
TikTok Drafts: The Ultimate Guide to Mastering This Viral Video Hack

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Hey friend! Have you ever wanted to take your TikTok game to the next level? I‘ve got some pro tips to share with you today about one of TikTok‘s most useful hidden features – drafts.

Drafts allow you to save and privately edit videos before posting them publicly. Mastering drafts is the secret ingredient to creating viral TikTok content.

In this ultimate guide, we‘ll dive deep into everything you need to know about TikTok drafts, including:

  • What drafts are and how they transform your TikTok strategy
  • Step-by-step instructions for saving draft videos
  • Finding and accessing your drafts like a pro
  • Safely deleting drafts you no longer need
  • Recovering deleted drafts (and what to do if you can‘t)
  • Expert tips and best practices for TikTok drafts
  • Answers to frequently asked questions

Let‘s get started and transform your TikTok presence!

What Are TikTok Drafts and Why Are They Important?

Simply put, a TikTok draft is a video you create in the app but do not immediately post to your profile. Draft videos are private and only visible to you.

Here are some key facts about why TikTok drafts are so useful:

  • Allows Editing: You can refine and edit drafts as many times as you want before posting publicly.

  • Tests Ideas: Use drafts to experiment with video concepts without public pressure.

  • Strategic Timing: Drafts let you time your posts for when your audience is most active.

  • Stores Locally: Drafts are saved on your device and don‘t sync across devices or the cloud.

According to internal TikTok data, videos may get up to 2x more views if posted at optimal times when your audience is most active. Drafts give you full control over timing your posts for maximum impact.

You don‘t have to rush to share a video as soon as you record it. Instead, save it as a draft and post later when the timing feels right.

Drafts transform your TikTok strategy. Now let‘s dive into the details of how to use them…

Step-by-Step: How to Save TikTok Draft Videos

Saving drafts on TikTok only takes a few seconds. Just follow these steps:

1. Record or Upload Your Video

Open the TikTok app and tap the "+" icon to record a new video or upload an existing clip from your camera roll.

Feel free to add any effects, sounds, stickers, text, or edits you want to make your video amazing. Get creative!

Video Editing Tips
Use trending audios Incorporate popular sounds and songs people want to see more of
Add text Include key words or phrases that will get you more views
Leverage viral effects Use special effects associated with trending challenges
Include #hashtags Hashtags help the right audience find your videos

2. Click "Drafts" Before Posting

After creating your video masterpiece, click "Next" to go to the posting page. Here, tap the "Drafts" icon in the bottom bar to save your video as a draft.

The drafts folder icon looks like a notebook. Click this BEFORE hitting "Post" to store your content as a draft.

3. Confirm Draft Saved

A quick popup will confirm your video was saved as a draft. Click "Got it!" and the video will be waiting for you in your drafts folder.

Repeat these steps to save multiple draft videos that you aren‘t ready to post yet. Now let‘s look at viewing your drafts…

Accessing Your Drafts on TikTok

Once you‘ve saved draft videos, you‘ll want to find them again to make edits or finally share them publicly. Here‘s how to view your drafts:

1. Open Your Profile

Tap your profile icon in the bottom right corner to access your profile page.

2. Select "Drafts"

On your profile, tap the "Drafts" tab right next to your posted videos. This is your drafts folder.

3. Edit or Post Drafts

From your drafts library, tap any video to open editing tools or hit "Post" to publish it to your profile.

Drafts allow you to tweak your videos until they feel ready. You can also download drafts to your camera roll for safekeeping.

Pro Tip: Get in the habit of checking your drafts folder regularly. Review older drafts in case they become newly relevant with trending sounds or events.

Now let‘s talk about removing drafts you no longer need…

Deleting TikTok Drafts

Over time, you‘ll accumulate old drafts that you‘re done with. Here‘s how to delete drafts and free up space:

1. Enter Your Drafts Folder

Open your TikTok profile, tap "Drafts", and enter your drafts library.

2. Select Drafts to Remove

Tap "Select" at the top of the screen. Tap any draft videos you want to delete so they are highlighted.

3. Confirm Deletion

Tap "Delete Draft" at the bottom and confirm again when prompted to permanently delete.

Warning: Deleted drafts CANNOT be recovered. Only remove drafts you‘re certain you don‘t need.

Okay, you know how to save, view, and delete drafts…but what happens if you delete the TikTok app entirely? Let‘s discuss.

What Happens to Drafts If You Delete TikTok

This is important – if you delete the TikTok app from your device, your drafts will be erased as well.

Because drafts are stored locally on your device, they WILL NOT be saved if you uninstall the app. All local TikTok data is deleted, including drafts.

Before deleting TikTok, you have a few options to preserve drafts:

  • Download drafts to your camera roll so you have copies

  • Upload drafts as private videos on YouTube or Instagram

  • Screen record drafts to save copies on your device

Backing up your drafts means you won‘t lose them if you delete the app. You can then re-upload the videos as drafts if you reinstall TikTok later.

Recovering Deleted TikTok Drafts

What if you accidentally deleted an important draft? Is there any way to get it back?

Unfortunately, there is no direct method to recover deleted drafts within TikTok. However, you can try these last resort tactics:

  • Check your device‘s trash or recovery folder for deleted files

  • Use data recovery software to scan your device for recently deleted files

  • Contact TikTok support in case they can retrieve it (low odds)

But these are not surefire solutions, so your best bet is backing up drafts BEFORE deleting them. Store drafts in multiple places so you have copies if needed.

Pro Tip: Every month or so, take an hour to download copies of your best drafts. It only takes a minute per video and gives you peace of mind.

Now let‘s move on to some expert strategies for using drafts effectively…

Tips and Best Practices for TikTok Drafts

Want to take your TikTok draft skills to the next level? Use these pro tips:

Time Videos Strategically

Use drafts to schedule posts for peak times when your audience is most active and engaged:

  • Mornings: Post fun, upbeat videos to start people‘s days off right.

  • Lunch Breaks: Quick bite-sized videos for midday entertainment.

  • Evenings: More relaxing videos for evening moods.

Test Video Ideas

Experiment with video styles and concepts privately as drafts before posting them. See what performs well and what flops.

Edit Extensively

Drafts allow you to re-edit videos repeatedly until they feel perfect. Take full advantage!


Repurpose drafts across platforms. Turn a draft into an Instagram Reel or YouTube Short for bonus exposure.

Pre-Plan Content

Build up a bank of drafts you can draw from whenever you need to post but don‘t have time to record.

Analyze Performance

Pay attention to view counts and engagement on videos posted from drafts vs quickly posted videos. This can help you learn the impact of drafting.

Hot Tip: Drafts empower you to post HIGH QUALITY videos consistently, even when you‘re busy. Draft in advance and space out posting for steady engagement growth.

Let‘s wrap up with answers to frequently asked questions about TikTok drafts:

FAQs About TikTok Drafts

Where are drafts stored on my device?

Drafts are stored in your device‘s local TikTok data, not synced across devices or to the cloud.

Can I recover a draft if I delete TikTok?

No, drafts are permanently deleted if you uninstall TikTok. Always backup drafts before removing the app.

Can anyone else see my drafts?

No, drafts are 100% private and only visible to you in your drafts folder.

Is there a limit to how many drafts I can save?

There‘s no limit, but drafts take up device storage space. Delete old drafts you no longer need.

What if TikTok crashes while I‘m recording a draft?

No worries – your video is auto-saved as a draft when you reopen the app after a crash.

The Takeaway: Master TikTok Drafts, Master Your Content

Well there you have it, friend! Everything you need to know to start mastering TikTok drafts like a pro.

Drafting completely transforms your content strategy. You can test video ideas, time posts strategically, edit extensively, and so much more.

The key is learning how to properly save, find, edit, delete, and backup drafts. Put these skills into action and your TikTok presence will reach new heights!

I hope you found this guide helpful. Let me know if you have any other TikTok tips and tricks you‘d like to learn. Now get drafting!


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.