
Better Discord: What It Is & How To Use It

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Better Discord is a popular third-party modification for the Discord chat app that enhances the user experience with added customization options and plugins. In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll cover everything you need to know about Better Discord, including what it is, the key features it offers, how to download and install it properly, plugins and themes, tips for safe usage, and more.

What is Better Discord?

Better Discord is an open-source client mod for Discord that allows users to extensively customize their Discord client with new features, themes, and plugins. It works as an addon or extension on top of the default Discord app.

Some of the key things Better Discord lets you do:

  • Install custom themes to change the look and feel of Discord
  • Add plugins to extend Discord‘s functionality
  • Create your own custom themes and plugins
  • Tweak the CSS for more customization options
  • Access developer tools and utilities

Essentially, Better Discord supercharges your Discord experience, letting you tailor it to your preferences with more personalization options compared to regular Discord.

what is better discord

Better Discord source code is publicly available on GitHub so anyone can inspect it. The project is maintained by a community of developers and contributors.

Overall, if you want more control and customization over how your Discord app looks and functions beyond what the vanilla Discord offers, Better Discord is the go-to solution.

Why Do People Use Better Discord?

There are several key reasons why many Discord users choose to install Better Discord:

  • Customize appearance – Change Discord‘s look via beautiful pre-made themes or create your own personalized theme. This allows you to make Discord match your style.

  • Extend functionality – Plugins add handy features not natively supported by Discord like server folders, role utilities, notifications tweaks, and more. Better Discord unlocks many customization avenues.

  • Enhanced experience – For power users who want to tailor Discord to their exact preferences, Better Discord is a must. It takes the Discord experience to new heights.

  • Express individuality – Create a unique, one-of-a-kind Discord setup that reflects your personality and tastes thanks to the extensive mods and tweaks.

  • Developer perks – Developers get extra tools to play around with Discord‘s interface and build add-ons. It makes Discord more hackable.

Overall, for those seeking more personalization, functionality, and control over their Discord client, Better Discord is an appealing choice.

Is Better Discord Safe to Use?

The Better Discord application itself is safe to use when downloaded from the official source at Since it‘s open source, the code is transparent and regularly audited by the BD developer community.

However, users should be cautious when installing 3rd party themes and plugins within Better Discord that aren‘t from trusted sources. Such add-ons may contain malware or other security risks if not properly vetted. Stick to downloading BD extras only from the official Better Discord library and reputable creators.

To use Better Discord safely:

  • Only download the official installer from
  • Carefully check reviews and ratings before installing any 3rd party themes/plugins
  • Scan new files with antivirus software before installing
  • Avoid unfamiliar creators or sites offering BD add-ons

As long as you take precautions, Better Discord is safe to enjoy all of its perks without worry. It gives control back to the user.

Better Discord Features

Better Discord comes packed with a trove of features that enhanceDiscord in many ways:

Customizable Themes

Better Discord lets you install custom CSS themes that entirely change Discord‘s look and feel. You can choose from thousands of free themes to find ones that suit your style.

Themes allow changing colors, backgrounds, icons, animations, and more. If you want a stylish pink or sci-fi futuristic aesthetic for your Discord, Better Discord themes deliver.

Plugins & Addons

Plugins expand what Discord can do. Better Discord offers over a hundred plugins:

  • Server folders to organize servers
  • Notification tweaks
  • Improved emojis
  • Game integrations
  • Streamer helper tools
  • And many more options!

Plugins let you add the custom functionality you want.

Creation Tools

Better Discord gives creation power to users. You can make custom CSS themes and plugins for yourself or to share with others.

Bring your own creative vision to life by designing a theme or building a new plugin from scratch to fill a niche.

Customization & Control

You get expanded customization abilities like tweaking specific colors, sizes, positions, animations, and other elements via the CSS editor. Adjust Discord meticulously to your preferences.

Better Discord also unlocks developer options to poke around Discord‘s internal workings if you want to get more advanced.

Performance & UI

A Minimal Mode in Better Discord declutters the interface for reduced distraction. BD also aims to enhance performance. Custom plugins can further optimize Discord.

Overall, the improved customization in Better Discord grants you more control over the Discord interface and performance. Tweak it exactly how you like.

How to Install Better Discord

Ready to get Better Discord up and running? Here are the steps to safely install it on Windows and Mac.

Installing on Windows

  1. Ensure you have the official Discord app installed first. Better Discord requires it.

  2. Download the latest Better Discord installer from

  3. Open the BetterDiscordSetup.exe installer once finished downloading.

  4. Accept the license agreement then click "Install BetterDiscord".

  5. Select your existing Discord installation from the dropdown menu.

  6. Click install and wait for the process to complete. Discord will restart.

That‘s it! Better Discord will be successfully installed and ready to go.

Installing on Mac

  1. Download the from

  2. Open the DMG package then drag BetterDiscord into your Applications folder to install.

  3. Launch Better Discord from your apps. It will ask you to locate your Discord installation to link to.

After selecting your Discord app, Better Discord will finish getting set up. Enjoy!

Using Better Discord Plugins

One of Better Discord‘s biggest draws is its plugins that add new functionality not possible in vanilla Discord. Here‘s how to use BD plugins.

Finding Plugins

Browse the official Better Discord plugin library at to discover plugins.

You can search by name or browse by category like productivity, appearance, entertainment, and more. The built-in reviews help identify quality plugins.

Installing Plugins

  1. Download a plugin of interest from the plugin library.

  2. In Discord, go to User Settings > BetterDiscord > Plugins tab.

  3. Click "Open Plugins Folder" then drag your downloaded plugin here.

  4. Make sure the plugin is enabled by toggling it on.

  5. Restart Discord to apply the new plugin.

And you‘re done! The plugin will now be active and change your Discord experience.

Here are some great starter plugins to try in Better Discord:

  • ServerFolders – Organize servers into collapsible folders.

  • ReadAllNotifications – Mark all notifications as read.

  • DoNotTrack – Disable analytics/tracking.

  • CompatibilityReporter – Fixes plugins broken by Discord updates.

Explore all the options to turbocharge your customized Discord setup.

Using Better Discord Themes

Besides handy plugins, Better Discord also lets you customize the look of your Discord client through CSS themes.

Browsing Themes

Head to to browse free themes made by the community. Search by name or category.

Check the images, reviews, and ratings on a theme‘s page to evaluate it. Previews let you see how it changes Discord‘s appearance before installing.

Installing Themes

  1. Download a Better Discord theme file from the theme library. It will have a .css or .theme.css file extension.

  2. Open User Settings > BetterDiscord > Themes tab in Discord.

  3. Click the + icon to add your downloaded theme file.

  4. Make sure the theme is enabled by toggling it on.

  5. Restart Discord to apply your new theme!

Now Discord should load up freshly styled. Swap between different themes anytime to change your look.

Creating Own Themes

If you know CSS, you can make custom themes for yourself or others by modifying Discord‘s base CSS files.

Just ensure you properly package and distribute your theme file when sharing. Bring your own creative vision to stylize Discord with original theme designs.

Is Better Discord Allowed by Discord?

Better Discord technically breaks Discord‘s Terms of Service since it modifies the Discord client. So the vanilla Discord does not officially approve of or support the Better Discord client mod.

However, Discord also does not seem to actively ban users specifically for using Better Discord. Millions use it without repercussions. Just don‘t share you‘re using it in Discord servers and be careful downloading plugins.

Discord turning an intentional blind eye keeps its large Better Discord userbase happy while still discouraging illicit activities that abuse BD. It‘s a delicate balance.

Why Does Discord Prohibit 3rd Party Clients Like Better Discord?

Discord prefers users stick to the official Discord client and bans 3rd party clients like Better Discord for a couple key reasons:

Security – Discord wants total control over the client codebase to ensure no vulnerabilities get introduced that put users at risk. Unvetted mods like Better Discord are harder for Discord to secure.

Branding – Discord wants its original client to represent the Discord brand. Unofficial client forks can make the overall brand experience more inconsistent.

Business – Adding custom features via Better Discord cuts into Discord driving that innovation themselves. It undermines their own roadmap and business interests when others enhance Discord instead.

Legal liability – Unauthorized clients also carry more legal risk if nefarious uses emerge. Discord avoids association by prohibiting them in the ToS.

So in summary, while lamentable for enthusiasts, Discord‘s blocking of Better Discord stems largely from security and business self-interests.

Can You Get Banned for Using Better Discord?

The risk of getting banned on Discord specifically for using Better Discord seems very low based on past precedents. Discord has taken no broad action against the large Better Discord userbase.

To stay safest:

  • Don‘t admit to using Better Discord in servers or post proof. Keep it on the down low.

  • Ensure any plugins you use abide by Discord‘s ToS.

  • If issues emerge, uninstall Better Discord.

Millions of users currently use various mods and addons with seemingly no repercussions from Discord. You likely don‘t have much to realistically worry about solely for trying Better Discord features. But discretion is still wise.

Is Better Discord Safe? Could it Contain Viruses?

The official Better Discord client from contains no viruses or malware. Its open source code is verified as safe by the BD community.

However, unofficial third-party Better Discord plugins and themes you install do pose a higher security risk. Such add-ons may intentionally or accidentally include harmful malware if you don‘t download them from trustworthy sources.

Stick to downloading reputable plugins and themes from the official Better Discord hub to stay secure. And always scan new files with antivirus software before installing just in case.

As long as you take proper precautions, Better Discord presents no greater overall safety risk than any other Discord mod or addon ecosystem.

Closing Thoughts on Better Discord

Better Discord opens up an exciting new realm of possibilities for customizing your Discord experience beyond what the base app allows.

The vibrant plugin and theme scene unlocks nearly endless options for tailoring Discord exactly to your preferences and style. While not sanctioned by Discord, the helpful BD community keeps the mod well maintained and safe to use.

Some may prefer keeping their Discord experience pure and developers‘ intend. But for those seeking more personalization and functionality from their Discord client, Better Discord is a stellar mod to try.

The installation is straightforward, and unlocking all of Better Discord‘s customization perks transforms how you can use Discord in so many empowering ways.


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.