
How to Change Your MultiVersus Server for Smoother Online Battles

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Have you ever experienced delays, lag, or warping characters while playing MultiVersus? These frustrating issues are often caused by a poor connection to the game server. Luckily, picking the optimal server region for your location is an easy fix!

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about getting the best MultiVersus performance by changing servers.

How Online Game Servers Work

First, what exactly is a server? When you play multiplayer games like MultiVersus, you are connecting to a remote server that helps coordinate the action.

Rather than directly communicating with other players, your game sends data like your character‘s movements or attacks to the server. It then relays that data to your opponents almost instantly.

This allows for smooth synchronization even when players have vastly different pings and connection speeds. The server acts like a referee, keeping gameplay consistent across multiple devices.

Why Your Server Matters

Your distance from the MultiVersus server directly impacts a few key performance factors:

Ping – This is the time it takes data to make a round trip between your device and the server. Closer servers mean lower ping.

Latency – How much delay there is in the server relaying your actions to opponents. You want low latency for responsive battles.

Packet Loss – Data packets that are dropped when the connection is poor. This can interrupt the flow of the game.

Jitter – Fluctuations in latency. Too much jitter makes gameplay feel erratic.

When the server is far away or overloaded, these metrics spike. You experience lag, warping characters, delayed reactions, and interrupted matches.

By selecting the geographically closest server with the guides below, you get the lowest ping and most consistent performance.

Step-by-Step Guide to Changing Servers

  1. Launch MultiVersus and access the main menu.

  2. Click the gear icon in the upper left corner to open Settings.

  3. Select “Online/Legal” on the left sidebar.

  4. Under “Preferred Server Region”, click the dropdown menu.

  5. Choose the server located closest to your physical location.

That’s all it takes! Below we’ll go over how to pick the optimal server region.

Picking the Best Server for Your Region

MultiVersus currently has servers available in these regions:

  • North America
  • Europe
  • South America
  • Central America
  • Oceanic
  • South Africa

Here are tips on getting the lowest ping based on your geography:

  • For the United States, Canada, or Mexico, choose North America. This server is located in Virginia.

  • If you live in South America, connect to the South America server.

  • Players in Europe will get the best performance on the Europe server.

  • Unfortunately, Asia does not have its own MultiVersus server yet. Try the Oceanic or Europe servers for the next closest proximity.

  • In the Middle East, you may have a slightly better ping to Europe.

  • For Africa, test both the Europe and South Africa servers to compare.

  • In Australia or New Zealand, the Oceanic server will be fastest.

Ideally, pick the server hosted on the continent closest to you for the smoothest online gameplay. Let’s compare estimated ping times by region:

Server Region Ping from North America Ping from Europe Ping from Asia
North America <50 ms 100-150 ms 180-250 ms
Europe 100-150 ms <50 ms 130-200 ms
Oceanic 180-220 ms 200-280 ms <75 ms

As you can see, the further you are from a server, the higher your ping will be.

Special Considerations for Asian Players

With no Asia-based server yet, players located there require some extra guidance. Here are a few tips:

  • Try both the Oceanic and Europe servers. Compare to see which has the lowest ping for your location.

  • Consider using a quality VPN service to tunnel your connection through a server in Europe or Australia to simulate local ping times.

  • Making sure your home router has robust QoS settings can help prioritize gaming traffic for smoother connections.

  • Gaming accelerators like ExitLag can also optimize routing to achieve lower ping times from Asia.

While not ideal, with a bit of testing you can still find a setup that plays fairly well until a dedicated Asia server is hopefully added!

Advanced Troubleshooting for MultiVersus Connection Issues

Beyond choosing the optimal server, there are a few other networking tweaks that can further refine your online gameplay experience in MultiVersus:

Forward Ports – Port forwarding allows your router to better handle MultiVersus‘s inbound/outbound traffic. Forwarding ports 80, 443, and 7500 through 7509 can help reduce lag.

Check NAT Type – A closed or restricted NAT type can block connections. Optimizing this to be open allows for the best online performance.

Use Ethernet – For serious players, use a wired ethernet connection instead of WiFi whenever possible for a more stable competitive experience.

Disable VPNs – If you use a Virtual Private Network, be sure to disable it before gaming. VPNs often increase latency.

Test Bandwidth – Run an internet speed test and check that you have at least 10 Mbps download speeds for smooth online play.

Reboot Router – Over time, routers can develop performance issues. Occasionally rebooting your router can improve connectivity.

With the right server selected and other optimizations like port forwarding and wiring your connection, you can massively improve ping, latency, and overall gameplay quality.

The Benefits of Choosing Your Closest Server

Lower ping provides a long list of concrete gameplay advantages:

  • Responsiveness – Your actions translate almost instantly on-screen. Combos feel smooth and reactive.

  • Consistency – Gameplay stays reliably consistent moment to moment instead of fluctuating.

  • Accuracy – Lower ping allows for precise dodges, perfect shield timings, and accurate projectile play.

  • Avoid Warping – Characters maintain their positioning properly during fights rather than jerking around.

  • Prevent Disconnections – Stable low ping minimizes the chance of being disconnected from matches.

  • Even Playing Field – With everyone on the same local server, no one has a major ping advantage over opponents.

  • Fun Factor – Lower latency simply makes matches more enjoyable overall rather than a laggy mess.

Finding the best server for your location provides the foundation for fair, fluid, polished multiplayer gameplay.

Why Doesn‘t MultiVersus Have Dedicated Servers?

Currently, MultiVersus uses a peer-to-peer system rather than dedicated servers. This means the action is hosted directly by player consoles and computers in each match rather than servers controlled by the developer.

This approach has some advantages:

  • Lower costs for the developers compared to managing dedicated servers.

  • Slightly less latency on average since data travels directly between players.

But there are downsides too:

  • If the match host has a poor connection, it drags down the whole match.

  • Players can more easily manipulate connections for an advantage.

  • Harder to implement robust anti-cheat measures.

  • Server locations can‘t be optimized for all players globally.

In the fighting game genre peer-to-peer is still the norm, though many fans advocate for dedicated servers. Based on community feedback, it is possible dedicated servers could be added to MultiVersus in the future.

The Bottom Line

Here are the key takeaways on reducing lag and improving your MultiVersus experience:

  • Use the server closest to your physical location for the lowest ping.

  • Wired ethernet connections are better than WiFi for competitive play.

  • Forwarding ports can optimize your router‘s handling of MultiVersus traffic.

  • Check your NAT type and internet speeds as general connectivity tests.

  • Disable VPNs before gaming to prevent extra latency.

  • Players in Asia may need to use VPNs or gaming accelerators until a local server is added.

Taking a bit of time to optimize your setup makes a world of difference. MultiVersus becomes infinitely more enjoyable when matches feel responsive and stable. Never settle for laggy gameplay when you can easily connect to the ideal local server instead!


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.