
How to Make Concrete in Minecraft – A Thorough Guide for Budding Builders

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Hey there! Have you been looking to add more color and flair to your Minecraft builds? Concrete is the perfect way to make your constructions pop. As a fellow block enthusiast, I‘m excited to share this comprehensive guide on all things concrete. Let‘s dive in!

An Overview of Concrete – Your New Decorative Building Block

Concrete made its debut in Minecraft back in version 1.12 as part of the appropriately named "World of Color" update. And it certainly lives up to that name!

Concrete comes in the full spectrum of 16 dye colors, allowing for vibrant roads, walls, accents, pixel art, and more. It has a smooth, matte texture inspired by real concrete that fits modern aesthetics beautifully.

I love using concrete for decoration because:

  • The colors are extremely saturated and bold, making details stand out.
  • It‘s more blast resistant than basic materials like stone or wood.
  • You can craft concrete to perfectly fit any color scheme or style.
  • Options are nearly limitless for what you can build with it!

But before you can unlock concrete‘s potential, you need to craft it…

Gathering the Ingredients for Crafting Concrete Powder

To make concrete in Minecraft, you‘ll need to gather 4 key ingredients:

1. Sand

Sand is one of the two base materials for crafting concrete powder. You‘ll find it near bodies of water like beaches, rivers, and oceans.

I like to use a shovel to scoop up sand quickly. An Efficiency enchanted shovel lets you accumulate tons of sand rapidly.

2. Gravel

Gravel is the other main concrete powder ingredient. Break gravel blocks found near water above ground or in caves underground.

You can also smelt stone into smooth stone, then craft 2 smooth stone into 4 gravel, if you need more.

3. Dye

Any of the 16 dyes can be used to add color to concrete powder! White, grey, and light grey use bone meal, ink sacs, and oxeye daisies respectively.

Flowers, plants, minerals, mob drops, and more can be crafted into dye colors. I tend to stockpile lots of bone meal and lapis lazuli for concrete projects.

4. Water

Water source blocks are crucial for solidifying concrete powder into its permanent form. You‘ll want easy access to water when working with large volumes of concrete.

Now for the fun part – let‘s turn these materials into vibrant concrete!

Crafting Concrete Powder

Concrete begins its life as a powdery building material. Here‘s how to craft it:

Crafting recipe for concrete powder
Crafting recipe for concrete powder

Add 4 sand, 4 gravel, and 1 dye in any crafting grid to produce 8 concrete powder of that color.

For example, take some cyan dye surrounded by sand and gravel to craft cyan concrete powder. Easy!

This powder behaves like sand or gravel – it falls if not supported and can be moved by pistons. Now to give it that iconic concrete look.

Turning Powder into Solid Concrete

Concrete powder on its own is a temporary placeholder. To build permanent structures with it, you need to solidify the powder by exposing it to water.

There are two simple methods to transform concrete powder into its solid form:

Pouring Water

You can pour water directly onto concrete powder to turn it into concrete where it sits.

This is great for coating large areas – just place your powder, then dump water over the top using a bucket. The flowing water will replace the powder blocks with solid concrete.

Pouring water on concrete powder
Transforming a batch of concrete powder by pouring water

Repeat as needed until your whole concrete structure has solidified.

Placing Underwater

Alternatively, you can place concrete powder while submerged in water.

By putting down powder blocks underwater, they will instantly transform into permanent concrete when placed.

Placing concrete powder underwater
Placing concrete powder underwater instantly solidifies it

I love this method for building sea-floor foundations or underwater architecture. The concrete will never wash away!

Stocking Up on Concrete Ingredients

When working with concrete in bulk, having a steady supply of sand and gravel is a must. Here are some of my best tips:

  • Deserts and Beaches – These biomes are full of sand naturally. An Efficiency III shovel lets you gather a full inventory rapidly.

  • Piglin Bartering – Piglins will give gravel in exchange for gold ingots when bartering.

  • Crafting Gravel – Smelt stone into smooth stone, then craft 2 smooth stone into 4 gravel for an infinite supply.

  • Wandering Traders – Keep an eye out for trader llamas carrying sand and gravel to purchase.

  • Redstone Sand Duplicators – These ingenious machines can generate infinite amounts of sand or gravel.

Having a smooth workflow for getting materials will let you focus on building to your heart‘s content!

Creative and Technical Uses for Concrete

Decorating with concrete is so fulfilling because of the endless possibilities. Here are some of my favorite ways to use concrete‘s colorful potential:

  • Pixel Art – Render massive images and icons using different colored concrete blocks. This rainbow creeper mural is one of my best!
Pixel art creeper mural using concrete
  • Colorful Roads – Liven up paths and floors by paving them with vibrant concrete patterns. You can make simple stripes, zig-zags, borders, and more.

  • Color Blocking – Use solid blocks of color for segmenting large builds into distinct sections.

  • Borders and Banding – Add subtle borders around edges and bands across surfaces for texture.

  • Beacons – Concrete‘s blast resistance allows it to work well for beacon bases. Build a vibrant pyramid hat for your beacon beam‘s pedestal.

On the technical side, concrete has some useful properties to note:

  • It can be moved by pistons and dispensers like most blocks.

  • Concrete powder is affected by gravity and sand mechanics, while concrete itself is a solid immovable block.

  • It can be obtained with silk touch tools to retain its color.

  • Concrete has a blast resistance of 1.8, higher than stone (1.5) but lower than iron blocks (6).

Armed with this knowledge and ample materials, you‘ll be able to execute any concrete creation your imagination cooks up. Time to make your builds pop!

Let‘s Review Key Lessons

After reading this guide, you should feel equipped to:

  • Gather the 4 ingredients: sand, gravel, dye, and water

  • Craft vibrant concrete powder in any color using the crafting grid

  • Transform powder into solid decorative concrete with water

  • Stock up on mass quantities of sand and gravel for large projects

  • Utilize concrete creatively to add color, art, textures, and more to builds

  • Understand concrete‘s physical properties like blast resistance and interactions with Redstone

Concrete is such a game-changer when it comes to the visual appeal of constructions. I hope this guide has inspired you and given you confidence to start experimenting.

The possibilities are endless when you master concrete crafting in Minecraft. Now get out there and make something beautiful! Let me know if you have any other concrete questions. Happy building, my block loving friend!


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.