
How To Change Spotify Playlist Picture: The Complete Step-by-Step Guide

default image

Hey there music lover! Have you ever wanted to jazz up your Spotify playlists with cool, customized cover art? Tired of the boring old default collages? I‘ve got some great news for you!

In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll show you how to change your Spotify playlist picture on mobile, desktop, and web. Trust me, it‘s much easier than you think. We‘ll also look at why Spotify can be stubborn about letting you edit images sometimes and how to fix it.

So whether you use an iPhone, Android, Mac, PC, or your browser, you‘ll be able to spice up your playlists with awesome photos in no time. Let‘s dive in!

An Introduction to Customizing Your Spotify Playlist Covers

Before we get to the step-by-step instructions, let me give you some background on Spotify playlist covers and why you might want to change them.

Playlists are a big part of what makes Spotify so popular. The ability to organize tracks into custom lists for any mood, activity, or occasion is amazing. Over 5 billion playlists have been created by users so far!

By default, Spotify generates a tiled collage of the artists‘ profile pics when you make a new playlist. It does the job, but lacks originality.

Adding your own cover image allows you to:

  • Show off your personality: Pick fun photos that represent your music tastes.

  • Set the vibe: A beach sunset for a chill playlist, a party scene for your pump up mix.

  • Brand a themed playlist: Use holidays, events, memes, etc.

  • Stand out: Custom covers make it more likely listeners will click on your playlist.

According to Spotify data, playlists with user-uploaded images get 35% more clicks than the generic ones. So changing the picture can help your playlists get more exposure!

Now let‘s look at how to change that boring old default image to something you love.

Step-by-Step Instructions to Change Spotify Playlist Covers

The way you edit your Spotify playlist cover art is almost identical whether you use the mobile apps, desktop program, or web player.

Let‘s look at the specifics for each platform:

How to Change Playlist Cover Photos on iPhone & Android

Want to modify your playlist pictures on your phone? Here are the steps for both iPhone and Android Spotify apps:

  1. Launch the Spotify app and log into your account if prompted.

  2. Tap on Your Library in the bottom left corner.

  3. Select Playlists at the top of the Your Library section.

  4. Scroll down and tap the playlist whose cover you want to customize.

  5. Tap the 3 dot menu button in the top right.

  6. Choose Edit playlist from the options.

  7. Tap Change image.

  8. Select an existing photo from your camera roll or take a new snap.

  9. Hit Save to set the new cover art.

And that‘s it! Just a couple quick taps and you can update the playlist cover to anything you want in the mobile apps.

How To Update Spotify Playlist Covers in the Desktop App

Prefer to listen and manage playlists from your laptop or PC? Here‘s how to change the picture:

  1. Open up the Spotify app on your Mac or Windows computer.

  2. Click Your Library in the left sidebar menu.

  3. Right click the playlist you want to edit.

  4. Choose Edit Details from the pop-up menu.

  5. Click the current cover image or Change Image button.

  6. Select a new photo from your computer files.

  7. Click Choose Image to set the new picture.

Just find a great image saved on your computer and upload away!

Editing Spotify Playlist Covers from the Web Player

You can also customize your playlist covers without downloading any apps using the Spotify web player. Follow these steps:

  1. Go to and log in to your Spotify account.

  2. Click Your Library in the left sidebar.

  3. Select Playlists from the horizontal menu bar.

  4. Click on the playlist you want to modify.

  5. Click the 3 dot menu next to the playlist name.

  6. Choose Edit details.

  7. Click the current cover art or Change image.

  8. Upload an image file from your computer.

  9. Click Choose photo to save the new image.

And your playlist makeover is complete! The web player makes it easy to quickly change your playlist covers without needing to install any software.

Spotify Playlist Cover Specifications

To ensure your images work properly, keep these requirements in mind for playlist artwork:

  • File Format: JPEG, PNG, GIF
  • Maximum File Size: 4 MB
  • Minimum Resolution: 1280×1280 pixels

Landscape orientation tends to work best for the widescreen layouts of Spotify desktop and mobile apps. Just be sure to avoid any copyrighted images or photos you don‘t own the rights to.

Why Won‘t Spotify Let You Change the Cover Photo?

Now that you know how to change Spotify covers, you may be wondering why it doesn‘t always work. If the image option is greyed out or you can‘t upload a new photo, here are some common issues and fixes:

You Don‘t Own the Playlist

Only the original playlist creator can edit the details. If you‘re following a shared playlist or don‘t see the edit option, you unfortunately can‘t customize the picture.

Image File Size Is Too Large

Spotify only allows cover photos under 4MB. If your picture is over that limit, use an image editor to reduce the file size before uploading.

Too Much Cache Data

A buildup of temporary app data can sometimes cause editing problems. Close and reopen the app or clear the cache and data to refresh.

App or Platform Glitches

Occasional bugs with the Spotify apps or platforms may also block editing. Try switching to a different device or browser and see if that resolves any upload issues.

If all else fails, contact Spotify Customer Support for help getting your new cover image up and running!

Tips for Creating Awesome Spotify Playlist Covers

Now that you know how to change your Spotify covers, what kinds of photos should you use? Here are some pro tips:

  • Show off your personality! Don‘t be afraid to get funny or weird with your interests, hobbies, and sense of style.

  • Use colors that match the music mood and palette of dominant album art.

  • Add text with playlist names or motivational quotes. Free design apps can help.

  • Get inspired by meme culture. Viral meme templates make fun, recognizable covers.

  • Take original photos that visually represent the vibe of your playlist. Get creative!

  • Optimize images for large resolutions so they look crisp on big screens.

  • Credit any images you didn‘t take or own the rights to avoid issues.

Really want your playlists to stand out? Canva, PicMonkey, and other free graphic design tools make it easy to create collages and customized designs.

Frequently Asked Questions about Spotify Playlist Covers

I know you probably have more questions about the ins and outs of customizing your Spotify playlist covers. Here are answers to some commonly asked questions:

How do I find Spotify playlists to follow?

Use the Spotify search bar to look for playlists by genre, mood, activity, artist, or even meme. You can also browse playlists handpicked by Spotify‘s editors on the homepage and in the menus. Follow any you like to access them in Your Library.

Can I use copyrighted images for my playlist covers?

No, you can only upload images you own or have the rights to use. Spotify may remove playlists using copyrighted cover art. Stick to creative commons images or original photos you or friends took.

What image size does Spotify allow for covers?

For best quality, Spotify recommends a minimum resolution of 1280×1280 pixels or larger. Keep images under 4MB so they properly upload to Spotify‘s systems.

How many songs can I add to a Spotify playlist?

There‘s no official limit, but extremely large playlists with thousands of tracks can cause lagging. For best performance, most experts recommend keeping your playlists under 5,000 songs max.

How do I make my Spotify playlist public?

When creating a playlist, toggle the "Private Session" switch off. You can also go back and edit an existing playlist at any time to make it public on your Spotify profile.

Can I reorder songs in a playlist?

Yes! Open the playlist, tap the 3 dot menu, choose Edit Playlist, then drag and drop tracks to customize the order. You can continuously change it up.

Final Thoughts on Customizing Your Spotify Playlists

Well, that about covers everything you need to know about changing your Spotify playlist covers! See, I told you it was super easy.

So what are you waiting for? Go give your playlists a mini makeover with some awesome new pictures that show off your musical taste and personality.

Whether you‘re pumping up for a workout, chilling on the beach, or getting nostalgic with some throwbacks, the perfect playlist cover sets the tone.

I hope this guide helped explain how to change your Spotify playlist covers on any platform. Now you can stop settling for the boring autogenerated ones. Personalize your profile with photos you love!

Let me know if you have any other questions about customizing playlists on Spotify. I‘m always happy to help fellow music enthusiasts take their playlists to the next level.


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.