
Website Speed Optimization: How to Keep Your Site Fast in 14 Easy Steps

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Website speed – it‘s the make or break factor for your site‘s success. I know you want your website to be lightning fast. Blazing fast page loads that make your visitors stick around, browse more pages, and convert into customers.

But here‘s the thing…

Recent research shows that 47% of consumers expect a web page to load in 2 seconds or less. And every additional second of delay reduces conversions by 7%.


Even a few extra seconds of load time kills profits and pushes visitors away.

I know you don‘t want that for your website. You work hard to attract visitors – the last thing you want is losing them due to slow performance.

So in this guide, I‘ll show you 14 powerful (but easy-to-implement) website speed optimization tips that‘ll dramatically accelerate your site.

And the best part?

Many of these tips are completely FREE.

Let‘s dig in…

1. Choose a Fast, Reliable Web Host

Your web host has a massive impact on your site‘s loading times.

See, overcrowded budget shared hosting cram hundreds of websites onto a single server. All competing for resources. This causes frustrating lag and sluggish performance.

Instead, you need a quality web host designed for speed and reliability.

Here are the top 3 hosts I recommend:

SiteGround is one of the fastest and most reliable options. Their servers use cutting-edge SSD storage and next-gen processors.

Average page load time is a blazing fast 432ms – 3X faster than other popular hosts. SiteGround plans start at $6.99/month.

Kinsta specializes in managed WordPress hosting. They meticulously tune the server stack for optimum WordPress performance.

Visitors in North America see average load times of just 582ms. Plans start at $30/month.

WPEngine is another excellent managed WordPress host known for speed and security. Load times average 673ms worldwide – much faster than the typical 3+ seconds on budget hosts. Pricing starts at $35/month.

Now, you might be thinking…

"These hosts cost a lot more than my $2.99/month shared plan!"

Here‘s the truth:

The small monthly premium is 100% worth it.

You‘ll easily recover the cost from increased conversions, lower bounce rates, and higher SERP rankings. Not to mention avoid countless wasted hours trying in vain to speed up a cheap, overloaded shared server.

Ultimately, quality hosting is one of the single best investments you can make for a faster site.

2. Use a CDN for Faster Global Delivery

You‘ve probably heard about content delivery networks (CDNs) before.

But here‘s a quick refresher on how they work:

A CDN stores cached copies of your web resources like HTML, images, CSS, and JS in data centers around the world.

When a visitor requests your site, the CDN will serve it from the edge server closest to that user – instead of the origin server.

This minimizes geographic distance and reduces latency, especially for international audiences.

And CDNs offer other compelling speed benefits:

  • Absorbs traffic spikes – CDNs easily handle sudden traffic surges without crashing your origin server.

  • Offloads traffic – Serving requests from cache lightens the load on your main server.

  • Advanced caching – Optimized caching algorithms deliver assets faster from edge cache locations.

According to HTTPArchive, websites using a CDN are a median of 45% faster compared to sites without one.

Some top CDN providers include Cloudflare, Akamai, Fastly, and Amazon CloudFront. Most offer a free plan to get started.

Using a CDN alongside a fast host gives your site an amazing 1-2 performance punch. Your worldwide visitors will enjoy blazing fast speeds no matter where they access your site from.

3. Resize and Optimize Your Images

Here‘s an eye-opening fact about web pages:

Images often account for over 60% of a page‘s bandwidth.

Yet most sites don‘t bother optimizing images – they just upload full-size images without a second thought.

This wastes bandwidth AND loads unnecessary extra bytes that slow down your page.

Instead, you should:

  • Use responsive images that fit each device size. Don‘t make mobile users load gigantic desktop images!

  • Compress JPGs. Remove EXIF data and optimize compression – you can shrink JPGs by 50-80% without losing perceived quality.

  • Convert to WebP. WebP images are 25-35% smaller than JPGs. WordPress can automatically serve WebPs to supported browsers.

  • Lazy load offscreen images. Only load images as they become visible during scrolling to accelerate initial page load.

  • Remove image metadata. Strip away useless GPS/camera EXIF data that bloats file size.

Properly resizing and optimizing your images can reduce image payload by 80% or more.

Your pages will load super fast when you strip out all the visual bloat.

If manually optimizing images sounds like too much work, use a plugin like EWWW or Imagify to automatically compress and convert your images.

4. Minify HTML, CSS and JS Code

Here‘s a quick way to shrink file sizes and speed up page loads:

Minify your code by removing whitespace, comments and unnecessary characters.

This reduces the payload size that has to be transferred over the network.

Minification typically reduces code size by 20-50%:

File Type Sample Size Reduction
HTML 22% smaller
CSS 50% smaller
JavaScript 33% smaller

That‘s some serious savings!

Here are some different ways to minify your code:

  • Use WP Rocket or Autoptimize plugins if you have a WordPress site.

  • Check if your web host provides built-in minification. Many do!

  • Manually minify code before uploading.

  • Automate minification with Grunt, Gulp, or similar build tools.

Minification might seem intimidating. But once it‘s set up, this simple optimization will keep delivering faster page loads long-term.

5. Enable GZIP Compression

Enabling compression is one of the easiest ways to speed up your site.

It works like this:

GZIP losslessly compresses text-based assets like HTML, CSS, JS and SVG files before sending them over the network.

Browsers unzip the compressed files on-the-fly while rendering pages.

This results in much smaller transferred payload sizes – typically 60-80% smaller.

GZIP compression is supported by all modern browsers and web servers. Just enable it in your .htaccess file or server config.

The only downside to GZIP is it requires a bit more CPU power to compress and decompress files. But for most sites, the huge file size reduction is worth the minimal processing trade-off.

Bottom line: don‘t leave this free performance boost on the table. Get GZIP compression activated on your site.

6. Configure Browser Caching Properly

When a browser visits your site, it caches elements like images, CSS and JS locally so they don‘t need to be re-downloaded on repeat visits.

The browser just loads these assets from its own local cache. Much faster!


You need to configure caching headers properly.

If you don‘t, your static assets might not be cached at all. Or they‘ll expire too quickly and end up getting requested all over again.

Use caching headers like Cache-Control and ETags to instruct browsers to cache assets for optimal periods of time.

This prevents unnecessary re-downloads of assets on subsequent user visits.

Now your visitors won‘t have to re-download the same image or CSS file every time they hit your site. Your pages will load faster as more assets are pulled from the browser cache.

7. Keep Redirects to a Minimum

Redirects introduce additional network round trips that delay page rendering.

Some common sources of redirects include:

  • 301 Permanent Redirects from old URLs to new ones.

  • 302 Temporary Redirects for A/B testing and maintenance pages.

  • Meta refresh redirects.

Ideally, you want to minimize unnecessary redirects to keep things speedy.

If you do need redirects, 301 Permanent Redirects are the best option – browsers will cache them so the redirection penalty only applies on the first visit.

You can identify excessive redirect chains using online tools like Redirect Detective and Redirect Path. Eliminate any pointless redirects that don‘t serve a purpose.

With careful redirect hygiene, you can avoid unwanted slowdowns caused by excessive redirection.

8. Use HTTP/2 for Faster Page Loads

HTTP is the underlying protocol that powers the web.

When you type a URL into your browser, HTTP handles the request and response between the server and client.

HTTP/1.1 was released in 1997 – and it‘s pretty dated. It only allows downloading one asset per TCP connection.

The new HTTP/2 standard offers much faster page loading.

Key HTTP/2 improvements:

  • Multiplexing – Loads multiple assets simultaneously over a single TCP connection.

  • Server Push – Servers can preemptively "push" assets to clients without waiting for requests.

  • Header Compression – Compresses repetitive HTTP header metadata.

  • Binary Protocol – More efficient encoding than HTTP/1 text format.

According to Cloudflare, websites upgraded to HTTP/2 achieve average page load reductions of:

  • 37% on mobile
  • 31% on desktop


Switching to HTTP/2 is one of the biggest performance wins you can get.

Check with your host or CDN – most modern infrastructure now supports HTTP/2. Turn it on and reap the speed benefits.

9. Deferred JS Loading

JavaScript is powerful. But it comes with a cost:

JS blocks the initial rendering of HTML until it finishes downloading and executing.

This delays display of your page content. Users are left staring at a blank white screen.

The fix? Deferred JavaScript loading.

This allows the HTML to load and render first, with scripts loading in the background.

A few ways to defer JavaScript:

  • Add defer attribute: <script src="file.js" defer></script>

  • Place scripts at bottom of page, right before </body>

  • Dynamically create scripts using DOM methods like document.createElement()

  • Load scripts asynchronously with async (use carefully to avoid race conditions)

Deferring third-party scripts like analytics/tracking codes is especially important. Don‘t let external resources block your core page from loading!

With deferred JS, your HTML will pop on screen faster. No more awkward blank loading states.

10. Simplify Your Website‘s DOM

The Document Object Model (DOM) structures the objects on an HTML document.

It‘s essentially a tree-like representation of the HTML elements, text nodes, and comments on a page.

The browser must construct the DOM during page load. A large, deeply nested DOM is more resource intensive to create.

To optimize the DOM, simplify the markup structure:

  • Eliminate unnecessary nodes and attributes.

  • Flatten nested elements that don‘t need to be nested.

  • Break ultra-large pages into smaller sections loaded via AJAX.

  • Use React, Vue, or other frameworks that promote DOM efficiency.

Lightweight, simplified DOM structures improve JavaScript performance and memory usage during page rendering.

It takes a bit of development work, but optimizing your site‘s DOM pays dividends in faster, more efficient script execution and page rendering.

11. Load Web Fonts with Care

Custom web fonts make a site look sharp. But they come at a cost.

Here are some tips for optimizing web font performance:

  • Limit font usage to necessary fonts. Each extra font increases page weight.

  • Subset fonts to only contain glyphs used on your pages. Cuts file size.

  • Use WOFF2 format – 30% better compression than WOFF.

  • Self-host fonts on your server if possible. Avoid external requests.

  • Load fonts asynchronously to prevent blocking render.

With care, custom fonts don‘t have to wreck performance. Balance design needs with site speed.

12. Lazy Load Offscreen Images

On the average page, most visible images aren‘t initially needed. They‘re below the fold.

Lazy loading delays loading of offscreen images until users scroll down and they become visible.


  • Faster initial load – Less assets requested upfront.

  • Reduced bandwidth – Only request images as needed.

  • Perceived performance boost – Images load just-in-time as user scrolls.

Lazy loading can be implemented in several ways:

  • Via JavaScript libraries like lazysizes.

  • Using the native HTML loading="lazy" attribute.

  • With Low Quality Image Placeholders (LQIP).

Don‘t make mobile users wait to download huge images they can‘t even see yet! Intelligently lazy load assets for a faster experience.

13. Take Advantage of Web Assembly

JavaScript powers much of the interactivity on modern websites. But it has limitations.

Web Assembly (Wasm) bypasses JS limitations for near-native performance.

Wasm is a low-level, assembly-like language executing inside the browser at max efficiency.

You can compile C/C++ code into small, highly optimized Wasm binaries.

This unlocks use cases like:

  • 3D games/graphics
  • Video editing
  • Complex computations/simulations
  • Machine learning

Performance is much faster than equivalent JavaScript.

For example, Genymotion used Wasm to build performant web Android emulators. Cadence uses Wasm for their electronic design automation tools.

Combine Wasm with Web Workers for threaded parallel execution without blocking the main UI.

The future is bright for more apps tapped into Wasm‘s immense performance potential.

14. Split Code Into Smaller Chunks

Bundling code into a single JavaScript file minimizes requests.

But for large apps, this produces an exorbitantly large bundle taking minutes to parse/compile.

Code splitting splits code into smaller chunks loaded on-demand. Benefits:

  • Faster initial load – Only load what‘s immediately necessary.

  • Better caching – Static chunks can be aggressively cached.

  • Reduced compile/parse time – Smaller bundles are processed faster.

For example, you might:

  • Load framework first, then feature code as routes are accessed.

  • Separate vendor libraries like Lodash/Moment into own chunks.

  • Break CSS into independent chunks for pages/components.

  • Load data shards dynamically as user paginates/filters.

Code splitting shifts from monolithic bundles to flexible on-demand chunk loading. Start by code splitting your biggest bundles for an instant performance win.

Bonus: Set a Performance Budget

As your site evolves, it‘s easy for performance to degrade over time.

A performance budget codifies speed metrics targets to safeguard against creeping bloat.

For example, set limits like:

  • First Meaningful Paint under 1.5s
  • JavaScript bundles under 250kb
  • Page weight under 2MB

Then monitor metrics over time and optimize when targets are exceeded.

Performance budgets help ensure your site doesn‘t lose its speed edge as new features are added.

There you have it – 14 high-impact optimizations to make your website insanely fast.

I know you may feel overwhelmed looking at this list. But don‘t worry!

Just tackle these optimizations one step at a time. Start with the "quick wins" like enabling GZIP compression or a CDN.

With some incremental work, you‘ll start to see tangible speed improvements. And you‘ll find that "blazing fast" isn‘t an impossible dream for your website!

Now go forth and speed up your site, my friend! Let me know if you have any other questions.


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.