
4 Ways to Contact Discord for Help

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Discord is one of the most popular communication platforms used by over 150 million users worldwide. With its incredible features for messaging, voice chat, video calls, screen sharing and more, Discord has become the go-to app for gamers, streamers, communities and friend groups alike.

But even the best apps can run into bugs or issues occasionally. When you need help with your Discord account, there are a few recommended ways to get in touch with their support team or find answers yourself.

In this detailed guide, we‘ll explore the top 4 methods for contacting Discord, as well as tips to resolve issues faster. As a long-time Discord user and gaming enthusiast, I‘ll provide plenty of insight into the best practices based on my own experience. Let‘s dive in!

Self-Help: Search Discord‘s Massive Knowledge Base

Before reaching out to live support, I always recommend first searching Discord‘s own Help Center and knowledge base at

With over 400 help articles, this is one of the most comprehensive databases I‘ve seen for troubleshooting issues on a messaging app. Discord‘s team has put tons of effort into self-service support, and it really shows.

The Help Center has clear categories that make it easy to find solutions for specific issues:

  • Account – Fixes for login, password reset, age verification, deletion and other account-related issues.

  • Billing – Managing Nitro subscriptions, refunds, payment issues and account monetization.

  • Chats – Troubleshooting problems with messaging, embeds, emoji, privacy and blocked users.

  • Connections – Resolving audio, video, overlay, lag and voice chat bugs.

  • Guilds/Servers – How to create, customize, moderate and troubleshoot servers.

  • Mobile – Optimizing Discord on iOS or Android phones and tablets.

  • Nitro – Getting the most out of Nitro Premium and Classic subscriptions.

  • Safety – Guidelines for reporting abusive users and appeals for disabled accounts.

  • Other – Miscellaneous issues not covered in other categories.

Discord‘s search makes it easy to find articles based on your specific question or keywords. And each article is written clearly with step-by-step instructions to resolve the issue.

For example, I once couldn‘t access a server I‘d joined and thought I might have been banned. But after searching "access server" on the Help Site, I found the solution – someone had simply revoked my invite link! The Help article showed me how to politely ask for a new invite in the server‘s welcome channel.

No need to contact live support – issue solved! Discord‘s Help Site fixed it for me in just a few minutes.

So before you reach out to an actual human, take some time to search the knowledge base for answers. Chances are your problem already has a solution documented there!

Contact Option 1: Submit a Support Request

Alright, so you‘ve searched but can‘t find an existing Help article that addresses your specific question. Time to contact the Discord pros directly!

The best way is submitting a support request via Discord‘s Help Site:

  1. Go to

  2. Select the category that best fits your issue (Account, Billing, etc).

  3. Enter your Discord username and email address.

  4. Provide details about the problem you‘re experiencing. The more info you share, the better!

  5. Attach any relevant screenshots, videos or logs that can help illustrate the issue.

  6. Click "Submit" to send your request to Discord‘s support team.

This is the most direct way to get specialized help from Discord‘s reps. Based on the category you selected, your request will be routed to the right team to investigate and troubleshoot.

Discord aims to respond to most support tickets within 24-48 hours. You‘ll receive an email notification when a support agent has responded, either resolving the issue or asking for clarification.

To speed up responses, I recommend providing as much detail as possible right from your initial request. Key details to include:

  • Your Discord username with discriminator (e.g. JohnDoe#12345)

  • Specific channel/server where the issue occurred

  • Error messages or screenshots of the problem

  • Steps you‘ve already tried to resolve it

  • Your time zone or when the issue started happening

The more relevant info you can provide, the faster Discord‘s team can help!

Contact Option 2: @Discord on Twitter

In my experience, Discord is one of the most responsive brands when it comes to Twitter support. If I have a quick question or issue, I‘ll often tweet at them first since their response time is amazing.

Here are the key handles to know:

Simply tweet your question at either handle, and include your Discord username. For example:

"@discord @discordsupport Hi, my username is JohnDoe#12345 and I‘m unable to log in to my account. Please advise! Thanks!"

For privacy, you can also send them a DM instead of a public tweet.

Discord is extremely active on Twitter and will often respond to simple questions in just minutes. They keep an eagle eye on their Twitter mentions for issues just like this.

According to recent stats, Discord responds to a staggering 92% of Twitter support queries – way above average for most brands!

However, for complex issues that require troubleshooting, submitting an official support ticket is better. But for quick help, Twitter is fast and effective.

Contact Option 3: Email Discord Support

If you need to explain an issue in detail or prefer contacting support privately, email is another solid option.

Simply send your message to Discord‘s email support at [email protected] – it‘s monitored by their support team 24/7.

In your email, be sure to include:

  • Your Discord username and discriminator

  • Specific details about your problem

  • Screenshots, logs or other files if needed

Discord aims to reply to all emails within 48 hours. However, keep in mind that high query volumes mean replies sometimes take longer during peak periods.

I‘d recommend email for issues that require lengthy explanation or troubleshooting steps. The back and forth nature makes it ideal for detailed discussions.

However, for quick resolutions, try Twitter first. And you can always follow up via email later if needed.

Contact Option 4: Feedback Site

Discord‘s Feedback Site at serves a slightly different purpose than standard support.

This community forum allows users to submit suggestions for new Discord features or changes to existing ones. You can post publicly or privately.

For example, popular feature requests from users:

  • Scheduling events/reminders in servers
  • Adding pronouns in custom status
  • Increased file upload limit
  • More emoji slots

Discord product teams closely monitor the Feedback Site for user opinions. While they can‘t guarantee features will be added, it helps guide future product roadmaps.

So if you have an idea to improve Discord, the Feedback Site is the best avenue! Just don‘t use it for resolving account issues – for that, try the above contact methods instead.

Help Discord Help You! Best Practices

When you do need to contact Discord support, follow these tips for the fastest resolution:

  • Search Help Articles – Many common issues already have solutions outlined.

  • Provide Details – Share your username, server names, screenshots, etc. Specifics matter!

  • Follow Up – If an issue persists after initial contact, politely follow up for an update.

  • Be Patient – Discord receives a very high volume of queries. Complex issues can take over 48 hours to resolve fully.

  • Check Spam Folders – Responses sometimes end up in spam!

At the end of the day, Discord‘s team cares deeply about user experience. They offer so many avenues of support because they want you to have an amazing time using Discord, whether for gaming, communities or anything in between.

So don‘t hesitate to reach out by the methods above if you ever need their help! Discord excels at customer support – use them as a resource to resolve your issues and get back to connecting with your friends on Discord.


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.