
How to Collect Voice of Customer (VOC) Data to Improve Your Business

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Understanding your customers is critical for any business. One of the best ways to gain insights into your customers‘ needs, preferences and pain points is by collecting Voice of Customer (VOC) data.

VOC refers to feedback provided directly by customers about their experiences, perceptions and satisfaction levels. This could include opinions shared through surveys, interviews, focus groups, online reviews and social media channels. When collected consistently over time, VOC data provides invaluable information to drive customer-centric decisions.

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll explore some of the key benefits of gathering VOC, methods for collecting it effectively, how to analyze and report on the data and some best practices for implementing a successful VOC program.

Why VOC Data Matters

Here are some of the key reasons businesses should actively collect VOC insights:

Identifies Satisfaction and Pain Points

VOC data quickly highlights areas where customers are satisfied or dissatisfied. For example, survey results may show that 59% of customers are happy with delivery times while 38% are unsatisfied. This shows speed of delivery as an area to focus improvements on.

Enables Personalization

Analyzing VOC feedback at an individual level provides insights into customers‘ unique needs and interests. You can then tailor products, services and communications for specific customer segments.

Drives Product/Service Enhancements

Customer feedback clearly shows where your offering is missing the mark. This allows you to refine products and services to better meet customer needs.

Improves Customer Relationships

Collecting VOC shows customers you value their opinions. It enables you to implement changes based on their feedback, fostering greater engagement and loyalty.

Identifies Competitive Gaps

Customers‘ feedback on competitors can reveal advantages your competitors may have that you need to match. This helps you continuously evolve your competitive positioning.

Provides Early Warning Signs

A rapid increase in negative sentiment or surge of complaints is an early indicator of problems. Addressing VOC proactively minimizes impact on customer retention and revenue.

Enables Benchmarking

VOC metrics allow you to benchmark performance against competitors, across locations, and over time. For example, your Net Promoter Score (NPS) could be compared to an industry benchmark.

Clearly, tapping into VOC delivers powerful consumer behavior insights and opportunities for improvement that can significantly boost customer acquisition, loyalty and referrals.

Methods for Collecting VOC

Now that we‘ve looked at why VOC is so valuable, let‘s explore some proven methods for capturing it:

Focus Groups

Focus groups involve facilitating an in-depth discussion with 6-10 existing or potential customers. This provides qualitative feedback on attitudes, perceptions, ideas and feelings about your business, brand, products etc. Focus groups enable you to deeply probe customer opinions and understand the context behind them.


Interviews are conducted one-on-one with individual customers. They provide an opportunity to ask specific, tailored questions to elicit detailed insights about their needs, preferences and recommendations. Skilled interviewers can further explore interesting insights that emerge.


Surveys are the most common method for gathering VOC data. Online surveys are easy to distribute at scale and gather feedback from a representative sample. Well-designed surveys yield quantitative data and statistical analysis on metrics like satisfaction, preferences,feature importance etc.

Social Media

Monitoring social media conversations provides valuable VOC insights. Social listening tools can track brand mentions, complaints, product feedback and more. They provide real-time VOC data from a demographic which may not respond to surveys.

Website Analytics

Analyzing how customers navigate and interact with your website offers useful behavioral VOC data. For example, high bounce rates on a landing page or feature may indicate poor user experience. This can inform design and content improvements.

Review Sites

Customer reviews on sites like G2Crowd and Trustpilot offer unbiased, detailed feedback. Products, services, features and the overall customer experience can be benchmarked against competitors.

Feedback Forms

Simple feedback forms can be placed on your website, emails, apps and other touchpoints. For example, a "Was this article helpful?" pop-up can gather quick customer input.

Recorded Calls

Recording customer service calls allows you to analyze common complaints, questions and concerns. Call analytics can identify improvement areas to enhance the customer experience.

This covers some of the leading ways to capture VOC continuously across the entire customer journey. The right mix depends on your business, target personas, objectives and resources.

Next, let‘s look at designing effective surveys to maximize the value gained.

Designing Surveys to Gather Meaningful Insights

Well-crafted surveys are essential to generating useful VOC data that drives business growth. Here are some tips for creating surveys that deliver actionable insights:

Keep it Concise

Survey length has a direct impact on completion rates. According to SurveyMonkey research, completion rates begin to significantly drop once surveys exceed 10 questions. Keep yours focused under 10 questions whenever possible.

Ask Specific Questions

Vague questions lead to ambiguous data that is difficult to take action on. Ask questions targeted to specific aspects like satisfaction with a certain product feature or sales experience.

Use Simple, Clear Wording

Avoid confusing questions that could be misinterpreted. Use simple language that is easily understood. Define any terms that may be unfamiliar.

Allow Open-Ended Feedback

Include some open-ended questions for respondents to elaborate on their experiences in their own words. This provides richer qualitative data.

Offer Multiple Choice Options

Close-ended multiple choice questions generate quantitative data. Provide options like ratings scales, satisfaction levels and preset answers that can be statistically measured.

Keep it Anonymous

Anonymous surveys elicit more honest feedback than those requiring personal details. Only ask for identifiers like email if essential for your analysis.

Limit Optional Questions

Stick to primarily mandatory questions. Too many optional ones allow respondents to skip over sections and impact data completeness.

Test before Launching

Have a small group review your survey draft to identify ways it could be misinterpreted or improved. Refine it based on their feedback before distributing.

Following these best practices will help you craft effective surveys that maximize response rates and capture high-quality, useful VOC data.

Analyzing and Reporting on VOC

Once you‘ve gathered ample VOC data, the next step is extracting meaningful insights from it. Here are some tips for effective analysis and reporting:

Track Response Rates

Calculate completion rate percentages for each survey or feedback channel used. Higher rates indicate greater engagement. Response rates can highlight ineffective channels.

Identify Common Themes

Look for common positive and negative themes in open-ended feedback. Group mentions by topic to identify strengths to leverage and weaknesses to improve.

Update Buyer Personas

Leverage insights gained to update your buyer personas. For example, a new motivating factor for a persona may emerge from analysis.

Create Comprehensive Reports

Summarize overall findings in a report for company leadership and stakeholders. Visualizations like charts make data easier to interpret. Share key takeaways and recommendations.

Develop Action Plans

Work with teams to create plans to address weaknesses and opportunities identified through VOC analysis. Outline the actions to be taken, owners, timelines and success metrics.

Refine Marketing Campaigns

Use VOC data to fine-tune messaging and content that resonates best with target audiences. This could inform future digital ads, emails and other campaigns.

Enhance Customer Experience

Identify service, support and engagement gaps to be addressed. Improve processes to deliver more seamless, satisfying customer experiences based on feedback.

Segment Data

Slice VOC data across various customer cohorts like demographics, purchase history and location. Trends and observations can inform decisions for specific segments.

To maximize impact, VOC findings should be regularly reviewed by cross-functional teams and company leadership. Key customer-focused metrics can even be added to dashboards. Ultimately this analysis should fuel changes that enhance customer satisfaction and the overall customer experience.

Choosing VOC Software

Specialized VOC software platforms make gathering, analyzing and reporting on customer feedback much easier. Here are some key features to look for when choosing a solution:

  • Multichannel collection – Collect feedback seamlessly across surveys, forms, email, social media, calls etc. in one place

  • Analytics and reporting – Robust text analysis, correlation analysis, dashboards and visualization capabilities

  • Integration – APIs and integrations with CRM, support, marketing and other systems

  • Real-time monitoring – Instantly analyze and respond to customer interactions across channels

  • Alerting – Get notified when negative sentiment spikes or thresholds are exceeded

  • Survey customization – Easily customize branding, questions, distribution, frequency and more

  • AI capabilities – Auto-categorize unstructured data and detect patterns with artificial intelligence

  • Data segmentation – Filter data by labels like location, demographic etc. to spot trends

  • Customer profile building – Create unified profiles by consolidating data from all sources

  • Collaboration – Teams can provide context on data and collaborate on responses

Leading VOC platforms like Qualtrics, SurveyMonkey, Userlytics and InMoment offer robust solutions with capabilities like these. Identify must-have features based on your VOC objectives and scale.

Implementing a VOC Program

Launching an impactful VOC initiative takes careful planning and cross-team involvement. Here are some best practices as you roll-out your program:

Get Executive Buy-In

Having visible executive sponsorship sets the stage for adoption across the organization. Make the business case forVOC to get leadership alignment.

Develop Roadmap

Define the rollout phases, stakeholders involved, timeline, resources required and success metrics. Consider launching a pilot before going company-wide.

Train Staff

Provide training to customer-facing teams on the importance of VOC and their role in gathering high-quality feedback across interactions.

Set Measurable Goals

Establish quantitative goals for metrics like survey response rates, social mentions analyzed, reviews collected etc. to track program impact.

Monitor Response Rates

Keep close tabs on survey and feedback channel response rates. Rapid dropoffs may signal survey fatigue or disengaged audiences.

Share Customer Stories

Share specific examples of how customer feedback led to enhancements to make the impact tangible across the organization.

Close Feedback Loops

Notify customers when changes are implemented based on their feedback. This builds trust and keeps them engaged in providing VOC.

Review Progress Regularly

Continuously gather cross-functional feedback on what‘s working well and any program improvements needed as you scale efforts.

With the right preparation and commitment across teams, your VOC program can deliver tremendous value in the form of deeper customer intimacy.

Overcoming VOC Challenges

While highly beneficial, collecting and applying VOC certainly comes with its challenges. Being aware of common pitfalls upfront helps address them proactively:

Low Survey Response Rates

Lackluster survey response rates can stem from poor design, survey fatigue or lack of incentives. Keep surveys focused, provide monetary rewards and communicate the importance of participation to boost completion percentages.

Disconnected Data

Without an integrated VOC platform, data from surveys, support tickets, social media and other channels lives in silos. This makes analysis less insightful. A unified solution is key.

Data Overload

Collecting VOC across multiple channels can quickly become overwhelming to digest and act on. Focus analysis on your most critical business questions to avoid "analysis paralysis".

Changes Not Implemented

Simply collecting feedback without making real changes leads to cynicism. Prioritize acting on important insights with reasonable effort and investment.

Lack of Ongoing Review

VOC insights get stale quickly if not reviewed frequently. Schedule regular meetings to discuss latest data and trends. Routinely share highlights with stakeholders.

With some forethought, policies and change management tactics, these potential pitfalls are avoidable. Being prepared goes a long way.

In Closing

Customer perceptions provide invaluable direction on how to improve experiences, increase loyalty and outperform competitors. By actively capturing VOC across the customer journey, you gain a wealth of data to drive enhancements and strategic decisions. The key is collecting feedback through the right mix of channels, crafting well-designed surveys, thorough analysis, addressing identified weaknesses and closing the loop with customers. With the proper foundational elements and VOC platform in place, your efforts will pay dividends for your business‘ bottom line.


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.