
How to Learn Solidity in 2023 – 11 Courses/Resources

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Hello friend! Learning Solidity is one of the wisest investments you can make this year. As blockchain technology reshapes industries, demand for Solidity developers is exploding globally. Whether you‘re an aspiring blockchain engineer or a seasoned programmer, mastering Solidity could lead to big career opportunities.

But what exactly is Solidity, and why should you learn it in 2023? Excellent questions! As your guide, let me explain everything you need to know…

Solidity is an object-oriented programming language created specifically for writing smart contracts on Ethereum. It was developed in 2014 by Gavin Wood, Ethereum‘s co-founder. Think of smart contracts as autonomous programs stored on blockchain that run exactly as programmed without any chance of downtime, fraud, or third party interference.

Here are 5 compelling reasons I believe you should make learning Solidity a top priority this year:

  1. Build the Web3 future. Mastering Solidity allows you to create decentralized apps, protocols, tokens, games, marketplaces and other software fundamentally reshaping technology and the internet as we know it.

  2. High demand. There are currently less than 10,000 active Solidity developers globally across all experience levels. However, Linkedin lists over 14,000 open roles related to Solidity, Ethereum and blockchain engineering.

  3. Lucrative pay. As supply shrinks and demand for talent balloons, Solidity developer salaries are skyrocketing. According to Glassdoor, average pay exceeds $150k USD with top engineers earning as much as $335k annually at the moment!

  4. Future-proof your skills. Blockchain is transforming industries from finance to healthcare to real estate. Leonard from projects we‘ll see over 100 million software engineers working with blockchain code within the next 10 years. Get ahead of the curve now!

  5. Build world-changing apps. Imagine ideas like decentralized finance, tokenized assets, autonomous digital organizations, transparent voting systems, supply chain tracking and beyond. With Solidity, you gain the tools to create innovations like these!

I don‘t know about you, but to me this sounds like an exciting skill worth acquiring in 2023! Now, let‘s get you set up for learning success…

The prerequisites for effectively learning Solidity are quite reasonable. No fancy computer science degree required! Here‘s what you need to get started:

● A basic understanding of programming and object-oriented concepts will be helpful. Some exposure to JavaScript, C++ or Python is great.

● Comfortability with cryptographic principles will enable deeper comprehension. But beginners can pick up basics along the journey.

● Finally, genuine interest and commitment to self-education is key. Be ready to problem-solve!

With focus and some perseverance, anyone can master Solidity development.

Okay, you know why Solidity matters and what it takes to learn. Let‘s reveal expert resources guaranteed to help you become an confident Solidity programmer. I‘ve categorized options based on learning style and budget preferences:

A) Video Courses

● For beginners with under 3 months coding experience, I recommend "Master Ethereum and Solidity" course on Udemy. It‘s a top-rated introductory video series that‘ll teach you concepts like smart contracts, gas fees, Dapp architecture while building 5 portfolio projects for just $9.99 when on sale.

● Intermediate learners should check out "Ethereum Blockchain Developer Bootcamp" also on Udemy. You‘ll gain advanced Solidity coding techniques while structuring a real world DAO by bootcamp‘s end. Use code WEB45 for 45% off!

B) Certification Programs

● For developers with 1-2 years experience seeking a credential, I suggest the Certified Solidity Developer course from Blockchain Council. You‘ll get access to advanced lessons plus two certification exams for around $100.

● More seasoned programmers should enroll in the Ethereum and Blockchain Developer Bootcamp Nanodegree from Udacity. Their project-based curriculum and 1:1 mentorship support is perfect for taking professional skills to the next level!

C) Coding Challenges

If you prefer to learn by doing, try these immersive hands-on resources:

● For a 100% free self-paced option, check out "Build a Blockchain Game" tutorial from Cryptozombies. You‘ll build an interactive crypto-collectibles game from scratch while grasping concepts like smart contract programming, Solidity syntax, Web3 wallets and more through fun coding lessons.

● For structured guidance plus community support, participate in 30 Days of Solidity programming challenge. You‘ll receive daily Solidity tasks of increasing complexity while collaborating with peers also learning via Slack channel. Registration is $200.

And that‘s just a snippet of the world-class self-education options available for mastering Solidity and becoming an Ethereum developer!

The bottom line is that consistent learning pays dividends in the long run. Whether through videos, credentials, or hands-on immersion – choose the path aligning with your strengths. With passion and commitment, I‘m confident you‘ll go from beginner to professional Solidity engineer within 6-12 months.

If any questions pop up along the journey or you simply want an accountability partner, feel free to reach out personally via email. I genuinely enjoy helping others level up into blockchain technology.

Speak soon and happy learning my friend!


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.