
How to Reset Your Instagram Password in 2023: The Ultimate Guide

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As a social media professional who has worked extensively with Instagram for over a decade, I cannot stress enough the importance of password security. With over 1 billion monthly active Instagram users in 2023, it is one of the most popular apps worldwide and a goldmine for cybercriminals seeking to compromise accounts.

Whether you simply forgot your login details or have concerns about unauthorized access, this definitive guide will equip you to securely reset your Instagram password on both mobile and desktop.

Why Resetting Passwords Matters

Let‘s first understand why regularly updating passwords is critical, especially for an app that contains so much of our personal information and photos.

According to recent data from the FBI, over 860,000 Instagram account credentials are available to purchase on the dark web, likely from previous data breaches. Once in the hands of hackers, compromised passwords provide an easy gateway into accounts for identity theft, scams, or posting inappropriate content from your profile.

Analysis from Axur meanwhile found that nearly 20% of Instagram accounts exhibit password reuse and other issues that drastically heighten the chance of account takeovers.

Resetting passwords routinely blocks out those with unauthorized access from continuing to misuse your account. Enabling two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of login security too.

Now let‘s explore the step-by-step process to securely change or reset your forgotten Instagram password across platforms.

Resetting Instagram Passwords on Mobile

The Instagram app for iPhone and Android makes it simple to quickly change your password or recover access if forgotten.

Changing Your Password on Mobile

To proactively update your Instagram password through the mobile app, follow these steps:

1. Tap your profile icon 2. Select the ≡ menu icon
3. Tap Settings > Security 4. Enter your current password
5. Type new password twice 6. Tap "Save"

Pro Tip: I advise users to reset passwords every 90 days at minimum, or anytime you feel your account security has been compromised.

Recovering From a Forgotten Password

If you cannot login to your Instagram account because you‘ve forgotten the password, use this process:

1. Tap "Forgot password?" on sign-in screen 2. Enter your username, email or phone number
3. Access password reset email/text from Instagram 4. Create and confirm your new password
5. Tap “Reset Password” to regain account access

Important: Check your email spam folder if you don‘t see the reset message. Instagram‘s automated emails can sometimes be flagged.

I‘d also suggest adding their domain to your address book to ensure future delivery.

Resetting Instagram Passwords on Desktop

When accessing Instagram through a desktop web browser, utilize these best practices to update or recover your login credentials:

Changing Passwords on Desktop

  1. Click your profile icon in the top right and choose Settings
  2. Select Privacy and Security > Login Security
  3. Click Change Password and provide your current one
  4. Enter and confirm your new Instagram password
  5. Click Save Changes

Insider Tip: Consider using a password generator tool for creating truly random and uncrackable new passwords.

Recovering Passwords on Desktop

If you cannot access your account, resetting the password is simple:

  1. Select Forgot Password on sign-in
  2. Input your username, email address or phone number
  3. Check email inbox for Instagram‘s password reset message
  4. Follow prompts to create your new password
  5. Click Reset Password to enable login

Troubleshooting: Still can‘t find the reset email after several minutes? Try searching your spam folders before attempting the process again.

Best Practices for Instagram Password Hygiene

Beyond routinely resetting passwords, apply these security tips for keeping intruders out of your Instagram account:

  • Enable two-factor authentication (2FA): Adds an extra verification step when logging in for enhanced protection.
  • Avoid password reuse: Unique passwords for every account limits damage if one is compromised.
  • Consider a password manager: Generates, stores and fills strong passwords to reduce memory fatigue.

See Instagram‘s account security checklist for more ways to harden your profile.

Warning Signs Your Instagram Has Been Hacked

Be alert for any of the following signals that your existing Instagram password may have been cracked by bad actors:

  • You are suddenly logged out and unable to login again
  • Suspicious posts appear under your name that you did not create
  • Your follower/following count changes drastically
  • Your profile picture, handle or bio is altered without approval
  • You stop receiving reset password emails from Instagram

If you witness any of those, immediately move to reset your credentials. Also submit a support request so Instagram can investigate unauthorized access and restore your account.

Key Takeaways and Next Steps

I hope this extensive walkthrough has equipped you to confidently manage your Instagram password security like the professionals. To recap:

  • Reset early and often for unwavering account control
  • Use Instagram‘s onboard tools to conveniently change passwords
  • Check email spam folders while recovering access
  • Enable two-factor authentication for added login protection

Now it‘s time to put this guidance into action:

  • Inventory your accounts and identify passwords for routine resetting
  • Strengthen weak credentials that could be exploited by attackers
  • Scrutinize account activity and watch for unauthorized access attempts
  • Bookmark helpful resources like Instagram’s security check-in

Stay ahead of digital threats by taking your Instagram password hygiene seriously. Don‘t hesitate to reset at the slightest suspicion – account security and peace of mind is well worth the minor effort.

Be sure to also check out my related articles on securing social media accounts for protecting all facets of your online presence. I welcome any feedback or questions around the password reset process via the comments below!


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.