than purely artistic creativity. Expect business-centric visuals over avant garde compositions.

10. Getty Images Creator

Background: Legendary stock media marketplace Getty Images unveiled its AI creator tool in 2022 for subscribers to generate customized images hassle-free. The feature democratizes design by eliminating intensive software knowledge previously required.

Capabilities: Getty Images Creator produces unique prints, graphics, and photo composites matching text descriptions within seconds. Users then fine tune mood, style and other qualities before licensing final files respecting permissions.

Use Cases: Bloggers and marketers often leverage Getty Creator for social posts, ads and branded visual content. Instead of paying photographers, the tool provides flexible, affordable, good-enough custom images on demand to aid productivity.

Limitations: Relying too heavily on Getty Creator risks unoriginal designs compared to competitors. Human creative direction remains key to maximizing novelty.

Additional nascent players like DreamStudio, Runway and Imagen continue pushing boundaries each month as AI image generation gathers momentum globally.

The Future of AI Creation

Venture funding poured into generative AI startups currently exceeds $1 billion annually as tools once considered novelties transition into studios powering real business growth.

By 2025, researchers predict the AI creation market could reach $100 billion, benefiting creators and consumers alike provided ethical practices steer progress. Beyond assisting professionals, AI democratizes design by empowering anyone to develop quality graphics, copy, prototypes and more regardless of technical skills.

As capabilities advance, seamlessly blending AI into creative processes will require cultural openness just as much as computing power. But by complementing human imagination and empathy, not supplanting them, generative technologies harbor enormous positive potential.

Projected Growth of the AI Creative Market

Experts forecast massive expansion of artificial intelligence tools for generative content creation in coming years. Source

In Closing

AI productivity engines like chatbots and image generators showcase astonishing progress launching users light years ahead creatively and emotionally. But thoughtfully evaluating outputs and overlaying uniquely human judgment remains imperative to ethically maximizing gains.

With an appropriately balanced approach, AI promises to augment the talents of motivated, creative professionals exponentially in the years ahead. We welcome you to responsibly participate as this thrilling technology continuum unfolds.


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.