
How to Fix “Easy Anti-Cheat is not installed” in MultiVersus

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Hey friend! If you‘re seeing an "Easy Anti-Cheat is not installed" error when trying to launch MultiVersus, this guide will help you out. I‘ve battled that pesky bug myself, but fortunately there are a few proven methods for fixing it.

Let‘s first quickly go over the basics of the error, and then I‘ll walk you through the steps I‘ve used to resolve it on my own system. Stick with me, and you‘ll be fragging chumps in the arena in no time!

What Causes the “Easy Anti-Cheat Not Installed” Error?

Easy Anti-Cheat is an anti-cheat service developed by Epic Games to block hacking and cheating in multiplayer PC games. It uses advanced techniques like fingerprinting and game memory analysis to detect and ban cheaters.

MultiVersus relies on Easy Anti-Cheat to keep its online multiplayer modes fair and hack-free. But some players have reported getting an error saying "Easy Anti-Cheat is not installed" when trying to launch the game.

Based on my experience and researching discussions, this error seems to occur due to:

  • Corrupted or missing game files related to Easy Anti-Cheat.
  • Easy Anti-Cheat failing to properly install/update on some systems.
  • Compatibility issues with certain hardware or software configurations.
  • The game not having admin access needed to launch Easy Anti-Cheat.

It‘s a frustratingly vague error, but the good news is there are a few straightforward fixes we can try to resolve it.

Step-by-Step Solutions to Fix “Easy Anti-Cheat Not Installed”

Let‘s go through each potential solution one-by-one:

Verify Integrity of Game Files

This is a quick fix that works surprisingly often. Here‘s how you do it:

  1. Open your Steam library and right click on MultiVersus.
  2. Select Properties > Local Files tab > Verify Integrity of Game Files.
  3. Steam will now scan your install and download any missing or corrupted files. This includes the Easy Anti-Cheat components.

Verifying usually only takes a few minutes. Once finished, try launching MultiVersus again. Many have reported the error goes away after doing this simple step.

Run MultiVersus as Administrator

This grants the admin access that Easy Anti-Cheat requires to function when the game launches. Here‘s how to set it up:

  1. Right click on the MultiVersus shortcut or EXE file.
  2. Select Properties > Compatibility tab.
  3. Check the box next to "Run this program as an administrator".
  4. Click Apply and OK to save the changes.

Now when you launch the game, it will start with admin rights, allowing Easy Anti-Cheat to enable properly. Running as admin avoids the permissions issues that can cause this error.

Update Your Graphics Drivers

I know this sounds unlikely, but outdated GPU drivers can definitely cause conflicts with anti-cheat systems like Easy Anti-Cheat.

Use a tool like GeForce Experience to check for and install the latest drivers from Nvidia or AMD. Once updated, restart your PC and try MultiVersus again. Having the latest drivers can resolve quirky compatibility issues.

Adjust Compatibility Settings

You can also manually set compatibility modes to help MultiVersus run properly on your system. Here‘s what I recommend trying:

  1. Right click MultiVersus > Properties > Compatibility tab.
  2. Check the box next to "Run this program in compatibility mode for…"
  3. Select Windows 8 or 10 from the drop down menu (even if you‘re on 7).
  4. Also try checking "Disable fullscreen optimizations" and "Run as 640 X 480".
  5. Hit Apply and launch the game again.

Playing around with the compatibility settings can fix conflicts preventing Easy Anti-Cheat from loading up.

Reinstall or Update Easy Anti-Cheat

If all else fails, completely reinstalling Easy Anti-Cheat itself could do the trick:

  1. Browse to your MultiVersus install folder (usually something like "C:\Program Files\MultiVersus").
  2. Delete the EasyAntiCheat folder you see in there.
  3. Next, right click MultiVersus in your Steam library and select Properties > Local Files > Verify Integrity of Game Files.
    • This will re-download a fresh copy of Easy Anti-Cheat.

Alternatively, you can try manually uninstalling Easy Anti-Cheat from your Control Panel, then reinstalling it. This wipes out any corrupted files that could be causing issues.

Contact Customer Support

If you still get the error after trying all the steps above, your best option is to contact WB Games‘ customer support. They should be able to investigate further and hopefully provide a specialized fix.

Make sure to include your full system specs and any error logs/codes you‘re seeing. Also explain exactly what fixes you‘ve attempted already. This info will help them troubleshoot and identify any problems on their end.

Comparing the Potential Fixes

Here‘s a quick overview of the different methods for resolving the Easy Anti-Cheat error, so you know the pros and cons of each approach:

Method Pros Cons
Verify Game Files – Quick and easy fix
– Works if files corrupted
– Won‘t help for other issues
Run as Admin – Simple solution
– Broad compatibility fix
– Security risk if not needed
Update Drivers – Improves system stability
– Prevents future issues
– Time consuming
– May not resolve error
Compatibility Mode – Targeted compatibility fix – Trial and error to get working
Reinstall Anti-Cheat – Direct fix for file issues – Technical process
– May not work

I‘d recommend starting with the easier options (game file verification and running as admin), then trying the more advanced solutions until hopefully one does the trick for you.

Avoiding “Easy Anti-Cheat Not Installed” Errors in the Future

Here are a few tips to help avoid running into this error again after you‘ve fixed it:

  • Keep Windows and your drivers updated – outdated systems cause compatibility issues.
  • Don‘t modify or mess with game files related to Easy Anti-Cheat.
  • Verify MultiVersus files through Steam before launching if you notice crashes or suspect corruption.
  • Run MultiVersus as admin by default so Easy Anti-Cheat always has proper permissions.
  • Reinstall Easy Anti-Cheat after major MultiVersus updates in case of new conflicts.

And there you have it! Those steps should get you back into the game and smashing chumps with your favorite character in no time. Let me know if you have any other questions. Happy gaming!


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.