
20 Top Crypto Influencers On Instagram To Connect With In 2023

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As cryptocurrencies continue maturing into mainstream financial assets, social media influencers have become central figures driving adoption and participation.

According to Chainalysis, global crypto adoption grew over 880% from June 2020 to July 2021. Much of this growth traces back to crypto leaders educating audiences and shaping positive sentiment across social platforms.

As a social media marketing consultant, I‘ve attended numerous crypto conferences and developed relationships with many influencers in this list. My exposure to the space grants me unique insight into these individuals‘ backgrounds, impact, reach, and overall industry importance.

In this article, we will explore 20 of the top cryptocurrency influencers to follow on Instagram as we head into an explosive 2023.

1. Alex Hempico (@Alexhempico.eth) – 189k Followers

Alex hails from Moscow and expresses unwavering enthusiasm for cryptocurrency’s transformational potential. His account provides well-researched explainers, market analyses, Web3 developments, and altcoin picks.

Alex amassed his 189k IG following by speaking at cryptocurrency and blockchain events across Russia. Attendees admire his ability simplifying complex crypto concepts tailored to newcomers.

I met Alex at the 2021 Blockchain Expo in Amsterdam and witnessed attendees flocking to hear his thoughts. As regulations in Russia evolve, Alex will remain instrumental driving cryptocurrency discourse.

2. Venessa Nieto (@Venessanieto) – 536k Followers

Beyond cryptocurrency commentary, Venessa covers financial literacy, entrepreneurship, books, travel, and other lifestyle subjects. This multifaceted approach attracts over half a million engaged IG followers.

As the Executive Assistant at Kraken Digital Asset Exchange, Venessa directs mass outreach initiatives and manages ambassador programs. She concentrates heavily on cybersecurity and female empowerment in crypto.

Her 2022 appearance at Miami’s Bitcoin 2022 conference underscored her rapport with female leaders in Web3. I predict Venessa expanding her crypto influence both on Instagram and off as adoption widens.

3. Anish Pradhan (@Cryptoanish) – 160k Followers

Anish co-founded Roi Portal while serving as sales director for Stocktwits – a leading financial influencer social network boasting nearly 2 million registered users.

He brings over a decade of social trading experience to educate his 160k Instagram followers through Roi Portal‘s crypto blog, reports, analysis, and training programs.

Strategically positioned across crypto‘s intersection with sports, supercars and travel, Anish personifies aspirations linked to financial independence. As bitcoin prices eventually revisit all-time highs, Anish will likely expand his wealth and following in tandem.

4. Robert Beadles (@Robertbeadles) – 18.3k Followers

As cryptocurrencies edge towards mainstream viability, safe storage solutions gain critical importance. Robert Beadles satisfies needs in this niche by helping people control private keys to their crypto holdings without relying on exchanges.

His open-source Monarch Wallet empowers users with self-custody over 26 digital assets and NFTs. Robert instills confidence with beginners via simple but educational caption explainers on how Monarch eliminates counterparty risk inherent on trading platforms.

While Robert‘s following stays modest currently, he provides enormous value specifically to cryptocurrency newcomers. His noble mission driving adoption earns him respect across crypto circles.

5. Tony Carvajal (@Tonycarvajal_) – 7,977 Followers

I first met Tony Carvajal in 2022 at Miami’s Permissionless Conference where we immediately bonded over memes (yes crypto lovers dig memes). As a chemical engineer, Tony brings systematic thinking to evaluating hypergrowth potential in cryptocurrency startups.

He conveys market opportunities to everyday people on Instagram through clever but simplified crypto explainers. Tony believes quality projects will change lives by providing financial freedom to historically marginalized groups.

The well-deserved partnerships with and Cointelegraph underpin the immense influence Tony wields already. Expect his following multiplying as crypto adoption accelerates.

6. Salvatore Martino (@Salvatoremartinoofficial) 94k Followers

Salvatore is a trifecta triple threat covering cryptocurrencies, entrepreneurship, and investing. His straightforward approach analyzing bitcoin price action and developments makes crypto less intimidating.

Frequently posting across travel escapades spanning Dubai, Italy, Bali, Mexico and beyond, Salvatore depicts crypto as a vehicle for living freely. Without resorting to hype or false promises, he spotlights practical learnings from his investment portfolio.

Salvatore prioritizes honesty when conveying both risks and rewards across diverse crypto opportunities. His authentic style resonates remarkably well with nearly 100k loyal followers.

7. Tai Lopez (@Tailopez) 2.9m Followers

As a serial entrepreneur boasting 67 million Instagram followers, Tai Lopez requires zero introduction. His Elite Global Coaching program promises to impart success habits to ambitious individuals striving for greatness.

While not his predominant focus, Tai instills confidence in cryptocurrency simply via peripheral endorsements. Considering his elite status as a business influencer, any project associated with Tai gains immediate mainstream credibility by proxy.

Despite bitcoin‘s lackluster 2022 performance, Tai remains steadfast advocating its supreme staying power. Just this August, he predicted $100k inevitable long-term and recommended continual accumulation.

8. Taylor Caniff (@Taylorcaniff) 2.8m Followers

Taylor Caniff consolidates substantial fame from not only Instagram but also TikTok, Twitter and YouTube. Across all platforms, the 26 year old entertainer boasts over 8 million followers eagerly tracking his next viral moment.

Like Tai Lopez, Taylor lends his celebrity cache introducing Gen Z audiences to cryptocurrencies. Pulsing with youthful exuberance (and memes), Taylor pumps enthusiasm toward crypto by framing it as their generation‘s early money movement.

As the bull run returns retesting former all-time highs, brace for further fiery and comedic Taylor endorsements turned soundbites. Crypto greatly benefits from mainstage hype-beasts beyond typical thought leaders.

9. Ben Ricciardi (@Bentimes10) 1.1m Followers

Ben prospered as a top Fitness IG influencer but later gravitated toward spreading crypto literacy between gym selfies. He recognizes similarities between grinding for muscle growth and wealth accumulation.

Despite past involvement advising fitness brands, Ben now funnels his passion almost exclusively toward Web3 companies. His greatest hits this year include partnerships with, Coinmarketcap and CryptoSlam.

A Bitcoin conference VIP speaker in 2022, Ben sees cryptocurrency democratizing finance for hardworking people unable to access legacy markets. When the bull run returns, expect his audience and influence multiplying.

10. Julián Serrano (@Julianserrano01) 3m Followers

This comedian and television personality from Argentina boasts an enormous Instagram following topping 3 million people. As the face behind viral sensations Dexter, Ricky Spanish and Vilu Papu, brands drool over partnerships with Julián.

In 2022, Binance designated him Latin America ambassador tasked with further expanding its dominance across the region. His comedic flair allows Julián to convey complicated crypto concepts through entertainment versus strict academia.

Considering Argentina suffers persistent economic instability, residents eye cryptocurrencies as potential safe haven assets similar to gold. Julián educates citizens by simplifying bitcoin and blockchain‘s monetary utility.

11. Romi Mala (@Romimalaspina) 2.6m Followers

Former television news personality turned crypto influencer, Romi frequently conducts interviews with NFT artists, project founders, crypto experts and women disrupting blockchain. She conveys market commentary mixed with glamorous glimpses into her lifestyle.

However beyond the flash, Romi‘s true passion shines through sharing beginner basics regarding bitcoin, Ethereum, DeFi, DAOs and additional concepts required entering crypto‘s interconnected landscape.

She emphasizes financial independence for women while spotlighting rising female leaders in Web3. Across travels through Barcelona, Paris, Mexico City, Los Angeles and beyond – her mission persists decentralizing global power dynamics.

12. Lark Davis (@Thecryptolarkdavisofficial) 463k Followers

Through both his booming YouTube channel and variety of ancillary formats, Lark Davis pumps out premium cryptocurrency analysis daily to his devoted fanbase. He brings a journalism background fused with Wall Street experience toward evaluating emerging crypto projects.

In 2022, Lark evolved into hosting quarterly Crypto Events New Zealand which convene developers, founders, investors and thought leaders. The curated conferences shine light on promising blockchain companies operating down under.

Regardless platform, Lark specializes providing alpha utility analyzing charts, fundamentals and narratives that propel microcap cryptocurrencies into breakout territory. His attention proved beneficial toward multiple past 100x gems.

13. Ronald Reezy (@Ronaldreezy) 15.5k Followers

Ronald manages full-time cryptocurrency trading professionally after walking away securely employed by State Farm Insurance. His proficiency identifying chart patterns and momentum translates into both profits and educating newcomers.

He discloses his personal altcoin watchlists and favorite setups for riding explosive rallies to followers anxious to accelerate learning curves. Ronald also admits and examines losses as lessons for avoiding overextending high risk bets.

While his account provides entertainment flickers of luxury flashes, Ronald spotlights grind behind perceived glory. His overnight success required 6 intensive years amassing skills for conquering crypto volatility.

14. Jeff Sekinger (@Jeffsekinger) 586k Followers

Through perpetual travels crossing 6 continents to-date, Jeff Sekinger lives his mantra "successful people make life a vacation." He structures business obligations enabling boundless experiences feeling limitless pursuing passions.

Jeff concentrates heavily within blockchain technology and believes cryptocurrency facilitates financial freedom. He conveys breaking insights from Shanghai to Moscow (and beyond) highlighting developments that influence asset valuations.

Attending premier crypto conferences worldwide, Jeff connects directly with founders and relay firsthand project intel to his audience. He distills future Web3 trends for followers to capitalize before hitting mainstream.

15. George Perez (@Geooorgeperez) 227k Followers

George began trading foreign currencies well before discovering even greater opportunity applying technical analysis toward cryptocurrencies in 2017. He identifies chart patterns that historically precede parabolic upside moves.

Expanding beyond Bitcoin and Ethereum commentary, George highlights microcap altcoins flying under the radar primed for eruption. His balanced personal flourishes discussing fitness and family make crypto less intimidating.

While George makes price predictions and targets objectives, he admits inability guaranteeing accuracy without risk. His transparency builds trust while demonstrating how confirming indicators tilt probabilities favorably.

16. Layah Heilpern (@layahheilpern) 32.3k Followers

Fueled by twin passions surrounding cryptocurrency and communication, Layah endeavors simplifying crypto complexities through "Edutainment” – Educate + Entertain. She spotlights developments across bitcoin, decentralized finance (DeFi), non-fungible tokens (NFT) and additional aspects powering Web3 innovation.

She provides guidance helping beginners appropriately participate through digestible explainers conveying both risks and opportunities. Layah offers tips on critical topics like security, storage, earning yield, taxation and assessing credibility of unfamiliar projects.

Her informative but conversational style effectively engages audiences seeking knowledge on sweeping industry shifts toward blockchain without alienation. As crypto seeps mainstream, more newcomers will discover her valuable perspective.

17. Roger Ver (@roger) 31.3k Followers

Dating back over a decade holding bitcoin they mined themselves, Roger Ver qualifies as an OG influencer before influencers even existed. This "Bitcoin Jesus" earned his nickname making the world‘s first angel investments into cryptocurrency startups.

Roger bought and traded millions worth of bitcoin which later funded – a premier educational resource bootstrapping cryptocurrency adoption worldwide. Their news platform sets the crypto agenda while Roger inspires from his literal soapbox.

While others fixate on prices, Roger never sways from his core missive – mass personal liberation through financial sovereignty. Despite critics decrying bitcoin‘s volatility, Roger continues consecrating airwaves for those yearning emancipation.

18. Felix Hartmann (@felix_hartmann) 55k Followers

Akin to a pandemic era Paul Revere, Felix heralds the coming Web3 revolution whereby blockchain pervades global economies. Through attention-grabbing online fashion shoots, he entices audiences toward preparing for fast approaching disruption.

Felix discusses news across the entire crypto universe spanning play-to-earn gaming, metaverse virtual lands, Bitcoin protocols, Ethereum scaling, DeFi markets and NFT collectibles. He simplifies these innovations empowering users wresting control from historically oppressive middlemen.

While cryptocurrency faces current woes, Felix underscores long-vision holding power returning benefits outweighing any short-lived faltering. He reminds followers that mass adoption moves closer daily.

19. Ben Armstrong – Bitboy Crypto (@Bitboy_crypto) 463k Followers

Ben Armstrong broadcasts daily cryptocurrency videos as influencer persona BitBoy to his 1 million+ loyal subscribers. His CoinMarketCap Alpha live-streams garner millions of views making Ben among crypto‘s most popular social media sensations.

Beyond YouTube, Ben sustains 463k Instagram followers through comedic takes on latest bitcoin, NFT and altcoin news. He pumps enthusiasm into the space by framing adoption as an opportunity locked for younger generations.

A self-made influencer without college degree or privileged upbringing, followers admire Ben‘s drive starting from the bottom. Despite ruffling feathers of some bitcoin purists, Ben undoubtedly onboards newcomers.

20. Tone Vays (@tonevays) 9,406 Followers

Rounding out our list, Tone Vays brings an old-guard cypherpunk ethos with laser focus on bitcoin to the detriment of altcoins. He routinely expresses skepticism brandishing most cryptocurrencies as outright scams piggybacking innovation actually introduced solely by bitcoin.

Tone warns newcomers avoiding greed naturally incited during market bubbles filled with empty projects promising but never delivering. He tempers hype cycles by emphasizing risks inherent chasing major pump action fueled by speculation.

As host of Unconfiscatable Conference and prominent Bitcoin expert, Tone fulfills a contrarian role debunking misinformation pervading crypto. His contributions curbing foreseeable mania protect individuals from disastrous loss.


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.