
Brand Identity: 5 Basic Steps You Need to Cover

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Think of some of the most well-known companies like Amazon, Disney, and Starbucks. What makes them different from their competitors? It’s all in their branding. These big-name businesses know their brand inside and out, and that’s what makes their marketing so powerful despite the rising competition. This guide will explore five basic steps you need to cover to master your brand identity.

1. Understand Your Audience

The main reason brands fail is because they don’t connect with their audience. If you don’t know who you’re talking to, nobody will hear you. This starts with the basics. Really pinpoint your audience. Think of who your ideal consumer is. What’s his or her background? What does he or she do in her free time? Understand this person on an intimate level.

Once you can picture your target customer, you can start to build a brand that speaks to him or her. Are you branding a productivity app for HR managers? You’ll want to create a message that speaks to the busy days of interviews and compliance management that HR managers deal with. Knowing your audience means knowing how to market, where to market, and when to market.

2. Create a Message

Your brand needs a unique message. This ties directly into your target audience. What problems do they need to be solved? What values do they care about? This should be reflected in your messaging. Your messaging isn’t all about sales.

Your message is a promise to your consumers. Take Disney World, for example. Everyone knows the famous tagline “The Happiest Place on Earth.” This is Disney’s promise of a world as happy as childhood itself. What’s your brand message?

3. Tell Your Story

Your brand is more than a logo and the right colours. Your brand is your own unique story. You can tell this story again and again to build a connection between your brand and your audience. All of your marketing strategies should fit into this story. What is your brand doing differently?

Where did you begin? This story should set you apart from the competition without coming across as another sales pitch.

4. Break Down Walls

Nobody wants to feel like they’re interacting with a robot. Remember, behind the definition of your target audience is a real person. Social media gives you the chance to directly interact with your audience in a way that breaks down walls. The more you’re able to interact and communicate with your audience in a real way, the more likely people will remember your brand.

It’s not all about social media. You can break these walls between your brand and the customer through things like blogs, live chat, and interactive features. Check out this top-ten list for more info on the best live chat software to easily start talking to your customers! Be proactive about breaking barriers!

5. Be Easy to Find

Your customers shouldn’t have to hunt for you. It’s your goal as a brand to position yourself so your ideal customers easily find you. That means knowing what social media to spend time on, and which ones to skip.

Different demographics flock to different platforms and not every industry is the same. The best way to learn what works is to try different things and analyze your success. If you’ve tried Facebook ads but don’t notice any ROI, it might be time to try Instagram. Your audience is out there, don’t give up on looking for them!


Creating the right marketing strategy is all about brand identity. If you know your target audience inside and out and you’re ready to tell your brand story, it’s time to get serious about your marketing.

Be proactive about connecting with your customers, and listen to your brand feedback. Your brand will grow with your business to reflect your true audience.


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.