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Whether you just want inspiration or you need a good dose of reality about how to eat right, weight loss blogs or fitness blogs are a must for anyone that’s trying to drop a little or a lot of weight. A variety of blogs exist, and many weight loss blog sites offer inspirational tips and strategies to help everyday people accomplish one of the hardest tasks out there. The best ones offer active community weight loss forums. Consider these top ten blogs and what they can do for you.

It Sux To Be Fat

A realistic view of the real work of weight loss, this fun, easy to use weight loss blog is a must read. It has great activity by the community too, which means weight loss success stories and ongoing support that you need from real people with real weight loss success stories. From the weekly weigh-in to the recommendations for books, It Sux To Be Fat is worth the read daily.

Finding Radiance

A blogger that’s lost more than 115 pounds is behind this particular blog. You’ll love the inspirational language, but also the real-food solutions and expert advice from blogger Lori in the skinniest of fitness blogs. It’s not just about weight loss, but life, too.

Black Girls Guide to Weight Loss

This is a fun blog with great information, meal places, tips, and much more. The writer, starts as a 330 pound woman and works to lose it all to become a personal trainer, nutritionist and bikini competitor.

Cranky Fitness

This is one of those weight loss blogs you just can’t pass up. Not everyone likes fitness, but at this blog, that’s the focus. Crabby McSlacker started the blog more than six years ago. It continues to offer good advice and real life spunk to those hoping to lose weight.

Authentically Emmie

This blog is the real deal, too. It has great information but leaves out the “this is what you have to do” style of material. You’ll feel at home reading this one. You’ll also get to work one-on-one with Emiie, who’s worked to lose weight to go from 455 pounds to healthy. This is one of the most inspirational weight loss blog sites.

Yum Yuck

At this weight loss blog, Josie sets out to teach the world how to lose weight while not feeling crummy all the time. Her methods are solid and her blog works well for real moms who are trying to balance kid’s birthday parties and emotional eating at the same time.

Healthy Tipping Point

When you want good for you advice, Healthy Tipping Point is a great place to be. The pictures are vibrant and, while the blog focuses on weight loss and healthy living, it’s all about living life realistically.

Skinny Hollie

This is a fun blog that’s really down to earth. You’ll enjoy her spunk on getting fit and still living daily life. She’s also very how-to oriented, giving advice you can really use.

Does This Blog Make Me Look Fat?

Two nutrition-focused women get together for this blog and they provide a lot of inspiration along the way. It’s a funny blog, one to give you your daily dose of happiness, too. This one stands out from all the diet blogs.

Weight Loss Success Stories

This blog offers great information, but it offers the motivation to help people get off the couch and to make a change. Designed to be easy-to-navigate, it’s fun enough to read for new ideas.

When it comes to weight loss blogs, these are the top ten out there right now, written by real people.


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.