
Firebase vs MongoDB: A Data Geek‘s In-Depth Comparison

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Hey there! Choosing the right database for your application is such an important decision. The wrong pick can really slow you down, cost big bucks, or make it harder to scale.

I‘ve been there! That‘s why I wanted to share my perspective as a data geek on two of the most popular options – Firebase and MongoDB.

In this detailed guide, we‘ll explore their key differences, use cases, limitations, hidden costs, and more – so you can make the best choice for YOUR app. Sound good? Let‘s get started!

An Overview of Firebase and MongoDB

First, a quick intro to both databases.

What is Firebase?

Firebase is Google‘s beloved mobile/web app development platform. It‘s like a one-stop shop for building your backend!

Some of the goodies it offers:

  • Realtime database – Sync data across clients instantly
  • Authentication – Email, social login, passwords, etc.
  • Hosting – Deploy web apps with a click
  • Cloud storage – For user generated content like photos
  • Cloud functions – Run backend code without servers
  • Analytics – Understand user engagement and behaviors

So with Firebase, you get all the tools for building, running and growing an app – fantastic for early stage startups trying to move fast!

![Firebase logo](
Image source: Firebase

It uses a JSON tree structure to store data, like you would with any JSON object. The data is organized hierarchically with parent-child nodes.

And the best part? Firebase scales automatically without you managing any infrastructure. I love it!

What is MongoDB?

MongoDB is a hugely popular open source NoSQL database that has been around since 2009.

It uses a document model to store data in BSON format (binary JSON) rather than rows and columns. This makes it really flexible for developers.

Some of its powerful features:

  • Document model – Store data in flexible, JSON-like documents
  • Horizontally scalable – Distribute data across servers
  • Rich queries – Supports aggregations, projections, geospatial queries
  • Indexes – Makes queries lighting fast
  • Replication – Data redundancy for high availability
![MongoDB logo](
Image source: MongoDB

With all its strengths, MongoDB is built to handle large volumes of data for complex applications with changing needs. No wonder it‘s so popular!

Okay, now that we know what they are, let‘s see how Firebase and MongoDB compare.

Key Differences Between Firebase and MongoDB

I‘ll be digging deeper into their differences across these 8 factors:

  1. Database structure
  2. Scalability
  3. Query capabilities
  4. Security
  5. Integrations
  6. Pricing
  7. Use cases
  8. Limitations

Let‘s tackle each one by one. I promise it‘ll be quick!

1. Database Structure

As mentioned earlier, Firebase uses a JSON hierarchical structure to store data in key-value pairs:

  "users": {
    "alovelace": {
      "name": "Ada Lovelace",
      "birthYear": 1815,  
    "ghopper": {
      "name": "Grace Hopper",
      "birthYear": 1906

But MongoDB uses BSON format which encodes data as binary for more data types and capabilities compared to JSON.

Both databases are schema-less, so you can store data with varying structures in one collection. Cool right?

But there‘s a caveat…

While MongoDB is more flexible, Firebase will let you shoot yourself in the foot if you aren‘t careful with schemas in the long run.

You see, the way Firebase queries and indexes data makes it inefficient for handling massive amounts of unstructured data down the road.

So for larger apps, MongoDB‘s richer BSON data model can be less painful.

2. Scalability

When it comes to scale, Firebase leverages Google‘s infrastructure to scale seamlessly without you managing servers. It can handle traffic spikes like a champ!

MongoDB scales horizontally using a technique called sharding. It partitions your data across multiple servers.

This way MongoDB can distribute the load evenly so you get great performance even with large datasets.

Both scale really well, but Firebase emphasizes automation while MongoDB offers more flexibility.

To quantify this, let‘s look at some numbers:

  • Firebase can support up to 100k concurrent users on its Spark plan which costs $99/month (source)
  • MongoDB can handle over 1 million reads/writes per second on Atlas (source)

So if you‘re building the next Facebook, MongoDB can stretch farther with more control.

3. Query Capabilities

When it comes to querying your data, Firebase keeps it simple with basic CRUD operations.

But if you need more power, MongoDB has your back. It supports:

  • Ad-hoc queries
  • Indexing
  • Powerful aggregation pipelines
  • Geospatial queries
  • Graph lookups

This flexibility makes it easier to analyze and ask questions from your data.

Firebase expects you to handle complex queries in your application code instead. So keep that in mind.

4. Security

Now for something uber important – security!

Firebase uses declarative rules to control access to your database. You define the rules upfront based on auth credentials, data attributes, etc.

For MongoDB, you get:

  • Fine-grained Role-Based Access Control
  • Field-level encryption
  • Network encryption via TLS/SSL
  • Authentication via SCRAM, X.509, etc.

So Firebase makes security easy to set up, while MongoDB gives you more native control.

Though many developers use third-party tools like Auth0 to level up Firebase‘s authentication.

5. Integrations

When it comes to integrations, Firebase keeps it in the Google family – Analytics, BigQuery, Cloud Services, etc.

It also has turnkey integrations with Slack, GitHub, Jira and more. Super handy!

MongoDB plays well with all the major languages – Node, Python, Java, .NET, Go.

It also supports all popular frameworks like Express, Flask, Django, Laravel, and even tools like Redis, Elasticsearch, Tableau.

So Firebase simplifies integrations while MongoDB offers more flexibility to connect with your existing stack.

6. Pricing

Now for the money talk!

Firebase has a very generous free tier that lets you get started at zero cost. But watch out for overage charges as you scale.

The paid plans start at $25/month for Spark and go up to $699/month for Blaze (their top tier).

MongoDB‘s free tier is also great. But the paid Atlas plans start at $57/month for M0 cluster and go up to $3048/month for M640 cluster.

There are some key differences:

  • Firebase pricing is based on usage metrics like storage, reads, bandwidth etc.
  • MongoDB pricing depends on cluster tiers based on RAM, storage, IOPS.

So with MongoDB, it‘s easier to estimate costs as your data storage needs increase. With Firebase, unpredictable traffic spikes can lead to nasty surprises in your monthly bill!

7. Use Cases

Based on their strengths, Firebase and MongoDB are better suited for different use cases.

Firebase is amazing for:

  • Realtime apps like chat, collaboration tools, multiplayer games.
  • Apps needing social login, email auth, OAuth integrations.
  • Prototyping and MVPs that need to launch quickly.

MongoDB shines when:

  • You need to analyze large, complex data.
  • Flexible schemas are required as app evolves.
  • Custom access control and encryption is needed.
  • Scaling to enormous data volumes.

Here are some examples of companies using each database:


  • Robinhood
  • Venmo
  • Duolingo
  • Guarda


  • Adobe
  • eBay
  • Forbes
  • Goldman Sachs

8. Limitations

No database is perfect though. That‘s important to remember.

Some key Firebase limitations:

  • Can get expensive for large datasets.
  • Scaling capacity not as high as other databases.
  • No native full text search capability.
  • Lack of advanced query options.

And MongoDB has its own challenges:

  • Operational overhead of managing infrastructure.
  • No built-in GUI for data exploration.
  • Steeper learning curve than other NoSQL databases.

So when evaluating, be realistic about what you‘re building.

For smaller apps with simple CRUD needs, Firebase is easier. For large enterprise apps, MongoDB‘s power has some upsides despite the complexity.

Key Takeaways Between Firebase vs MongoDB

Let me summarize the key differences between Firebase and MongoDB:

  • Data model – Firebase uses JSON while MongoDB uses more flexible BSON.

  • Performance – Firebase scales automatically while MongoDB gives you more control.

  • Querying – Firebase has basic CRUD while MongoDB enables advanced queries.

  • Security – Firebase has declarative rules while MongoDB has native access control and encryption.

  • Integrations – Firebase integrates with Google services while MongoDB offers wider language support.

  • Use cases – Firebase suits real-time apps while MongoDB is great for complex data apps.

Phew! That was a lot. Hope it helps provide some clarity.

But which one should YOU choose? Let‘s talk about that next.

How to Make the Right Choice Between Firebase and MongoDB

Here are my tips on deciding between Firebase vs MongoDB for YOUR application:

1. Consider your data storage and querying needs

If you have a small app with simple CRUD operations, Firebase should work great.

But if you need to run complex queries on large datasets, MongoDB has the edge.

2. Your current and future scaling needs

Firebase simplifies scaling, but has usage limits. With MongoDB‘s sharding architecture, you can comfortably grow to enormous data volumes.

Think about your growth roadmap. What volumes are you anticipating in 12-24 months?

3. Importance of fine-grained access control

If encryption and role-based access control from day one is crucial, MongoDB will be safer. With Firebase, you may need third-party tools.

4. Your team‘s skills

Are you more comfortable coding with Google services or Node/Python?

Leverage your team‘s existing expertise rather than learning something entirely new.

5. Cost considerations

The free tiers are excellent to get started. But monitor your spend as you scale on either platform.

Unexpected overages on Firebase can be costly. MongoDB‘s predictable RAM/storage tiers are easier to budget.

6. Try before you buy!

Set up a simple proof of concept on both Firebase and MongoDB with test data.

Evaluate their query performance, scalability, security controls etc. with your actual use case.

This will give you confidence in picking the right tech for your application.

I hope these tips help you think through the key considerations for your specific needs!

Wrapping Up on Firebase vs MongoDB

Phew, we covered a lot of ground here!

If you made it this far, I hope you now have clarity about when Firebase or MongoDB might be the better choice.

Like with any technology, there are always trade-offs. Be realistic about your requirements before picking one.

For early-stage apps with simpler needs, Firebase can help you launch faster.

But large, complex apps can benefit from MongoDB‘s flexibility and scalability.

If you‘re still unsure, try creating small prototypes. Or consult developers who have built similar systems.

At the end of the day, pick the database that helps YOU deliver a kickass product to your users.

The right foundation goes a long way.

I hope this guide gave you a framework to make the decision confidently.

Let me know if you have any other questions. I‘m always happy to help!

Good luck with your project 🙂


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.