
How To Repost on Tiktok & What Does It Do? The Ultimate Guide

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Hey there! Have you ever come across an awesome TikTok video that you just had to share with all your followers? Wish there was an easy way to repost videos on TikTok to your own profile? Well, you‘re in luck – TikTok now has a repost feature!

Reposting is a quick and simple way to share funny, interesting, relatable or entertaining videos with your followers. But how exactly does it work? As a TikTok power user, let me walk you through everything you need to know about reposting TikTok videos.

What is the Repost Feature on TikTok?

The repost feature allows you to share or repost any public video on your own TikTok profile from your For You feed. When you repost a video, it will be published on your profile as if you posted it yourself!

Reposting has become a popular way to spread viral videos, participate in challenges, and support smaller creators on TikTok.

TikTok introduced the repost option in early 2022. Before then, you had to manually download and re-upload any video you wanted to share. This new repost button makes sharing videos much more seamless.

Before Repost Feature After Repost Feature
Download video to camera roll Tap repost button on video
Open TikTok app and upload video Add comment and post
Credit creator in caption Video shared instantly!

As you can see, the repost feature saves so many steps! Now let‘s dive into everything it lets you do.

What Does Reposting a TikTok Video Do?

When you repost a video, that video is published on your TikTok profile just as if you shared an original video. Here‘s exactly what happens:

  • The reposted video appears on your profile and in your followers‘ feeds
  • The original audio and caption remain attached to credit the creator
  • You can add your own comment/caption before posting
  • It shares the video to your followers and the creator‘s mutual followers
  • Drives engagement and views for original creator
  • Allows you to participate in trends and challenges effortlessly

Reposting is an easy shortcut to share entertaining or interesting content without having to create it yourself. Plus it helps smaller creators gain more visibility when you share their work.

How Reposting Differs From Other Share Options

TikTok also gives you the option to share videos privately via DM or text, or publicly by copying the link. Here‘s how reposting differs:

Reposting Sharing Link Sharing to DM
Posts video on your profile
Visible to your followers
Credits original creator
Gives creator more views

As you can see, reposting directly shares the video and is the best way to publicly share a TikTok video while crediting the creator at the same time.

Why Should You Repost Videos on TikTok?

Wondering why you should bother reposting videos in the first place? Here are some of the key benefits:

✅ Entertain Your Followers

Reposting is an easy way to fill your feed with funny, entertaining content you think your followers will enjoy. Rather than only sharing your own videos, you can curate the best videos on TikTok for your audience.

✅ Support Other Creators

By reposting smaller creators you love, you help boost their content and channel to new audiences. It costs you nothing but it means a lot to them!

✅ Go Viral & Gain Followers

Reposting extremely viral, trending videos can also help increase engagement and followers on your own profile. When you share hot trends and challenges early, you look like an insider!

See a trending dance or challenge you want to try? Reposting the popular videos is the fastest way to do viral challenges and join in the fun!

✅ Add Value for Your Followers

You can provide a ton of value to your current followers by surfacing the best videos tailored to their interests rather than only promoting your own content. Reposting helps keep your feed fresh!

So in summary, reposting helps you engage your audience, support creators, go viral, and spice up your content feed. It‘s a win-win for everyone!

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Repost a TikTok Video

Ready to repost your first video? I‘ll walk you through how to do it step-by-step:

1. Find a Video to Repost

Browse TikTok as normal and look for a great video to share in your For You feed. Make sure it‘s public, not private!

Browse For You page

2. Tap the Share Button

Tap the "Share" icon in the lower right corner of the video. It looks like an arrow coming out of a box.

3. Select "Repost"

In the share menu, choose "Repost" – it‘s the icon with two looping arrows.

Tap repost icon

4. Add a Comment

Add your own text commentary, caption, or a hashtag before reposting. This helps personalize it for your audience!

5. Post the Repost

Tap the "Repost" button to instantly share the video on your profile. So fast and easy!

And that‘s it – you‘ve successfully reposted your first TikTok video. It will now appear on your profile as if you shared it yourself. Nice work!

What Happens When You Repost a Video on TikTok?

When you repost a TikTok video, here‘s exactly what happens behind the scenes:

  • The repost is published on your profile under the "Videos" tab
  • Your followers see it in their Following feed like your normal videos
  • The original video‘s caption and creator @tag are attached
  • The original video creator is notified of your repost
  • You can delete the repost from your profile at any time
  • Analytics reflect engagements on your repost only, not the original

So in summary:

  • It shares the original video with your audience
  • The original creator is credited and notified
  • You can remove it anytime
  • Only your repost analytics are tracked

The creator of the original video can NOT delete your repost or remove it from your profile – only you can. So feel free to repost any public videos worry-free!

Who Can See Your Reposted TikTok Videos?

When you repost a video on TikTok, who will be able to see that video on your profile?

  • Your followers will see the repost in their feed
  • Friends/followers you have in common with the original creator
  • Anyone who visits your public profile
  • The original video creator will get a notification

So your repost is visible to all your followers as well as anyone who comes across your TikTok profile. The original creator is always notified when their video is reposted too.

How Many Times Can You Repost a Video on TikTok?

You can only repost a particular TikTok video to your profile once. Reposting the same video multiple times is not allowed.

If you try to repost the same video twice, you‘ll get an error message that says "You‘ve already reposted this video."

So share your favorite videos wisely – you only get one chance to repost each one! Spread the love.

How to Delete a Repost on TikTok

Want to remove a video you reposted from your TikTok profile? No problem, it‘s super easy to delete:

  1. Open your TikTok profile and tap on the reposted video to enter it.

  2. Tap the "Share" icon again below the video.

  3. Choose "Remove repost" to delete it.

  4. Confirm you want to remove the repost when prompted.

After deletion, the reposted video will be completely removed from your profile as if you never shared it. The original video itself will remain untouched on the creator‘s profile.

And that‘s all there is to it! No more unwanted videos staying on your profile.

Can You Undo a Repost on TikTok?

Unfortunately, there is no official "undo repost" feature to reverse a repost immediately after posting.

However, you can easily delete a repost at any time as outlined above. So if you accidentally reposted something, just head to your profile and remove it.

The only way to truly undo a repost on TikTok is to delete it before too many people see it. So stay vigilant and remove regrettable reposts ASAP!

Some creators worry reposting videos may violate copyright law. Thankfully, this is not the case according to TikTok‘s terms of service.

TikTok states you can repost any videos shared publicly by other users. Reposting falls under fair use guidelines since the original creator is credited.

So feel free to repost any public TikTok videos guilt-free! Just don‘t download or reupload any videos shared privately or your own content.

TikTok Reposting FAQs

Let‘s wrap up with answers to some frequently asked questions about reposting TikTok videos:

Question Answer
Can you repost private videos? No, only public videos.
Do you need the creator‘s consent? No, crediting them is sufficient.
Can someone repost your video without permission? Yes, if public.
Can you repost the same video multiple times? No, only once per video.
Can reposting too much appear as spam? Yes, repost in moderation.

And there you have it – a complete overview of everything you need to know about sharing TikTok videos with the repost feature!

Start Reposting Your Favorite Videos

Thanks for sticking with me through this entire guide. I hope you now feel like a TikTok reposting master!

Reposting is an amazing way for us creators to share awesome content, whether it‘s funny, moving, informative or just straight-up impressive.

So what are you waiting for? Get out there and start reposting your favorite videos today! I can‘t wait to see the entertaining, inspiring videos we can all share together.

Happy TikToking! 😄


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.