
Why Instagram Won‘t Let Me Post & How To Fix It?

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Have you ever tried posting that perfect Instagram photo, only to be blocked by some mysterious error message? As a social media expert and tech geek, I totally understand how frustrating this can be.

But don‘t delete the app in a rage just yet! In most cases, "Why Instagram Won‘t Let Me Post" issues are easily resolvable on your end. Instagram‘s uploading rules can be a bit strict and their app isn‘t without flaws, but the right troubleshooting approach can get your account back on track.

In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll draw upon my insider knowledge to explain the top reasons why Instagram blocks posting, walk you through solutions to fix the problems, and answer your FAQs on restoring your account‘s uploading abilities.

Arm yourself with the information below and you‘ll be prepared to tackle any Instagram posting errors that come your way!

Why Is Instagram Not Letting Me Post?

Based on my technical expertise, these are the most common culprits behind upload failures on Instagram:

1. Violation of Instagram‘s Content Guidelines

Instagram maintains strict rules around acceptable posts – anything containing nudity, hate speech, harassment, illegal activities, and more will be blocked. As a geek, I understand their need for standards, but sometimes their filters are a bit overly sensitive.

If you suspect a post got blocked for guideline violations, carefully review Instagram‘s policies before trying to post again. Repeated violations could get your account permanently disabled, so tread carefully!

2. Technical Faults in the Instagram App

As a software expert, I know even the best apps have bugs! Errors in Instagram‘s code or glitches related to new features can temporarily stop uploads for some users. Likewise, server outages on Instagram‘s end could prevent posting across the platform.

Try updating to the latest version of the app or wait for a few hours until Instagram resolves any server issues on their end. Refraining from updating right away can also let you avoid any new bugs in recently released versions.

3. Unstable Internet Connectivity on Your End

Uploading high-res photos and videos requires a reasonably fast and stable internet connection. As a tech specialist, I always recommend using WiFi over spotty cellular data if possible.

If you are on weak WiFi or struggling with a poor cellular signal, media uploads to Instagram may fail to complete. Try connecting to a stronger WiFi network or moving closer to a cellular tower before posting. And never rely on public WiFi networks – they are notoriously unstable for media uploads!

4. Errors Related to Your Actual Post File

According to my troubleshooting experience, the file you are trying to upload could itself be problematic in some way. For example, an image might be corrupted or a video could be in the wrong encoding format.

Instagram only supports JPEG and PNG files types for photos. For video, the required format is MP4. Double check your media meets these specifications before posting.

5. Using an Outdated Version of the Instagram App

Part of regular app maintenance that tech specialists recommend is keeping your software updated. Older versions of the Instagram app are more prone to bugs that can interfere with smooth uploading.

Make sure you are running the latest version of the Instagram app on your device. You can manually update via the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. For best results, enable automatic updates on your phone to always have the newest fixes and features.

6. Your Instagram Account Got Blocked from Posting

If you have repeatedly violated Instagram‘s guidelines, the platform may outright prohibit your account from uploading any new posts as a punishment.

You can check if your account has been blocked in the app‘s settings. If you think the block was a mistake, you‘ll have to appeal to Instagram directly to regain posting access.

As an industry insider, I know some users are tempted to use third-party apps to gain fake followers or automated likes on Instagram. But these apps directly violate Instagram‘s terms and could potentially expose your account to security risks.

Getting caught using these prohibited helper apps is a surefire way to get your posting privileges revoked. Uninstall anything sketchy and stick to only using Instagram‘s official app if you want full functionality.

8. Hitting Instagram‘s Limits on Posts Per Day

To prevent spam, Instagram enforces limits on how many posts users can share per day, especially for new accounts. While their exact algorithm is kept secret, exceeding the limit for your account is known to trigger upload blocks.

If you hit the threshold, you‘ll have to wait a full 24 hours before the counter resets and you can resume posting as normal. Patience is key!

9. Using Banned Hashtags in Your Post Captions

Believe it or not, some hashtags are completely restricted by Instagram due to past abuse promoting questionable or dangerous content. As a power poster, make sure to avoid banned hashtags about subjects like self-harm in your captions.

Using one of these prohibited tags is an easy way to trigger an immediate post upload failure. Instagram won‘t let you try to sneak them through either.

Actionable Ways to Fix "Instagram Won‘t Let Me Post" Errors

If you encounter issues trying to post content on Instagram, here are my top troubleshooting tips as a social media expert to resolve them:

Clear Out the App‘s Cache and Data

A quick fix that clears up many app glitches is getting rid of old temporary files and cached data. On iPhone, go to Settings > Instagram > Clear Cache to free up space.

On Android devices, head to Storage > Clear Cache and Data. Resetting both is ideal for a fresh start.

Update to the Latest Instagram App Version

Run software updates to install any new bug fixes, features, and performance enhancements. On iPhone, head to the App Store and check for Instgram updates.

On Android gadgets, visit the Google Play Store and tap Update next to the Instagram listing. Downloading the latest version can optimize posting.

Use a Faster, More Reliable Internet Connection

Uploading high-quality media demands a speedy and stable internet network. If your home WiFi is shoddy, try using mobile data as an alternative, or vice versa. Always avoid public WiFi hotspots when posting!

For mobile connections, standing closer to a cell tower or window can strengthen your signal for uploading. Disable Data Saver options that may throttle your bandwidth.

Double Check Your Account Status

Verify that Instagram hasn‘t placed any restrictions or bans on your account that could prevent posting. Head to your profile settings and look under Account Status for details.

If your account was unfairly banned, you can submit an appeal to Instagram to regain access. But repeated community violations will usually result in permanent disablement.

Uninstall and Reinstall the Instagram App

If you just can‘t resolve posting no matter what, deleting the Instagram app entirely then reinstalling a fresh version is worth a shot. You may need to log back into your account after reinstalling.

This wipe can eliminate any corrupted files or cached data causing upload failures. Linking back to your account will pull the latest compatible version.

Resize Oversized Images and Videos Before Posting

While Instagram increased limits, extremely large photos and long videos may still fail to upload. Use editing apps to downsize media before posting:

  • Photos should be under 1080px on the longest edge
  • Videos must be less than 60 seconds long

Meeting these specs will ensure your files can complete the upload process smoothly.

Enable Instagram to Use More Cellular Data if Needed

If using mobile data to post, check that any Data Saver options aren‘t blocking Instagram from pulling enough bandwidth for uploads.

Head to cellular data settings and verify Instagram can exceed limits to finish transferring your media files when not on WiFi.

Reset Network Settings on iPhones

On iPhones specifically, try resetting your entire network configuration as a last resort. Go to Settings > General > Reset > Reset Network Settings.

This will refresh your device‘s connectivity and flush out any posts causing conflicts across apps sharing media utilities.

Answering FAQs on Fixing Posting Problems

Still have questions about how to get Instagram letting you post again? Here are answers to some frequently asked troubleshooting questions:

Why did my Instagram post get deleted right after posting?

If Instagram immediately deletes your post after uploading, it definitely violated one of their content policies. Things like nudity, illegal activities, self-harm, hate speech, and harassment are absolutely prohibited even if edited.

Review the community guidelines closely and make sure any future posts align with their rules before sharing. Restricted content in photos, captions, hashtags, and stickers will get removed again.

Why does Instagram say "video can‘t be posted"?

Length and file size restrictions can block video uploads. Instagram video must be:

  • Under 60 seconds long
  • Under 4GB in size
  • Encoded in MP4 format

If your video meets those requirements, connection issues could also be preventing completion of the upload.

Why does it say "Couldn‘t refresh feed" on Instagram?

The "couldn‘t refresh feed" message means Instagram is having trouble loading content from their servers to display.

This is most commonly caused by an outage or other technical issue on Instagram‘s end. But it could also stem from your own unstable internet connection dropping out mid-refresh.

How do I upload photos from my computer to Instagram?

Unfortunately, you cannot post directly from a desktop computer to Instagram, since it is a mobile-only app. But here are some workarounds:

  • Take photos using your phone camera so they save directly to your camera roll
  • Email photos from your computer to your phone and save them to your camera roll
  • Use an app like Dropbox to sync computer folders to your mobile device

Once the photos are in your camera roll, you can access them to post within the Instagram app.

Why are some hashtags not working on Instagram?

Instagram strategically blocks certain hashtags that have been abused to spread harmful or dangerous content in the past. Trying to use them will sabotage your post.

Steer clear of prohibited hashtags around things like self-harm, eating disorders, hard drugs, violence, nudity, hate content, etc. to avoid upload blocks.

Resuming Posting on Instagram with Ease

Trouble uploading on Instagram can certainly be maddening. But by taking the time to diagnose the root causes – whether on your end or theirs – you can typically get posting privileges restored quickly.

Now that you know how to evaluate potential technical issues, internet connectivity, account status, media specs, and more, you have all the tools to get to the bottom of any pesky "Why Instagram Won‘t Let Me Post" errors. A few simple tweaks should have your account operational again.

Just be vigilant about Instagram‘s guidelines to avoid any violations that could lead to permanent suspension. With the right troubleshooting approach and some patience, you‘ll be back to sharing Instagram posts in no time. Let me know if any other issues pop up!


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.