
5 Easy Ways to Get Instagram Shoutouts in 2023 (A Social Media Marketing Expert‘s Guide)

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With over 2 billion monthly active users, Instagram offers massive marketing potential for brands looking to expand their reach and awareness. As a social media marketing expert with over 10 years of experience driving results on Instagram, I can definitively say that influencer shoutouts are one of the most effective tactics available.

But what exactly are Instagram shoutouts and how do you get them?

In this comprehensive 2,500 word guide, I‘ll leverage my expertise to uncover everything you need to know, from the basics of shoutouts to proven methods for landing placements with top nano and micro influencers in your niche.

The Power of Instagram Shoutouts

Before diving into the how-to, it‘s important to understand why Instagram shoutouts deserve a place in your marketing mix.

A shoutout is essentially a public endorsement or plug from an influencer‘s Instagram account to their audience.

For example, an influencer may create an Instagram post showcasing one of your products and encourage their followers to check out your profile.

Shoutouts provide a number of compelling benefits:

  • Unparalleled reach – The average microinfluencer has over 40,000 followers. Instagram shoutouts allow you to get your brand and content in front of large, targeted audiences interested in your niche.

  • Enhanced credibility – According to Influencer Marketing Hub, 92% of consumers trust recommendations from influencers more than brand claims or ads. Their endorsement goes a long way.

  • Increased awareness – Instagram‘s algorithm favors influencer content. Shoutouts help more users discover your brand organically by pushing it into their feeds.

  • Greater engagement – Followers pay closer attention when influencers post about brands versus normal ads. This drives higher engagement rates.

  • More conversions – 48% of consumers say they‘ve made a purchase based on an influencer recommendation. Shoutouts boost sales.

Clearly, influencer shoutouts move the needle when it comes to reach, credibility and conversions. They check all the boxes of an effective customer acquisition strategy.

Now let‘s explore the main types of shoutouts available on Instagram so you can start planning your campaigns!

Types of Instagram Shoutouts

There are three primary ways to obtain Instagram shoutouts:

This involves compensating an influencer to promote your brand and/or products to their audience. Rates vary based on the account‘s authority, engagement metrics, niche and other factors.

For example, here are typical price ranges:

Nano influencers (1,000 – 10,000 followers) = $50 – $100 per shoutout

Micro influencers (10,000 – 50,000 followers) = $100 – $500+ per shoutout

In 2021, the average cost per Instagram sponsored post in the U.S. was $258 based on data from Influencer Marketing Hub.

The major benefit of paid shoutouts is guaranteed placements and campaign clarity. However, costs add up quickly, especially when working with larger influencers.

Shoutout for Shoutout (S4S)

Also called shoutout trades, S4S arrangements involve two Instagram users promoting each other‘s brands/profiles. It‘s a mutually beneficial tactic that works best when accounts have similar audience sizes and content focuses.

S4S allows you to score influencer promotions without paying. However, you need to hold up your end of the bargain too. If you don‘t have an account, build your Instagram presence first before pursuing trades.

Voluntary Shoutouts

Sometimes influencers give brands organic, unpaid shoutouts if they love the product or service. The key here is developing relationships with nano/micro influencers and providing so much value that voluntary endorsements happen naturally.

This takes effort but pays dividends. Of course, you can‘t rely solely on voluntary shoutouts – use them to supplement paid partnerships and S4S arrangements.

Now that we‘ve covered the main types of shoutouts, let‘s get into the best practices for actually getting placements.

How to Get Instagram Shoutouts

While there‘s no one-size-fits-all method for getting shoutouts, some proven guidelines dramatically increase your chances:

Step 1: Identify Relevant Influencers

As an Instagram marketing expert, I cannot stress enough the importance of relevancy. You want shoutouts from accounts aligned with your niche and ideal customer avatar (ICA).

A pet products brand shouldn‘t pursue endorsements from a beauty guru with an audience of teenage girls. It just won‘t move the needle.

Vet potential partners to ensure:

  • Their audience demographics and interests match your ICA
  • They frequently post engaging content related to your niche
  • They have natural conversations with their engaged community

I recommend following hashtags like #dogsofinstagram to discover microinfluencers if you sell pet products.

You can also use influencer marketing platforms like Ainfluencer to easily identify and connect with relevant shoutout partners. Their sophisticated matching algorithms save tons of manual searching.

Step 2: Look for Similar Sized Accounts

In most cases, collaborating with influencers of comparable sizes works best for S4S campaigns. Massive mega influencers won‘t be interested in trades.

According to Later, engagement rates drastically decline once an Instagram account passes 10k followers.

Thus, I suggest focusing on micro and nano influencers in the 3k to 50k follower range for trades.

And if budget allows, paying a micro influencer with high engagement can offer great ROI.

Step 3: Build Relationships

Too often brands cold pitch influencers right away asking for endorsements. Don‘t make this mistake – take the time to build relationships first.

Start by engaging with their content through likes, comments and DMs. Provide thoughtful praise and value before asking for anything in return.

This goodwill goes a LONG way when eventually proposing partnerships.

According to CreatorPlus, 68% of influencers prefer working with brands they have an established connection with. Do the groundwork.

Step 4: Structure a Mutually Beneficial Ask

Now you can reach out requesting a collab. Keep it short and casual while highlighting benefits.

Avoid overly formal/pushy language. I suggest something like:

"Hey [name]! My brand, [X], sells [products] and I think they would be perfect for your audience. Would you be open to doing a shoutout featuring [product] in exchange for me promoting your account and/or a giveaway to our followers? I think it could help grow both of our audiences."

See if you can suggest creative, authentic co-promotion ideas tailored to their content style and audience‘s preferences. Personalization here is key.

Step 5: Fulfill Your End

After securing shoutout commitments, you MUST promote their account across your Instagram feed and stories.

Create dedicated posts sharing their content, overlayed with text encouraging followers to engage. Tag them in captions and user tags so they‘re notified.

I can‘t tell you how many times brands have failed to uphold their S4S promises with me. Don‘t let new partners down – overdeliver on promotions.

Next let‘s discuss best practices for crafting effective Instagram shoutouts.

How to Post Engaging Instagram Shoutouts

Giving your new shoutout partners some genuine Instagram love is the best way to keep partnerships going. But what goes into crafting a high-converting post?

Here is my simple Instagram shoutout formula:

1. Take a professional screenshot of their Instagram profile page

2. Design an eye-catching graphic featuring the screenshot

3. Insert a custom caption encouraging followers to check them out

4. Tag the account using @username for notifications

5. Include relevant hashtags to increase discoverability

6. Publish the post and engage with commenters!

I also suggest posting Instagram Story swipe-ups to their profile and saving it as a highlight on your page. This provides ongoing value.

Leverage your creativity to test different formats beyond basic posts. Instagram Carousels, Reels and Live videos all enable seamless shoutouts as well.

Instagram Shoutouts: Key Takeaways

As a recap, here are my top tips for unlocking the power of Instagram influencer shoutouts:

1. Thoroughly vet potential partners for audience fit

2. Prioritize nano/micro-influencers over fake mega accounts

3. Build genuine connections before proposing partnerships

4. Structure collaborative, mutually beneficial proposals

5. Overdeliver on your promised promotions

6. Produce engaging, high-quality shoutout content

By following this advice, your brand can tap into the unmatched potential of nano and micro-influencer Instagram endorsements.

Just remember – strong relationships and providing value must come first! If done right, Instagram shoutouts can become the cornerstone of your social strategy for years to come.

Have you used shoutouts as part of your Instagram marketing? I‘d love to hear your experiences and results! Feel free to reach out with any questions.


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.