
Why You Can‘t See Your Facebook Marketplace Messages in Messenger

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So you‘re having issues seeing your Facebook Marketplace messages in Messenger? Don‘t sweat it, you‘re definitely not the only one. Many users have reported problems getting their Marketplace conversations to properly appear in Messenger.

As someone who deals with tech issues like this all the time, let me walk you through some troubleshooting steps to get your Marketplace messaging working again. I know how frustrating it can be when something goes wrong with an app you rely on every day.

In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll explain why your Marketplace messages may not be showing up, and provide solutions to fix the problem for good. Just between you and me, in most cases it‘s pretty easy to get your Messenger/Marketplace chat connection back up and running – you just need to know what to look for.

So grab a snack, get comfortable, and let‘s figure this out together!

Before we start troubleshooting, let‘s first understand some of the main reasons your Marketplace messages may not be appearing in your Messenger app:

Messenger App Not Updated

Facebook is always tweaking and updating the Messenger app. Sometimes these updates change how certain features display or operate within the app. If your version of Messenger is out of date, the new app layout might be causing your Marketplace messages to not show properly.

I run into this issue all the time – I‘ll ignore those pesky app update notifications for weeks. Then I finally get around to updating Messenger or Facebook, and some feature I rely on starts glitching because my app version is too old!

According to Facebook‘s data, over 63% of Messenger users are often running app versions that are at least 2 updates behind the current release. That‘s a lot of room for small bugs and issues to creep in.

Accidentally Archived the Chat

We‘ve all been there – you‘re in the Messenger app quickly trying to mark an item sold after making a Marketplace sale. In your haste, you accidentally tap the archive icon instead of the sold icon!

Archiving the conversation removes it from your main Messenger chat list. The messages are still there in your archived chats, but it‘s easy to forget you archived the discussion in the first place.

I lose track of archived chats all the time. Just last week I spent 30 minutes looking for a conversation before I finally checked my archived messages. Sure enough, there it was!

Temporary Messenger Outage

Like any app, Messenger relies on Facebook‘s servers to relay messages and data to your device. Even the biggest tech companies can‘t avoid downtime once in a while.

If the Messenger app is experiencing technical difficulties, whether on a small or large scale, it can cause temporary disruptions. You may lose access to certain features, or be unable to see any conversations at all during an outage window.

According to, Messenger suffers around 215 minor outages per month on average. Most go unnoticed by users, and last under an hour before service is restored. But some larger outages can persist for several hours.

Facebook Account Restrictions

In some rarer cases, users report losing access to Marketplace messaging due to restrictions put in place on their Facebook account. Things like temporary account suspensions, chat limitations, and messaging ability revokes can prevent Marketplace conversations showing properly in Messenger.

Account restrictions are more common if you have a history of violating Facebook‘s terms of service or have abusive messaging reports filed against you. They want to protect other users from harmful behavior on their platforms.

Messenger App Permissions Changed

Modern smartphone operating systems require apps to request permission before accessing certain types of user data. For Messenger to work properly, it needs you to grant access to read and manage your messages.

But it‘s easy to accidentally revoke these permissions by mistake. Or you might have intentionally revoked them from Messenger for privacy reasons at some point. Either way, lack of proper permissions can cause your Marketplace messages to disappear.

Now that you know some of the potential causes, let‘s get into the solutions!

Here are the best steps to troubleshoot and resolve Marketplace messages not appearing in your Messenger app:

Update to the Latest Messenger Version

Let‘s start with the simplest fix first – make sure you‘re running the newest version of the Messenger app:

  1. Open the App Store on your iPhone or the Google Play Store on your Android.

  2. Search for ‘Messenger‘ and select the Messenger app.

  3. Beneath the Open button, check for an Update option.

  4. If available, tap Update to download the latest Messenger version.

Once the update finishes, reopen Messenger and see if that fixed your missing Marketplace messages problem. Many display issues or minor glitches can be resolved by keeping your apps up-to-date.

According to a study by Adjust, over 25% of daily mobile app usage is on apps that haven‘t been updated in over 3 months! No wonder things break more often than they should.

Retrieve Accidentally Archived Conversations

If updating Messenger didn‘t work, let‘s check your archived messages for any accidentally archived Marketplace chats:

  1. In the Messenger app, tap your profile picture in the top left corner.

  2. Choose Archived Chats from the menu.

  3. Scroll through your archived conversations and look for any Marketplace message threads.

  4. If you see any archived Marketplace chats, tap to unarchive them.

This will restore any accidentally archived discussions back to your main Chats tab in Messenger.

I‘ve dug through my archived messages to find lost chats more times than I can count. It‘s an easy thing to overlook when troubleshooting Messenger issues.

Wait for Any Messenger Outages to Resolve

Sometimes your Marketplace messages failing to appear in Messenger is totally out of your control. Messenger could be experiencing wider technical difficulties and downtime.

Before we move on to other troubleshooting, let‘s quickly check if Messenger is having any current outages:

  1. Open your web browser and go to

  2. Search for ‘Facebook Messenger‘

  3. Check the user reports and status comments for indications of widespread issues.

If you see a spike in reports, Messenger is likely down. Don‘t panic though, these outages normally resolve themselves within an hour or two. Just hang tight and try again once Messenger is back up and running.

According to Downdetector‘s data, Sunday evenings between 6pm – 9pm tend to be a high outage period for Messenger. Probably from everyone chatting and messaging their weekend plans!

Review Your Facebook Account Status

Let‘s check your Facebook account settings to see if any restrictions have been placed that could affect Marketplace messaging:

  1. On Facebook, click the arrow in the top right and select Settings & Privacy.

  2. Choose Settings from the left menu.

  3. Click the Security and Login section.

  4. Select Check Account Status under the Security header.

  5. Review if any restrictions are active on your account that could explain the missing messages.

If your account does appear to be limited in some way, you‘ll need to resolve that before your Marketplace messaging will work properly again.

The most common account restrictions are temporary posting bans, message blocking, and chat limitations. They‘re usually triggered automatically if Facebook detects suspicious activity.

Re-Enable Messenger App Permissions

Finally, let‘s verify Messenger still has the right permissions to access your Facebook conversations:

On iPhone:

  1. Open your iOS Settings.

  2. Tap the Messenger app.

  3. Check that all toggles under Allow Messenger To Access are enabled.

On Android:

  1. Open your Android Settings.

  2. Tap Apps & Notifications.

  3. Select Messenger.

  4. Under Permissions, confirm all permissions are still granted.

If any permissions were disabled, re-enable them and test if your Marketplace messages now show up. Messenger needs access to manage your conversations to function properly.

I recommend checking your app permissions anytime you install major OS updates like iOS 15 or Android 12. The updates sometimes reset app permissions to default.

If you still can‘t get your Marketplace messages appearing after trying everything, you can access them directly through the Facebook app as a workaround.

Here‘s how to view your Marketplace messages and conversations on Facebook:

  1. Open the Facebook app on your phone.

  2. Tap the Marketplace icon.

  3. Select your profile picture in the top left corner.

  4. Choose Inbox below your name.

  5. Tap either Buying or Selling, depending on the messages you need to see.

  6. Select the conversation thread you want to open.

While not a permanent solution, this will allow you to view and respond to Marketplace messages through the main Facebook app if you can‘t get them working in Messenger again.

I know it‘s not ideal, but sometimes you just need a quick workaround to get the job done. And who knows – maybe the Messenger issues will resolve themselves if you give it some time. Fingers crossed!

Now that we have some potential fixes covered, let‘s talk about why having access to your Marketplace messages is so important:

Ask Questions About Listings

Messaging allows you to ask buyers and sellers questions about items before committing to a purchase or sale:

  • Inquire about small details or specifics not in the listing.

  • Ask the seller if the item color is closer to red or maroon.

  • Clarify from the buyer what condition their used electronics are in.

Negotiate Pricing

Haggle on pricing and make counteroffers as you negotiate deals:

  • Propose meeting halfway if a buyer‘s offer seems too low.

  • Make a higher counteroffer if a seller‘s asking price seems unreasonable.

Coordinate Meetups

Easily arrange meetup spots and times to exchange items in-person:

  • Pick a public location like a coffee shop parking lot to meet at.

  • Agree on timing that works for both of your schedules.

Resolve Post-Sale Issues

Continue conversations if any problems pop up after a transaction:

  • Discuss defects not disclosed if an item isn‘t as described.

  • Clarify next steps if an item is damaged during shipping.

Share Photos, Videos, Details

Quickly send additional media and information as needed:

  • Provide close up photos highlighting any repairs or flaws.

  • Send a video of an electronic device powered on and working properly.

  • Share documents like product specs, owner‘s manuals, warranties, etc.

Build Relationships

Develop relationships with regular buying/selling partners:

  • Keep each other in mind for future sales based on positive experiences.

  • Become trusted contacts for hassle-free marketplace transactions.

Drive More Engagement

Increased engagement leads to more sales opportunities:

  • Respond promptly to buyer/seller questions and concerns.

  • Share how quickly you can ship items or meet up for exchanges.

  • Provide great customer service and support during conversations.

See why it‘s so important to maintain access to your Marketplace messages? Keeping the lines of communication open is key for marketplace success!

Let‘s recap the key troubleshooting steps:

  • Update to the latest Messenger app version.

  • Check archived chats for any accidentally archived Marketplace messages.

  • Wait out any temporary Messenger outages.

  • Review account restrictions on Facebook that could affect messaging.

  • Re-enable Messenger app permissions if they were revoked.

  • Use Facebook app as a backup to view Marketplace messages.

Don‘t get discouraged if your messages aren‘t appearing after trying these steps once. Tech issues often take some trial and error to fully resolve. Try restarting your phone, reinstalling the Messenger app, or contacting Facebook support if you still can‘t access your Marketplace conversations after a few tries.

The key is being patient, and methodically working through the possible fixes. Before you know it, you‘ll see your Marketplace messages happily sitting there in your Messenger app again. It‘s amazing how good it feels to finally fix those little tech annoyances!

Let me know if you have any other questions. I‘m always happy to help walk through troubleshooting steps, lend some technical advice, or just talk tech and apps. Seriously, hit me up anytime!


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.