
How to Get Your TikTok Profile URL for Easy Sharing

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Want an easy way to share your TikTok profile? Get your own custom TikTok URL!

A TikTok profile URL works like a business card for your account. Instead of telling people your tricky username, you can simply pass along your URL.

In this in-depth guide, you‘ll learn what a profile URL is, how to get yours, tips for creating a clever URL, and how to change it. Follow along as a fellow TikTok enthusiast shares everything you need to know about unlocking the power of your TikTok vanity URL.

What Exactly is a TikTok Profile URL?

Let‘s start with the basics – what is a TikTok profile URL and how does it work?

A TikTok profile URL is the unique web address that leads directly to your TikTok account page. It uses the format: 

For example, if your TikTok username is @tiktokpro, your profile URL would be:

Your actual username on TikTok comes after the ‘@‘ symbol in the URL. This is what makes each URL personalized and one-of-a-kind.

When someone enters your vanity URL in their browser, it will take them right to your TikTok profile page. From there, they can follow you, view your videos, and more.

Compare this to telling someone your non-unique TikTok display name like "TikTokQueen". That would require them to manually search and find your exact, case-sensitive username to locate your profile. A URL makes it infinitely more convenient.

According to TikTok, there are over 1 billion monthly active TikTok users as of September 2021. With so many accounts, a custom URL helps yours stand out.

How to Find Your Own TikTok Profile URL

Ready to get your own TikTok profile URL for easy sharing? Finding it only takes seconds.

Here are step-by-step instructions for locating your TikTok profile URL on both mobile and desktop:

Get Your TikTok Profile URL on Mobile

  1. Open the TikTok app and tap your profile icon in the bottom right corner.

  2. On your profile page, tap the "…" (three dot) menu button in the top right corner.

Tapping the 3-dot menu icon

  1. This opens your TikTok settings menu. Tap "Share profile" under the Account section.

Tapping Share Profile

  1. On the Share Profile page, tap "Copy link" below the "Share to" header.

Tapping Copy Link

This copies your personal TikTok profile URL to your phone‘s clipboard.

  1. Now you can paste your URL anywhere links are allowed to share your profile!

The technical reason your URL needs an ‘@‘ symbol is because TikTok uses what‘s called URL slugs to generate profile page URLs dynamically. The ‘@‘ tells TikTok to render the following text as a username slug. Without it, the URL would fail to load your page.

And that‘s all it takes to get your profile URL on mobile!

Get Your TikTok Profile URL on Desktop

You can also find your TikTok profile URL by using TikTok on desktop:

  1. Go to and log into your account.

  2. Click your profile icon in the top right and select "View profile" from the dropdown menu.

View Profile on Desktop TikTok

  1. Your TikTok profile URL will now display in your browser address bar.

  2. Simply highlight and copy the URL to save it.

Just like on mobile, you‘re free to paste your desktop-generated URL anywhere you‘d like after copying it.

See how quick and easy it is to unlock your vanity URL on both mobile and desktop? Now let‘s talk tips for creating the perfect memorable URL.

Tips for Creating Your TikTok Username and URL

Your TikTok profile URL consists of your unique username preceded by an @ symbol.

So choosing the right username translates into having the right URL. Here are some pro tips for creating a TikTok username and URL that elevates your brand:

Be Consistent With Other Platforms

Using the same username across all your social media accounts improves brand consistency. Viewers will come to recognize your handle across platforms.

For example, popular TikToker @charlidamelio uses @charlidamelio as her username on Instragram, YouTube, etc.

Choose Something Simple and Catchy

Opt for a short, memorable username without odd capitalization or unnecessary characters. This makes your URL clean and easy to remember.

@mrbeast simply uses his crisp channel name as his TikTok username, for example.

Include Keywords Relevant to Your Niche

Work keywords like your niche, name or brand into your TikTok username. This can help people find your content when searching relevant terms.

Gaming streamer @valkyrae includes both her niche and name.

Consider Adding Your First or Last Name

Including your actual name adds personality and helps avoid looking too corporate.

NBA player @lebronjames leverages his famous name in his username.

Reflect Your Existing Brand

If you have a YouTube or business with an established brand name, incorporate that into your TikTok name for instant brand recognition.

@garyvee carries his personal brand name over to TikTok.

Overall, your goal is to create a TikTok username and URL that feels authentic to your brand and enhances discoverability on the platform.

How to Change Your TikTok Username and URL

What if you want to change your existing TikTok username and URL? The good news is you can edit them.

Here are the steps to change your username and profile URL on TikTok:

  1. Tap your profile icon and select "Edit profile".

  2. Tap the "Username" field and enter your desired new username.

Changing TikTok Username

  1. Tap "Change" to confirm and save your new username.

Once you change your username, your profile URL will update to reflect the change.

However, there are a couple caveats to be aware of:

  • You can only change your username once every 30 days on TikTok. So choose wisely!

  • If you have a verified account with your current username, changing your name will cause you to lose verification. You‘ll have to go through the verification process again.

Here are some important things to consider before changing your established TikTok username and URL:

How Will It Affect Brand Recognition?

If you have an existing audience who knows your brand, changing your handle too drastically may cause confusion. Evolve gradually over time.

Have You Already Built Up a Following?

If you have a large, established follower count, changing your username can disrupt your existing audience. Many may be unable to find your new profile.

Are You Verified?

As mentioned above, altering a verified account‘s username will remove verification. Biggest TikTok creators tend to keep their original handles.

Overall, it‘s smart to choose a long-term username you can grow and flourish with over time. But the option to change your URL does exist if you need a refresh.

Comparing TikTok URLs to Other Social Platforms

How do TikTok profile URLs compare to other leading social media platforms? Here‘s a quick overview:

Platform URL Format Change Frequency Notes
TikTok Every 30 days ‘@‘ symbol required
Instagram Never Cannot be changed
YouTube Never Channel ID not editable
Twitter Never Cannot edit username

As you can see above, TikTok actually offers the most flexibility in letting you customize your public profile URL.

YouTube uses fixed channel IDs rather than editable usernames. Twitter and Instagram don‘t allow you to change your URL at all once set.

So TikTok creators have an advantage in being able to freshen up their URL periodically. Just do so strategically maintaining brand consistency.

Example TikTok Profile URLs Done Right

Need inspiration for creating the perfect TikTok username and URL combo?

Here are examples of brands and influencers making clever use of their TikTok profile URLs:

  • @TheRock: WWE star turned actor Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson uses his famous nickname.
  • @espn: Sports media giant ESPN uses their established brand name.
  • @gordonramsayofficial: Celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay adds "official" for authenticity.
  • @pokemon: Pokemon reinforces their brand while keeping it short and sweet.
  • @mrwhosetheboss: Tech YouTuber includes his channel name for cross-promotion.

As you can see, big brands use TikTok profile URLs to extend brand recognition from other platforms. Pick a name your audience already knows you by.

SEO Benefits of Keywords in Your Username

Using strategic keywords in your TikTok username and URL provides SEO (search engine optimization) benefits on the platform.

TikTok profiles are indexed by search engines like Google. So if you include niche keywords, it helps people find your TikTok content organically.

For example, a makeup artist named Sarah could use:


This leverages her name while also optimizing for "mua" and "beauty" keyword searches.

Just don‘t overstuff your handle with too many terms. Find a balance that flows naturally.

Additional Tips for Promoting Your New Profile URL

Here are some bonus tips for getting the most visibility from your new TikTok vanity URL:

  • Pin it to your TikTok profile page for easy access.

  • Add it to your TikTok bio so it shows up on all your videos.

  • Include it on other social bios (Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Twitch, etc).

  • Place it on your business or streaming channel websites.

  • Print it on any physical marketing materials like business cards.

  • Promote it verbally in your TikTok videos and livestreams.

Maximize all possible channels to spread the word of your new and improved TikTok URL far and wide!

Key Takeaways to Remember

Let‘s review the key tips covered in this complete TikTok profile URL guide:

  • A TikTok profile URL offers an easy way to share your account – just pass along your custom link!

  • Your URL uses the format with your handle after the ‘@‘.

  • Find your URL on mobile or desktop by going to your profile and copying your link.

  • Choose a username that‘s consistent, catchy, branded, and keyword-optimized.

  • You can change your URL by editing your username (once per 30 days).

  • Compare to other platforms – TikTok offers the most URL flexibility.

  • Promote your URL on your profile, videos, other platforms, and more!

I hope these tips help you unlock all the benefits of using your own TikTok profile URL. Happy video creating and link sharing!


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.