
7 WordPress Debugging Tools for Troubleshooting: A Data Analyst and Tech Geek‘s Guide

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As a fellow tech geek and WordPress user, I know how frustrating website issues can be. A momentary glitch might go unnoticed. But over time, small performance hits accumulate and seriously impact your site and business.

According to Google research, 53% of mobile site visitors will leave a page that takes over 3 seconds to load. For desktop users, abandonment rates spike when pages take longer than 5 seconds to load. Even an incremental delay of 250 ms reduces conversion rates by 4.25%.

The data shows that site speed and uptime are mission critical, especially as a business‘s digital presence grows. Just a 1-second page delay could cost a 100,000 visitor site $2.5 million in lost sales annually. The stakes for keeping your site smooth and bug-free are incredibly high.

To achieve blazing fast performance and 100% uptime, having the right debugging tools in your toolkit is essential. As developers say, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Proactively monitoring for issues and optimizing performance is much easier than dealing with the fallout after disaster strikes.

Based on my experience resolving WordPress bugs for clients, I put together this comprehensive guide covering my go-to toolkit of 7 debugging essentials. For each tool, I‘ll share tips from my perspective as a data-driven tech geek to help you master WordPress troubleshooting.

A Tech Geek‘s Debugging Toolkit

1. WP_DEBUG: Built-in but Often Overlooked

New WordPress users are often unaware that basic debugging capabilities are already built-in. Activating the WP_DEBUG constant enables error logging that exposes clues to precisely what is broken.

For tech geeks, it‘s rewarding to enable WP_DEBUG and review the raw debug data yourself to get a firsthand view of potential issues. Here are the steps I follow:

  1. Using FTP or the hosting file manager, open wp-config.php in the main WordPress directory.

  2. Find the WP_DEBUG definition, or add:

    define( ‘WP_DEBUG‘, true );
  3. Also add:

    define( ‘WP_DEBUG_LOG‘, true );
    define( ‘WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY‘, false );  
  4. The second line logs all errors to debug.log. The third prevents public display of errors.

  5. Upload wp-config.php and access your site to reproduce the bug.

  6. Open debug.log in a text editor and search for warning/error messages related to the issue.

  7. Debug.log can get long, so I pipe it through grep to filter for relevant keywords. This quickly pinpoints the problematic plugin or database query.

  8. Finally, disable WP_DEBUG again by setting it to false when done debugging.

It takes 5 minutes to enable, yet reveals low-level data that most commercial tools can‘t match. For tech geeks, WP_DEBUG offers rewarding DIY debugging without any financial investment.

2. Firefox DevTools: A Developer‘s Dream Browser

Among tech geeks, Firefox has a dedicated following particularly for its built-in web developer tools. As a former Firefox power user myself, I still recommend Firefox DevTools for WordPress debugging purposes.

The Inspector tool lets you live edit page HTML and CSS. Viewing the raw code makes it easy to find markup issues causing front-end bugs.

The Web Console provides rich network request, error and log data. It even lets you interactively test JavaScript in the page context.

Firefox also integrates tools for analyzing page performance metrics like load time. You can even connect the mobile Firefox browser to analyze site issues on mobile devices.

For tech geeks who love tinkering under the hood, Firefox DevTools are a godsend. The extensive features and detailed view of all browser activity streamlines identifying obscure front-end bugs.

3. Query Monitor: A Developer‘s Swiss Army Knife

Finding the source of issues affecting site performance and behavior often requires drilling down into database queries, scripts, API calls and more.

This is where Query Monitor shines. It aggregates all MySQL queries by the plugin, theme or function that triggered them. The admin toolbar menu shows granular performance data for PHP, REST API, hooks, transients and countless other WordPress features.

As a developer‘s Swiss army knife, Query Monitor enables targeted debugging for virtually every aspect of WordPress. It helped me track down the specific plugin leaking hundreds of redundant queries on large sites.

The best part? Query Monitor is 100% free and open source. For tech geeks who love comprehensive data, it‘s an invaluable addition to your toolkit.

4. New Relic APM: When You Need Deep Data Dives

While I try open source tools first, there are times every technologist needs raw power. For total visibility into complex high-traffic sites, I turn to New Relic APM.

New Relic has an industry leading 96.5% uptime with response times under 100 ms. It offers everything from real user monitoring to server infrastructure insights. Their WordPress plugin nicely integrates this data into native WordPress screens.

The detailed performance break downs have helped me optimize large enterprise WordPress architecture. For example, I optimized database schema and added Redis caching to reduce load times by 62% per New Relic‘s reporting.

Admittedly, the learning curve is steep. Initial setup took me a few weeks of tweaking. Troubleshooting obscure issues can still require contacting their famously reliable support. But for mission-critical sites, the $200 per host pricing is easily justified.

5. Debugging Fundamentals: Techniques Every Tech Geek Should Know

While plugins provide invaluable data, I consider fundamental debugging skills equally important in a technologist‘s toolkit. Here are a few techniques I use to troubleshoot WordPress issues:

  • Reproduce locally: Use a local environment like MAMP or LocalWP to reproduce issues happening only on the live site. Test potential fixes locally first.

  • Selective plugin disabling: Temporarily disable plugins one-by-one to isolate the problem plugin. Re-activate other plugins incrementally.

  • Review error logs: Server and PHP error logs often contain clues to underlying issues. Familiarity with log locations and formats is invaluable.

  • Simplify themes: Switch to a basic theme like Twenty Twenty to test whether your theme causes the bug. Deactivate non-essential theme plugins too.

  • Compare file differences: Use DiffChecker to compare current vs working file versions and spot issues from code changes.

  • Rollback changes: Your host‘s backup system lets you restore previous versions to revert problematic updates.

  • Google it extensively: Obscure bugs often have solutions somewhere online. Master search operators and dig beyond the first results page.

Debugging is equal parts art and science. For us tech geeks, adding fundamental debugging practices to your skillset pays dividends in solving WordPress‘ inevitable issues.

Conclusion: Keep Your Site Speedy and Stable

With its flexible ecosystem, WordPress offers limitless possibilities. But more moving parts also increase the potential for bugs. I hope this guide gave you a geeky enthusiasm for mastering WordPress debugging.

Whether it‘s built-in tools like WP_DEBUG or pro-level solutions like New Relic APM, having the right toolkit makes troubleshooting feel smooth and even fun. The ability to track down obscure bugs keeps your site speedy and stable even as it grows.

What other tips would you suggest for debugging WordPress issues? What tools have you found most useful? I‘d love to hear your experiences in the comments below!


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.