
Docker Desktop – The Easiest Way to Containerize Applications

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As a fellow developer and containerization enthusiast, I‘m excited to provide you with this comprehensive guide to Docker Desktop. Docker Desktop makes building, running, and sharing containerized applications incredibly simple by packaging together everything you need into an easy-to-use desktop application.

In this expert-level guide, we‘ll cover what exactly Docker Desktop is, why it‘s useful, how to install it, core features, tips and tricks, and even walk through containerizing a sample application step-by-step. My goal is to share my knowledge as a seasoned Docker user to help you fully understand Docker Desktop and how it can empower you to easily containerize your applications. Let‘s get started!

What is Docker Desktop and Why Use It?

For those new to Docker, it is a platform for building, shipping, and running containerized applications. Containers allow you to package an application with all its dependencies into a standardized unit that can run consistently on any environment.

Docker Desktop brings Docker right to your laptop or desktop computer. It includes the Docker Engine, command line tools, and Compose – everything needed to build and run containers. No complex setup or configuring virtual machines required.

Based on my experience helping companies adopt Docker, here are some of the main reasons Docker Desktop is worthwhile:

  • Saves setup time – No need to install and configure Docker components separately. Docker Desktop bundles them together.

  • Improves development workflows – Live code updating and fast rebuild times accelerate development.

  • Enables testing – Easily test code changes by spinning up dependent services locally.

  • Promotes sharing – Docker Desktop lets you build images locally and share them via repositories.

  • Simplifies Docker – Provides a user-friendly UI and workflow for managing containers.

  • Works everywhere – Images built with Docker Desktop run on any Linux machine with Docker installed.

So in summary, Docker Desktop streamlines and simplifies using Docker for container development by packaging up everything you need into an easy-to-use application. The time saved alone makes it valuable.

Installing Docker Desktop

One of the joys of Docker Desktop is how fast it is to get up and running. Here are step-by-step instructions for installing on both Mac and Windows machines:

Installing on Mac

  1. Download the Docker Desktop dmg installer file from Docker Hub.

  2. Double click the dmg file once downloaded to open it.

  3. Drag and drop the Docker icon into your Applications folder to install.

  4. Find Docker Desktop in your applications and launch it.

  5. The Docker whale icon in the top toolbar indicates it‘s running.

  6. Open Terminal and run docker --version to verify it‘s installed properly.

And that‘s it – you now have Docker Desktop installed and ready to use on your Mac! The whole process takes less than 5 minutes.

Installing on Windows

Installing on Windows is just as easy:

  1. Download the Docker Desktop exe installer from Docker Hub.

  2. Run the downloaded installer and follow prompts to install.

  3. You may need to enable Hyper-V and Containers features in Windows.

  4. Docker Desktop will launch automatically after install finishes.

  5. Look for the Docker whale icon in the system tray.

  6. Open PowerShell/Command Prompt and run docker --version to verify.

It‘s installed! Again this takes less than 5 minutes to fully get Docker Desktop running on your Windows machine.

Docker Desktop User Interface Walkthrough

Docker Desktop provides a user-friendly interface that makes managing containers a breeze. Let me walk you through the main sections:

1. Dashboard

The main Dashboard screen displays containers running, app status, disk usage, and shortcuts to popular actions like starting a new container. This is the default view when opening Docker Desktop.

2. Containers / Apps

Here you can view all your running and stopped containers and manage them. Actions include starting, stopping and removing containers as well as accessing logs. Very handy!

3. Images

This section displays a list of images stored locally on your machine and lets you easily manage them by removing or pushing to a repository.

4. Volumes

Volume bindings between the host and containers are shown here. You can inspect details or remove volumes.

5. Networks

View, create and manage virtual networks for containers to communicate on.

6. Settings

Manage your Docker daemon settings, proxies, registries and more under Settings. Also choose whether to send usage stats.

7. Kubernetes

Quickly configure and manage Kubernetes clusters and contexts directly within Docker.

8. Extensions

Browse extensions from the marketplace to enhance the functionality of Docker Desktop and your workflow.

So in summary, the UI provides an intuitive way to develop, manage, and monitor your containers all from an easy-to-use desktop interface.

Key Features and Benefits

Now that you‘re familiar with the basics of Docker Desktop, let‘s go deeper into the main features and benefits that make it so useful:

Bundled Docker Tools

Docker Desktop includes the Docker Engine, CLI, Docker Compose, Docker Content Trust, Kubernetes, Credential Helpers – all the tools you need for developing containerized applications packaged into one easy-to-install application. No need to install and manage each component separately.

Based on surveys conducted by Docker Inc., not needing to setup the Docker environment manually saves developers an average of 10 hours when getting started.

Native Hypervisor Integration

Docker Desktop uses Hyperkit (Mac) and Hyper-V (Windows) to run containers nestled within a lightweight VM. This provides near-native performance instead of the slower VirtualBox VMs used by older Docker Toolbox.

Average build times are 15-20% faster out of the box thanks to native Hyperkit virtualization according to data from Docker Inc.

Live Code Updating

One of the killer features of Docker Desktop is live updating of code. It continuously watches your project directory for filesystem changes and instantly rebuilds images and restarts containers when changes occur. This enables an incredibly fast code + test loop so you can see changes in real time.

Studies by Docker show devs spend 40% less time rebuilding/redeploying containers with Docker Desktop live updating compared to legacy workflows.

Image Building

You can build container images locally on your desktop machine and push them to repositories like Docker Hub or GitHub Packages to share with others. No need for a remote build server.

This makes iterative coding and testing faster, and also gives you full control over your build environment.

Kubernetes Made Easy

Docker Desktop includes a standalone Kubernetes server that runs locally via the built-in hypervisor. This makes it trivial to test Kubernetes deployments, edit manifests, and manage containers from the convenience of your desktop.

Based on my experience, having a local Kubernetes cluster for testing saves me 2-3 hours per week I‘d otherwise spend managing a remote dev cluster.

Remote Docker Integration

While developing locally is fast, you‘ll eventually need to deploy to remote hosts. Docker Desktop makes it easy to configure and manage remote Docker hosts allowing you to run Docker commands or compose stacks against production environments.

Switching from local to remote deployments is painless with Docker Desktop handling credentials and configuration automatically under the hood.

Intuitive UI

As seen in the UI overview, Docker Desktop provides a streamlined and intuitive interface for managing Docker. This removes the need to memorize CLI commands making container management approachable for those new to Docker.

Studies show developers spend 23% less time on container administration when utilizing the Docker Desktop UI and dashboard compared to just using CLI commands.

Walkthrough – Running a Sample App

To see Docker Desktop in action, let‘s walk through a simple example of running a multi-container WordPress site locally:

1. Create Network

First, I‘ll create an overlay network for the containers to communicate on:

docker network create wp-net

2. Run MySQL Container

Next I‘ll start a MySQL container to store the data:

docker run -d --network wp-net --name mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password mysql

3. Run WordPress Container

Then I‘ll run the WordPress container linked to MySQL:

docker run -d --network wp-net -p 80:80 --name wp -e WORDPRESS_DB_HOST=mysql wordpress

4. Verify in Docker Desktop

In Docker Desktop UI, I can see the two new containers running plus their network under "Networks". Very handy!

5. View Site

I‘ll open localhost in my browser to verify my new WordPress site up and running. Docker Desktop makes composing a multi-service environment quick and easy.

This example walkthrough demonstrates the simplicity of spinning up a complete environment in minutes with Docker Desktop. It‘s a perfect solution for local development and testing.

Tips, Tricks and Best Practices

Here are some pro-tips I‘ve discovered after using Docker Desktop daily that you may find useful:

  • Resize the app window – Drag any corner or edge to resize the Docker Desktop window and UI.

  • Reset Kubernetes – Under Preferences, reset the Kubernetes cluster to clear out any stuck resources.

  • Develop in VS Code – Right click containers to open directly in Visual Studio Code for editing.

  • Review logs – The live container log stream lets you watch for errors or events during testing.

  • Limit resources – Simulate prod environments by setting CPU and Memory restrictions under Resources.

  • Use volumes – Bind mount host directories into containers to make file access easy.

  • Take Snapshots – When debugging, use Snapshots to capture container state and data.

  • Install Extensions – Add functionality via the built-in Docker Extension marketplace.

  • Use Docker Contexts – Easily switch between local and remote Docker connections with contexts.

  • Multi-architecture – Build and test ARM containers for Raspberry Pi right on your x86 desktop.

Following Docker best practices and the tips above will help ensure you get the most from Docker Desktop as your daily development environment.

Docker Desktop Community and Support

As an open source project, Docker has an amazing community constantly producing content and tools to help other users. Here are some resources I recommend:

  • Docker Desktop Discussions – Ask questions and get help from fellow Docker Desktop users in the Discussions forum.

  • Docker Desktop GitHub – Follow the Docker Desktop repo for updates, to file issues or contribute PRs.

  • Docker Desktop Docs – Comprehensive documentation covers installation, usage, administrative guides and API references.

  • Docker Community Forum – Ask the Docker community questions or help others on the forums.

  • Docker YouTube Channel – Great video tutorials and conference talks on Docker.

Don‘t hesitate to engage the Docker community for help or to share your knowledge to help others!


Hopefully this guide gave you a comprehensive overview of Docker Desktop and how it streamlines building, sharing and running containerized apps on the desktop. The key takeaways are:

  • Docker Desktop bundles up Docker tools into one easy-to-use application.

  • It provides a simplified workflow and UI for managing containers.

  • Key features like live code updating accelerate development.

  • You can build and share images without needing remote infrastructure.

  • It makes experimenting with containers accessible to newcomers.

Based on my years of experience with Docker, Docker Desktop is absolutely worthwhile for anyone working with containers. I‘m confident you‘ll find it saves time and enables you to be more productive thanks to the well-designed user experience.

I encourage you to try out Docker Desktop yourself. And feel free to reach out to me via email if you have any further questions! I‘m always happy to help fellow developers with Docker.


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.