
9 YouTube Rank Checker Tools for Streamers and Influencers

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As a content creator on YouTube, you want your videos to rank highly and get maximum views. But how do you know which keywords your videos rank for and how they perform against the competition?

This is where YouTube rank checker tools come in handy. They allow you to easily track and monitor the search rankings of your YouTube videos.

In this guide, we will explore the top 9 YouTube rank checker tools that can help streamers and influencers optimize their video SEO and improve search visibility.

Why Should You Use a YouTube Rank Checker?

Before jumping into the tools, let‘s first understand why you need a YouTube rank tracking software in the first place.

Monitor search rankings: The most obvious benefit is that a rank checker lets you monitor the ranking positions of your videos for relevant keyword searches. You can track both current and historical rankings.

Analyze competition: You can input competitor videos to see where they rank vs your own videos. This allows you to research and analyze the competition.

Optimize titles and tags: By seeing search terms and rankings, you can fine-tune video titles, tags, descriptions etc. to target more relevant searches.

Track performance: Rankings indicate how well optimized a video is. You can track rankings over time to see the impact of your optimization efforts.

Identify opportunities: A rank report highlights keyword opportunities you can target to improve rankings and views.

In short, YouTube rank tracking is crucial for monitoring SEO performance and continuously optimizing your video content for better discoverability.

Now let‘s look at some powerful rank checker tools for YouTube.

1. TubeBuddy

TubeBuddy for YouTube Rank Tracking

TubeBuddy is one of the most popular all-in-one YouTube SEO tools. It offers a wide range of features for optimizing and managing your YouTube channel.

The TubeBuddy rank tracker is available as a browser extension. Once installed, it shows a rank report right on your YouTube video page.

With the extension, you can see current and historical rankings along with daily position changes for that video.

TubeBuddy‘s rank tracker works for both searched terms as well as related/suggested videos on YouTube. This gives you a complete picture of a video‘s performance.

Other key features include:

  • Rank tracker for channels to see keyword rankings across all videos
  • Track up to 10 keywords per video
  • Daily rank updates
  • Location-based rankings
  • Ranking history and weekly comparisons
  • Export rankings data as CSV

TubeBuddy is available as a paid service starting at $9/month. They also offer a free version but rank tracking is limited to only 3 keywords.

2. VidIQ

VidIQ is another leading YouTube SEO and rank tracking platform. It provides an AI-powered Chrome extension as well as web-based analytics.

The VidIQ extension shows video ranking details right on YouTube. You can see current rankings as well as daily or weekly position changes for that keyword.

VidIQ Rank Tracking

Key features of VidIQ‘s rank tracker include:

  • Track video rankings for multiple keywords
  • Location and device-based rankings
  • Graphs for ranking history and progress
  • Ranking details for related/suggested videos
  • Channel-level rank tracking
  • Automatic daily rank updates
  • Ranking alerts and notifications

VidIQ has a free plan with limited functionality. The paid plans start at $9/month and add features like competitor tracking, more keywords, channel management, etc.

3. MorningFame

MorningFame provides an advanced AI-powered platform for YouTube SEO and video analytics.

Their software offers an accurate and easy-to-use rank tracker for YouTube channels and videos.

MorningFame Rank Checker

Key features include:

  • Track rankings for unlimited videos and keywords
  • Local rankings for different countries
  • Ranking history and weekly position comparison
  • Automatic rank updates
  • Details for video suggestions and related videos
  • Customizable ranking reports
  • Scheduled email reports
  • Channel-level rank tracking

MorningFame has premium paid plans starting at $29/month. However, they also offer a free account with ability to track 2 keywords per video.

4. SEMrush

SEMrush is a leading marketing analytics platform. Their video tracking tool provides in-depth YouTube SEO and rank monitoring capabilities.

With SEMrush, you can track rankings for your YouTube channel as well as your competitors‘ channels.

SEMrush YouTube Rank Checker

Key features of SEMrush video rank tracker:

  • Track rankings across YouTube search, related videos, and suggestions
  • Monitor positions across countries and devices
  • Daily position updates
  • Historical rankings data for analysis
  • Ranking alerts for sudden drops
  • Scheduled email ranking reports
  • Track competitor video rankings side-by-side

SEMrush starts at $99/month. They offer a 7-day free trial to test out their platform.

5. TubeRank

TubeRank is a specialized tool focused solely on YouTube SEO and ranking needs. They offer a simple yet powerful rank checker.

With TubeRank you can:

  • Get daily rankings for unlimited number of keywords
  • Check rankings by country and device
  • See current vs. past rankings
  • Track channel-level keyword rankings
  • Get ranking alerts via email or Slack
  • Schedule automated ranking reports
  • Integrate rank data with analytics platforms

TubeRank has a free plan for tracking 2 keywords. Paid plans start at $15/month and add more keywords, locations and features.

6. Rank Ranger

Rank Ranger offers a suite of SEO tools including rank tracking for YouTube and other search engines.

With Rank Ranger you can:

  • Check video rankings for multiple keywords
  • Track rankings globally or for specific countries
  • See current and historical positions
  • Get weekly rank comparison reports
  • Set ranking alerts for sudden drops
  • Integrate data with Google Analytics
  • Get scheduled email reports
  • Monitor competitor video rankings

Rank Ranger starts at $99/month. They offer a 30-day free trial to test drive their platform.

7. Trackalytics

Trackalytics is another powerful YouTube SEO and analytics platform. Their rank tracker delivers fast and accurate results.

Key features include:

  • Monitor rankings for unlimited videos and keywords
  • Check rankings by location and device type
  • Daily position updates
  • Current vs. historical rankings comparison
  • Progress graphs and trends
  • Customizable ranking reports
  • Alerts for sudden ranking drops
  • API access to integrate rank data

Trackalytics has different pricing tiers based on number of keywords tracked. Plans start at $30/month for 1,500 keywords.

8. ChannelMeter

ChannelMeter offers an AI-powered toolkit for YouTube channel growth and optimization.

Their platform includes an easy-to-use rank checker with useful capabilities:

  • Track video rankings for multiple target keywords
  • Location and device-specific rankings
  • Current vs. historical positions comparison
  • Graphs for daily, weekly and monthly ranking trends
  • Ranking alerts and notifications
  • Customizable ranking reports

ChannelMeter starts at $15/month. They offer a free version but rank tracking is limited to only 2 keywords.

9. RankSense

RankSense is another robust SEO platform with support for YouTube rank tracking.

Key features of their video rank checker:

  • Track rankings for unlimited keywords
  • Location and device-based rank data
  • Current vs. historical positions
  • Graphs for ranking trends and progress
  • Scheduled email reports
  • Ranking drop alerts and notifications
  • API access for data integration

RankSense starts at $50/month and offers a free trial to test features.

Bonus: Check YouTube Rankings Manually

Don‘t want to use an external tool? You can also check YouTube video rankings manually.

Simply search for your target keyword on YouTube and scroll down to see where your videos appear in results. Make a note of their ranking position.

Do this regularly to monitor progress. While manual tracking works, it is tedious and time-consuming compared to rank tracker tools.

Key Factors that Influence YouTube Video Rankings

While rank checker tools allow you to monitor positions, what factors actually impact your YouTube video rankings?

Here are some key elements to focus on for better video discoverability:

  • Video title and description: Optimized title and description using target keyword helps rankings.

  • Tags: Include all relevant tags to associate your video with searches.

  • Watch time: Videos with higher watch time tend to rank better in YouTube.

  • Video quality and content: Higher quality and engaging videos get promoted by YouTube algorithm.

  • Links and shares: Getting more external links and social shares improves search visibility.

  • Channel authority: Videos from channels with more subscribers and authority tend to rank higher.

  • Video age: Older videos have an advantage vs newly uploaded ones.

  • Video transcript: Having a transcript helps search visibility for related terms.

So optimizing these factors, along with monitoring rankings regularly, can help boost your YouTube video rankings over time.

Get Started with YouTube Rank Tracking

Monitoring search rankings is crucial for YouTube creators and marketers. By tracking video positions, you can optimize thumbnails, titles, descriptions and nail the right SEO to improve discoverability.

The YouTube rank checker tools covered above provide an easy and effective way to monitor search performance. Try these out and see which one best fits your budget and needs.

Focus on ranking better, driving more views and subscribers, and growing your YouTube presence.


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.