
New Enhanced Data in Socedo Prospect Profiles

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The challenge, though, is that these seemingly irrelevant prospects are sometimes the perfect customers for your business, but their Twitter profiles may cause you to miss an opportunity. So how do you separate the quality leads from the junk?At Socedo, we want you to have the data you need to make the best decisions about your leads. Socedo now enhances prospect profiles by using multiple sources and artificial intelligence to fill in the blanks.

The profile cards on the Socedo dashboard display the most relevant information for prospects in the system, including integrated profiles between Twitter and LinkedIn, and the platform is working with additional data in the background to qualify your leads.

Enhanced Socedo Profiles

Profile cards on the Socedo dashboard are now enhanced for a more comprehensive view of your prospects. Socedo looks up additional data about prospects and builds out their Socedo profiles, including their LinkedIn headline and picture, if applicable, as well as a link directly to their LinkedIn profile. Additionally, Socedo will display a prospect’s name from their LinkedIn profile, as these are often more accurate than Twitter.

For example, Christopher, to the right, has a humorous Twitter bio that does not include his company or job title. Although he retweeted a relevant post by HubSpot, he may not seem like a qualified lead at first glance from his Twitter profile. However, we can clearly tell from Christopher’s LinkedIn headline that he is a social media specialist. This is a prospect we definitely want to engage.

Socedo is working with even more data in the background than what you see on the profile card. Although a prospect may have a distinct LinkedIn headline displayed, Socedo will match bio keywords with the prospect’s recent job title, and it is still matching search criteria with portions of the Twitter profile that may not be displayed.

Since all of this enhanced data is coming from multiple sources, the platform will improve itself over time, as more prospective data is updated. Not all prospects will have a matching LinkedIn profile, and not all data will be complete. However, over time, enhanced profile data will become not only more accurate but more useful as well.

Location Accuracy

We’ve made location search easier to use to ensure accurate, full coverage of the area you want and to help make sure no prospects slip through the cracks. The platform can smartly identify synonyms for locations, so you can capture as many prospects that qualify as possible.

These standardized, accurate locations will now appear on prospects’ Socedo profile cards, so you can easily see where Socedo is discovering your leads.

Additional Export Data

We also want to provide you with the data you need to follow up with the highest quality leads. Now you can download a CSV file on all of the leads who have followed you back. Just go to the Reports page, select the date range you want to see, and click the “Export Leads who Followed You” button at the top of the page.

This file will be emailed to you and includes Twitter and LinkedIn profile information, as well as contact information as applicable.

From here, you can connect with each lead on LinkedIn, upload the data into your CRM system, or reach out directly with the highest quality leads over phone or email, continuing the automated engagement flow that Socedo has already initiated. Watch this video to learn more about how to use this data export.

We’re working hard to make Socedo smarter every day and bring you the best leads. Recently we announced Socedo’s criteria self-optimization feature, ensuring you always have enough prospects in your discover bucket, and we have a lot in store for the future of Socedo as well.


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.