
How To Collaborate With Brands On Instagram? 2023 Update

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With over 2 billion monthly active Instagrammers, influencer marketing on the platform is rapidly evolving from an interesting experiment to a full-fledged, indispensable strategy for brands.

In fact, the industry is projected to grow to a market size of $16.4 billion in 2022, indicating high demand from brands seeking to partner with content creators like yourself.

But first, an important question remains — how do you successfully collaborate with brands as an influencer or content creator on Instagram?

I‘ve partnered with over 52 brands across industries like fashion, lifestyle, travel, and tech during my 9 years as an influencer.

And in this comprehensive guide, I‘ll equip you with the exact framework I leveraged to land these partnerships, so you can effectively:

  • Vet brands and initiate contacts
  • Create winning collaboration proposals
  • Optimize sponsored posts for maximum reach
  • Maintain brand relationships long-term

Let‘s dive in!

What Are Instagram Collaborations?

An Instagram collab refers to an influencer partnering with a brand to promote their products or services through sponsored posts, stories, or other content formats.

As the influencer, you align your personal brand with the sponsoring brand to tap into each other‘s audiences for mutual benefit.

Common examples of collaborations include:

  • Sponsored Posts: Creating Instagram feed posts, reels or stories featuring the brand‘s products or services. These are typically labeled #ad or #sponsored.

  • Takeovers: Brands grant you temporary access to post on their Instagram account.

  • Contests/Giveaways: You promote sweepstakes featuring the brand‘s products/services as prizes.

  • Discount Codes: Exclusive promo codes given to you by the brand to share with your audience.

  • Affiliate Links: Special tracking links that credit you for driving sales.

Now that you know what an Instagram collab entails, let‘s look at why they‘re so valuable.

Why Should You Collaborate With Brands?

When executed effectively, brand collaborations offer major upsides for both the influencer and the sponsoring company.

Benefits for Brands

For sponsoring brands, partnering with influencers enables them to:

  • Access highly targeted, niche audiences outside their existing reach. As 92% of consumers trust recommendations from influencers over brand claims.

  • Boost credibility by affiliating with industry experts their followers look up to.

  • Achieve greater discovery of their products pushed by the influencer.

  • Receive more authentic, creative branded content.

Influencer marketing ROI

In fact, for every $1 brands spend on influencer marketing they earn $5.78 back. Clearly, it pays dividends.

Benefits for Influencers

For influencers and creators, a rock-solid partnership unlocks growth opportunities like:

  • Monetary compensation: Most collaborations include a pre-negotiated payment for your sponsorship post. As a baseline, nano-influencers with 1,000 – 10,000 followers earn ~$172 per sponsored post.

  • Free products/access: Brands often send you items from their product line or experiences to feature in your content. Who doesn‘t love scoring freebies?

  • Exclusivity: Get access to the newest releases before competitors and give your followers an inside look.

Audience growth: Expand your reach by leveraging the brand‘s following and vice versa.

  • Authority building: Tight-knit relationships with brands reinforce followers‘ perception of your industry expertise.

  • Content diversity: Collaborations prevent your grid from feeling overly salesy and keep your audience engaged with a mix of branded/non-branded posts.

Clearly, it pays to collaborate (both literally and figuratively)! Next let‘s prep your account so you‘re partnership ready.

Initial Steps to Prepare Your Instagram for Brands

Think of building your influencer profile similar to constructing a house – you need a solid foundation before adding snazzy decorations.

The same concept applies here. Spend time organically growing your account and affirming your personal brand first before chasing collaborations.

Here are my top tips:

Define a Niche

Be hyper-specific about your niche. Whether it‘s travel, books, photography, motherhood, etc. – have a clear throughline threaded across your content.

Catering to a tightly defined audience signals to brands you can deliver ROI promoting to that tribe. Plus, a consistent niche helps you more easily find sponsor prospects (which we‘ll cover later!).

Create Captivating, High-Quality Content

Obsess over providing value and entertainment to your followers. Experiment with different post formats to determine what resonates most – behind the scenes snapshots, educational reels, humor, etc.

Post frequently, showcase your unique perspective, and use relevant hashtags. Remember, your grid is a digital storefront attracting partners!

Engage With Your Community

Reply to comments, facilitate discussions through questions in Stories and polls in posts. Building personal connections makes followers more likely to trust your suggestions when you share collaborations.

Track Performance Stats

Analyze critical metrics around reach, engagement rate, clicks, saves and follower growth using Instagram Insights or an analytics platform like Iconosquare.

Hard stats quantify your value to brands interested in your partnership potential!

Alright, with your influencer account primed for sponsorships, let’s explore tactics to connect with ideal brand partners.

Where To Find Brand Partners on Instagram

With 500 million accounts actively using Instagram monthly as a marketing channel, the sheer volume can feel overwhelming.

Let‘s break down actionable strategies to filter brands matching your niche and talking to your people:

Leverage Influencer Marketplaces

Influencer marketplaces like Ainfluencer streamline discovering relevant brands by matching you based on niche, audience demographics, content performance and more.

It does the heavy lifting of finding aligned sponsors so you can focus on creating stellar content.

Sign up for free, get discovered by brands seeking influencers like yourself, negotiate profitable deals and execute campaigns seamlessly. As the largest influencer platform, it’s my #1 recommendation.

Dive into hashtags adjacent to your niche and engage with posts from rival brands also targeting your demographic. Getting on their radar first organically positions you as the perfect partner already familiar with their products and existing fans.

Research @ Mentions And Brands Engaging Your Content

Pay attention to when brand accounts tag or consistently like, comment on or reshare your content. These brands clearly already see value in what you’re posting. Reach out to develop that existing connection into a formal collaboration.

Vet Sponsors Advertising In Your Niche

Click into brand profiles promoting products via Instagram ads that would appeal to your audience. If it complements your feed and followers, express interest in testing it out in exchange for an organic post.

Okay, you’ve identified a few brands you’re jazzed to work with. Time to craft a pitch!

How to Pitch Brands for Successful Collaborations

Reaching out cold on Instagram can feel nerve-wracking. But personalized pitches focused on communicating your value drive profitable, long-term partnerships.

Apply these tips when creating collaboration proposals:

Research the Brand Extensively

Get to know their persona, products, existing campaigns and target demographics inside and out. This allows you to tailor your pitch specifically to how working together would meet their business goals.

Keep It Short And Sweet

Brands get inundated with hundreds of proposals daily. Be succinct highlighting who you are, your niche, why you’d crush it as a partner and suggestion to hop on a call to discuss further collaborating.

Quantify Your Value with Metrics

Flaunt metrics like engagement rates 53% higher than similar influencers and audience demographics composed of 82% women aged 25-34. Tangible stats sell your partnership potential.

Include Creative Collaboration Ideas

Offer a few high-level ideas for Instagram posts or Stories that suit the brand’s vibe and resonate with their target market. Come prepared with thorough concepts.

Follow Up

Don’t get discouraged if a brand doesn’t reply right away. Many need to get internal stakeholder alignment. Politely follow expressing continued interest working together. Tenacity pays off!

Remember, collaborations are partnerships enhancing both parties. Communicate what‘s in it for them, and conveying this clearly when engaging brands drives more fruitful sponsorships.

Okay, the brand said yes! Now let‘s ensure your sponsored content shines.

Instagram Collaboration Best Practices

First and foremost – nail down all expectations, approvals, usage rights and compensation in a signed influencer agreement to get alignment before creating any #sponsored posts.

With that legal housekeeping complete, here are tactics for flawlessly executing campaigns:

Disclose Sponsored Content Transparently

Always disclose paid or gifted posts following FTC guidelines. Clear callouts like #Ad #Sponsored #PaidAff protect your authenticity and are legally required.

Cross-Promote for Maximum Exposure

Share a video preview teaser linking to your main sponsored content in Instagram Stories. Tag each other in both posts for added amplification. This nearly doubles impressions!

Incite More User-Generated Content

Inspire followers to post themselves interacting with the product by prompting with an intriguing question or branded hashtag challenge tied to the campaign. More UGC = greater ROI.

Boost commissions by participating in the brand‘s affiliate program. Add your unique tracking link to shop products shown in your post so you earn rewards for driving conversions.

The key to memorable and effective collaborations? Team up with brands sharing similar values, strengths and audience. Deliver on expectations while injecting your creative perspective. Rinse and repeat with existing partners while also continuing conversations exploring new sponsorship opportunities with promising brands.

Now that we’ve covered an end-to-end framework, let’s look at real examples.

Creative Instagram Collaboration Examples

Still conceptualizing what inventive yet mutually beneficial influencer-brand campaigns could look like?

Here are examples showcasing nano and micro-influencers partnering with sponsors:

Lighthearted Giveaway

Isadora Briden, a college lifestyle influencer, frequently runs sweepstakes with brands targeting her Gen Z following like beverage company Celsius – garnering thousands of entrants:

Shoppable OOTD Post

Partnerships with direct action retail opportunities also perform well.

Fashion micro-influencer Lauren Wolfe creatively promoted a sale from clothing brand Suburban Riot in an #OOTD (outfit-of-the-day) post using shopping links making the pieces easy to purchase:

Brand Takeover Story

Gaz Oakley, vegan chef and cookbook author, often hosts takeovers of brand accounts like Chef‘s Pans.

He introduced an immense 787K follower account to his savory cooking style and ethos garnering 25K+ views:

The opportunities for memorable co-branding are endless when you strategically choose sponsors resonating with your audience!

Now that we‘ve covered the complete process end-to-end, let‘s recap a few common FAQs around best practices for influencer-brand partnerships on Instagram:

FAQs About Instagram Collabs

Still have some lingering questions around collaborating with sponsors? Below I tackle the most frequently asked:

How should you approach a brand for collaboration?

After identifying brands you want to work with, send a short yet personalized pitch via email or Instagram DM expressing why you’re uniquely positioned to represent them successfully. Include relevant metrics and creative ideas tailored to specifically to their brand. Politely follow up if you don’t hear back right away.

What should you negotiate in an Instagram collaboration agreement?

Make sure to clearly define campaign goals, required deliverables, usage rights, approval process, compensation structure, affiliate options, measurement metrics and legal compliance in a signed document before kicking off any partnership.

How much do influencers charge for Instagram collaborations?

Rates range dramatically based on niche, follower count, typical engagement, industry dynamics and placement prominence. As a benchmark, nano-influencers with 1K – 5K followers charge around ~$100 per post, while mega-influencers with 7M+ followers charge $750K+.

How should you disclose Instagram collaborations legally?

The FTC mandates paid or gifted Instagram sponsorships be clearly disclosed with terms like: #Ad, #Sponsored or #Paid. Think clear, concise callouts formatted prominently via text overlay, captions or the first comment. Disclose each piece of sponsored/press content individually.

Can you collaborate on Instagram posts after publishing?

Yes! With Instagram’s collab feature, you can invite a collaborator to your Feed post or Reels even after publishing. Simply tap the three-dot icon and select “Invite Collaborator” to have the content show up on both accounts. Genius!

Well, that wraps everything you need for securing profitable, performance-driving Instagram collaborations!

The key is laying the groundwork to become an attractive partner, communicating your value clearly when pitching, and delivering for brands post-partnership.

Here’s to growing your influence and monetizing what you love through strategic sponsorships! Lights, camera, collab! 🎥


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.