
The Business of Being an Influencer: Examining Social Media Impact

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Social media influencing has rapidly transformed marketing, providing brands direct access to targeted audiences. As influencing gains mainstream traction, it presents opportunities as well as responsibilities.

The Rise of Influencing as a Career

Once primarily the domain of celebrities and public figures, influencing now encompasses people from all backgrounds. Photo-centric platforms like Instagram have enabled everyday users to build substantial followings by showcasing lifestyle content.

For those who leverage their online presence into brand collaborations, influencing can lucratively supplement or fully replace traditional employment. As Forbes [notes](– viral-fame-into-big-money/?sh=3da3e11e7e17), top TikTok creators can earn in the mid-six figures from sponsored content. Instagram also offers monetization avenues like affiliate links.

But for every online celebrity, thousands of "nano" and "micro" influencers are making more modest incomes working with niche brands. Their compact but engaged followings still hold appeal for marketers.

Impacts on Culture and Society

With great influence comes great responsibility – a lesson the marketing world is continually learning. Brand collaborations directly enable creators to produce content, funding the proliferation of media both uplifting and unhealthy.

Consequently, companies face increasing pressure to vet partners thoroughly. Unilever now requires that influencers commit to inclusion, safety and social responsibility when representing its brands.

Meanwhile, social platforms bear responsibility for algorithmically amplifying troubling content. After Instagram usage was linked to increased body image issues among teen girls, Meta announced initiatives to guide young users towards non-appearance-focused topics.

Role Models Promoting Positive Messaging

Thankfully, many creators leverage their platforms for good. Body positivity advocate Mik Zazon posts unretouched photos spotlighting realistic beauty standards. Trans visibility activist Dylan Mulvaney provides education alongside lifestyle content. Disabilities rights champion Briony Williams breaks down stereotypes with humor and wit.

Such voices provide sorely needed balance against narrow beauty ideals. They merit support from brands and platforms alike to counteract less constructive influences. There are marketing opportunities here for companies taking an ethical stance. As societal expectations evolve, messages of empowerment and self-love align with the zeitgeist.

Responsible influencing holds tremendous potential for driving positive social change. Yet realizing this requires collective effort across creators, companies and platforms. With conscientiousness and care, a more inclusive online ecosystem can emerge.

The Bottom Line

In an attention economy, influence equals revenue. Guiding this influence ethically is an evolving challenge but a worthy goal. Progress lies not in restriction but promoting values-driven content that resonates with target audiences while advancing social good.


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.