
30 Top Canadian Instagram Influencers To Collaborate With In 2023

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With over 13 million Canadians actively using Instagram in 2023, the platform presents a major opportunity for brands looking to connect with relevant audiences.

Partnering with influencers allows you to tap into their established follower bases and leverage their creativity to showcase your brand in an authentic way.

According to recent statistics:

  • 53% of Canadians engage with Instagram daily
  • 59% follow influencers that inspire their purchases
  • 86% of marketers find influencer marketing effective

Clearly, collaborating with top Instagram creators provides immense value. But first, you need to find influencers that truly align with your niche, persona, and campaign goals.

In this extensive guide, we‘re highlighting over 30 excellent Canadian Instagram influencers to consider for your next partnership!

Inside the Top Canadian Influencers on Instagram

From foodies like Kirby, travel experts including Brayden Hall, to mommy vloggers such as Cassandra, we‘re covering some of the most talented Canadian Instagram influencers across diverse niches.

Food: Chris (@may.eighty.five) – 13k Followers

Chris is a chef tapping into his passion for cooking to create mouthwatering recipes and engaging food content for his 13k engaged followers. Brands with products to showcase in recipes or kitchen gear/appliances could thrive partnering with Chris.

Beauty: Liraz Jacoby (@lirazjacoby) – 108k Followers

Liraz is a top makeup artist using her platform to teach techniques, review new beauty launches, and showcase glam looks. Cosmetics, skincare, salon, or aesthetics brands would thrive collaborating with Liraz to promote products.

Check out 20+ additional top Canadian influencers on Instagram and explore partnership opportunities by joining Ainfluencer today!

Strategic Tips for Working with Canada‘s Top Influencers

As someone who‘s executed over 100+ influencer campaigns, I wanted to offer some expert advice…

Look Beyond Vanity Metrics

While follower count does matter, it‘s more important to assess the quality and engagement of an influencer‘s audience.

Prioritize creators that drive real impact and conversions rather than simply reaching the most eyeballs. Analyze engagement rates, types of followers, and past campaign results.

Structure a Fair Compensation Package

Leading pricing models include:

  • CPM (cost per 1,000 impressions)
  • CPC (cost per click/conversion)
  • Flat rate per post or assets created

Determine an equitable rate based on audience size, content production timelines, and campaign objectives.

Ready to connect with Canada‘s top Instagram influencers and take your marketing to the next level? Join Ainfluencer to get matched with relevant creators today!


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.