
Apache Tomcat 7 Installation Guide on Linux

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Apache Tomcat is a popular open-source Java servlet container that implements specifications from Java EE and Java Servlet. As a data analyst and Java expert who enjoys tinkering with new technologies, I find Tomcat to be an invaluable tool for setting up robust web application deployment environments.

In this comprehensive guide, I will walk you, my fellow tech enthusiast, through the step-by-step process of downloading, installing, configuring and running Apache Tomcat 7 on a Linux system. Whether you are looking to set up a testing playground or deploy Java apps in production, you‘ll have a fully-functioning Tomcat instance ready by the end of this guide. Shall we begin?

Why Choose Tomcat?

Before we dive into the installation, allow me a moment to highlight some of the key reasons why Tomcat is my servlet container of choice:

Robust Features – Tomcat implements the latest Java EE and Servlet API specifications. This means as a developer, you get access to powerful features like servlet mapping, authentication filters, background threads and more out-of-the-box.

Extensive Platform Support – With Tomcat you get cross-platform flexibility. It runs smoothly on Linux, Windows, macOS, Solaris and more.

Vibrant Community – As an open-source project under the Apache umbrella, Tomcat has benefitted from decades of community-driven development. Expect reliable support and quick security patches.

Scalability – Thanks to its modular architecture and extensive documentation, Tomcat allows for easy vertical and horizontal scaling as your web apps grow more complex.

Lightweight – Especially compared to heavyweight Java EE app servers, Tomcat provides excellent capability without excessive resource overhead.

Let‘s now proceed with setting up Tomcat 7. I will provide you with my installation methodology honed over years of tinkering!

Downloading Tomcat

The first step is to grab the latest Apache Tomcat 7 binaries from the official site. Here is the direct link:  

I prefer to download the .tar.gz archive for added flexibility in choosing my installation location.

Always verify that the download completed fully without any errors. The file size should be about 9 MB.

Once done, it‘s time to install Tomcat on our Linux system.

Step-by-Step Installation

Follow these steps to install Tomcat smoothly:

  1. Create Tomcat User – For security and process isolation, we will setup a dedicated Linux user to run Tomcat:

     sudo useradd -r -m -U -d /opt/tomcat -s /bin/false tomcat 
  2. Install Java – Ensure Java 8+ JDK is installed as it is a prerequisite for Tomcat:

     java -version

    If output shows an older Java version, visit AdoptOpenJDK site to install the latest OpenJDK.

  3. Setup Installation Directory – Create the folder where Tomcat will be installed and extract the downloaded archive:

     sudo mkdir /opt/tomcat
     sudo tar xzvf apache-tomcat-7.0.109.tar.gz -C /opt/tomcat --strip-components=1 
  4. Assign Ownership – Provide read/write permissions on the Tomcat directory to the tomcat user:

     sudo chown -R tomcat: /opt/tomcat
  5. Make Scripts Executable – Change permissions on Tomcat‘s .sh scripts to allow execution:

     sudo sh -c ‘chmod +x /opt/tomcat/bin/*.sh‘  

We have completed the bare minimum installation steps. Let‘s optimize our Tomcat config next!

Optimizing Configuration

Here are some key recommendations for configuring Tomcat for best performance:

  1. Set JAVA_HOME Variable – Explicitly provide the path to the Java installation via a JAVA_HOME environment variable:

     sudo vim /opt/tomcat/bin/
  2. Increase Memory – Boost Tomcat‘s performance by allocating more memory (I go with 2 GB as baseline):

     sudo vim /opt/tomcat/bin/
  3. Enable Compression – Activate gzip compression for smaller network payload:

     sudo vim /opt/tomcat/conf/server.xml
     <Connector compression="on" ... />

There are a few more optional tweaks like configuring HTTPS support, manager user authentication etc. Those I leave up to you after the installation is complete!

Starting and Stopping Tomcat

With the installation and configuration complete, we are all set to start Tomcat!

As the tomcat user, run the script:

sudo su - tomcat
cd /opt/tomcat 

You will see Tomcat‘s logo splash across your terminal with a "Tomcat started" message.

Browse to your server‘s IP on port 8080 to view the Tomcat test page indicating the successful setup!

To safely shutdown Tomcat use:


And that‘s all there is friends! We have a production-grade Tomcat 7 installation up and running that can now power your Java web applications with its rich feature set!

Let me know in the comments if you have any feedback or questions on this guide. I‘m always happy to help fellow tech enthusiasts master Apache Tomcat.


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.