
How To Find TikTok Influencers: The Ultimate Guide

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TikTok has exploded in popularity over the past few years, becoming one of the top social media platforms among Gen Z. As a result, many brands are looking to work with TikTok influencers as part of their marketing strategy. But finding the right TikTok influencers to collaborate with can be a challenge.

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll walk you through everything you need to know about finding and working with TikTok influencers, including:

  • What makes a good TikTok influencer
  • Where to find TikTok influencers
  • How to evaluate potential TikTok influencers
  • Tips for reaching out and collaborating with TikTok influencers
  • Mistakes to avoid when working with TikTok influencers

Let‘s dive in!

What Makes a Good TikTok Influencer?

When looking for TikTok influencers to work with, there are a few key factors to consider:

Relevant Niche and Audience

First, you‘ll want to find influencers who create content within your niche and who have an audience that aligns with your target demographic.

For example, if you sell sports equipment, you‘ll want to find influencers who make sports or fitness related content and have a young, athletic audience. Take the time to explore potential influencers‘ content and their audience demographics to ensure there is a fit.

High Engagement and Views

Engagement rate is one of the most important metrics for evaluating TikTok influencers. Engagement rate measures how well an influencer interacts with and stimulates interest from their audience.

Look for influencers with engagement rates of at least 5-10% on their videos. You can calculate an influencer‘s engagement rate by dividing their average number of likes and comments by their follower count.

In addition, prioritize influencers who consistently get high video view counts, which signals they are adept at creating content that resonates with TikTok users.

Genuine and Authentic Presence

The best TikTok influencers have an authentic presence where their personality shines through in their videos. Their content feels genuine, not overly promotional.

Watch several videos from potential influencers to get a feel for how they come across online. The more genuine and engaging they are, the better results you‘ll see.

Creative and Entertaining Content

Top TikTok influencers understand how to leverage the platform‘s unique features to create entertaining and compelling content. Their videos are creative, funny, informative, or clever.

Look for influencers who show creativity in their video editing, incorporate popular TikTok trends seamlessly, and display a knack for storytelling or comedy.

Where to Find TikTok Influencers

Once you know what makes a strong TikTok influencer, here are some of the top places to find them:

Browse related hashtags and keywords on TikTok to discover influencers creating content in your niche. For example, #fitness or #cookingvideo.

You can also search for keywords directly to find relevant creators. Be sure to use TikTok‘s filters to narrow your search by categories like "People" or "Hashtags".

TikTok Influencer Marketing Platforms

Use influencer marketing platforms like Hypeauditor or Influencity to search for TikTok influencers using filters like audience demographics, engagement stats, and more.

These platforms make it easy to identify and vet potential influencers who meet your criteria. You can also view detailed analytics on each influencer.

Competitor Analysis

Look at who your competitor brands are partnering with on TikTok campaigns. See what influencers in your industry are producing strong results and engaging audiences.

You can even reach out to influencers working with competitors – there‘s no exclusivity on TikTok, so the same influencer can work with multiple brands.

Influencer Discovery Tools

Use influencer discovery tools like Hypetrace or Buzzstream to search TikTok specifically for influencers in your niche and export lists.

These tools compile influencer data and allow you to filter potential partners based on audience demographics, content topics, engagement, and more.

How to Evaluate Potential TikTok Influencers

Once you‘ve compiled a list of potential influencer partners, the next step is vetting them to choose the best fits. Here are the key factors to evaluate:

Content Quality and Aesthetic

Review several recent videos from each influencer to assess content quality. Look for high-resolution videos, smooth editing, and visual consistency. Pay attention to whether they have a defined aesthetic that aligns with your brand.

Audience Demographics and Interests

Check their audience analytics to see the age range, gender, locations, and interests of their followers. The demographics should closely match your target audience.

Engagement Metrics

Analyze engagement rates, average likes, average comments, and video views per 1k followers. Influencers with stronger engagement will deliver better results.

Content Topics and Hashtags

Do their usual content topics and hashtags closely match your niche? The closer the fit, the more their audience will resonate with your brand messaging.

Partnership Opportunities

Assess whether the influencer has promoted brands in the past in a genuine, seamless way. Check that they tag partners appropriately.

Personality and Professionalism

Get a feel for their online personality by watching their content. Assess their professionalism based on how they interact with followers.

Tips for Reaching Out to TikTok Influencers

Once you‘ve identified one or more qualified influencers, it‘s time to reach out. Use these tips to help secure a successful partnership:

Personalize Your Pitch

A generic, copy-and-paste email won‘t cut it. Personalize your pitch by referencing specific videos and detailing why you‘re a fan of their content.

Provide Detailed Expectations

Be clear upfront about your partnership goals, ideal content format, requirements, and compensation. Transparency helps build trust.

Highlight What‘s In It for Them

Explain how partnering will benefit the influencer too, whether it‘s financial compensation, free products, brand exposure, or creative control.

Outline Your Brand Story

Give context on your brand, products, and target audience. Help them envision how they can authentically integrate your brand into relevant content.

Suggest Creative Ideas

Provide creative direction by suggesting video ideas that align with their usual content style and your brand goals. Be open to their ideas too.

Follow Up Politely

Don‘t take it personally if you don‘t immediately hear back. Follow up politely after a week if they haven‘t responded.

Best Practices for Working with TikTok Influencers

If an influencer agrees to partner with you, here are some best practices to ensure a successful collaboration:

Discuss Content Expectations

Align on the specifics like video length, hashtags, captions, number of videos, etc. Provide suggestions but give them creative freedom.

Establish a Content Calendar

Agree on content deliverable dates in advance so you can plan your approval process and amplification efforts.

Provide Brand Assets

Supply them with logos, branded graphics, product samples, or other assets to easily incorporate your brand.

Define Approval Process

Set clear expectations for reviewing and approving content before they publish. But avoid overly meticulous reviews.

Track Performance

Monitor engagement metrics in real-time as they post partnership content. Gather insights for future collaborations.

Share Their Content

Amplify their partnership videos by sharing on your own social channels, website, and email.

Offer Ongoing Support

Check in regularly to ask if they need any other support to create content. Be collaborative.

Close the Loop

Circle back post-campaign to assess results, get their feedback, and discuss ongoing partnership opportunities.

Mistakes to Avoid When Working with Influencers

Lastly, be sure to steer clear of these common mistakes brands make when partnering with TikTok influencers:

  • Having unrealistic expectations for organic reach and sales directly from the videos. Give partnerships time to build brand awareness.

  • Asking for over-promotional content that feels inauthentic. Prioritize natural integration.

  • Micromanaging content or requiring excessive revisions. Trust their creative expertise.

  • Not providing enough creative direction and assets. They need guidance to represent your brand well.

  • Negotiating overly restrictive exclusivity or usage rights. Allow flexibility to use content across their channels.

  • Refusing to compensate influencers or provide products/services in exchange for content. Value their work.

Finding and leveraging the right TikTok influencers provides an immense opportunity for brands to expand their reach and awareness among the highly engaged TikTok audience. But take the time to be selective in your vetting process.

When you establish open communication, fair compensation, and creative freedom, influencer partnerships on TikTok can produce content that authentically resonates with your niche – and drives amazing results.


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.