
How to Make an OnlyFans Account: The Ultimate 2800+ Word Guide

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Have you heard about OnlyFans and want to learn how to make an account? You‘re in the right place!

In this detailed 2800+ word guide, we‘ll cover everything you need to know about getting started on OnlyFans. I‘ll walk you step-by-step through signing up, setting up your profile, creating content, choosing a subscription price, promoting your account, and more.

Whether you want to subscribe to your favorite creators or start monetizing your own exclusive content, this guide is for you!

Let‘s get started.

Chapter 1: What Exactly is OnlyFans?

Before we get into the details on how to create an OnlyFans account, let‘s start with the basics.

A Quick History

OnlyFans launched in 2016 as a social media platform that allowed creators to provide exclusive paywalled content to their subscribers. Based in London, it was founded by Timothy Stokely.

While OnlyFans creators come from all backgrounds, the platform quickly became known as a place for adult entertainers to monetize content.

However, you can find all types of creators on OnlyFans in genres like:

  • Fitness
  • Music
  • Comedy
  • Gaming
  • Cooking
  • Art

And many more!

How Does OnlyFans Work?

The core premise of OnlyFans is simple – creators can post content to their profiles, and fans pay a monthly subscription fee to access it.

It‘s different from other social media sites because the creator gets paid directly by their subscribers. There are no ads, and OnlyFans takes just a 20% cut of creator revenue.

This means creators receive 80% of their subscription earnings.

For subscribers, you can search for creators you‘re interested in supporting and pay their monthly fee to view their profile and exclusive content.

OnlyFans Key Stats and Facts

OnlyFans has exploded in popularity over the past few years among both creators and fans. Let‘s look at some key stats:

  • Over 1 million creator accounts
  • 300,000 active creators earning money
  • 50 million registered users
  • $5 billion paid out to creators since inception
  • Some top creators earn over $1 million per month

In 2021, OnlyFans ranked as the 10th highest grossing app in the iOS App Store.

During COVID-19 lockdowns in 2020, OnlyFans weekly payouts to creators increased over 75% as new creators and subscribers flocked to the platform.

Clearly, OnlyFans is more than just hype. It‘s become a hugely popular way for creators to monetize their audience and content online.

Now let‘s dive into step-by-step how to create your own account!

Chapter 2: Creating Your OnlyFans Account

Creating an OnlyFans account is quick, easy, and completely free. Here‘s how to get your account up and running in just a few minutes:

Step 1: Visit

First, go to in your web browser and click "Register" in the top right corner. This will take you to the sign-up page.

Step 2: Sign Up with Email, Twitter or Google

On the sign-up page, you can register in a few different ways:

  • Email: Enter your email address and create a password
  • Twitter: Click the Twitter icon to sign-up and authenticate with your Twitter account
  • Google: Click the Google icon to sign-up with your Google account

I recommend using the email sign-up option, so you can create a unique password just for your OnlyFans account.

However, if you don‘t want another password to remember, the Twitter or Google options make it a bit easier.

Step 3: Enter Your Details

After picking your sign-up method, OnlyFans will ask you to enter some basic details like:

  • Your email address
  • Chosen password
  • Name
  • Country
  • Birthdate

You can use a real or fake name on your OnlyFans account. Many creators use stage names or aliases.

Enter your details and click "Register" to complete sign-up.

Step 4: Verify Your Email

Once registered, check your email inbox for a verification link from OnlyFans. This helps confirm you own the email you registered with.

Click or copy/paste the verification link to activate your new account.

And that‘s it – your OnlyFans account is ready to go!

The whole sign-up process takes about 2-3 minutes max. Pretty quick and painless.

Now let‘s move on to setting up your account profile…

Chapter 3: Setting Up Your OnlyFans Profile

Your OnlyFans profile is your homepage that subscribers see when they visit your account. You want to make it eye-catching and compelling so fans are excited to subscribe.

Here are the key parts of your OnlyFans profile to set up:

Pick a Profile Photo

Your profile picture is the first thing viewers notice on your page, so make it count!

Some tips for an effective profile photo:

  • Show your face clearly
  • Use a high-quality, well-lit photo
  • Pick a sexy, playful, or striking image
  • Tailor it to your niche (e.g. cosplay, fitness, music, etc)
  • Show a bit of skin for that OnlyFans vibe

You can always change your profile picture later, but try to pick an image that quickly captures a viewer‘s attention.

Set a Cover Photo

Your cover or header photo appears at the top of your profile. Use this space to show off your brand, style, or personality:

  • Upload a banner-sized landscape image
  • Showcase your interests with relevant imagery
  • Use bright, contrasting colors that pop
  • Add text like your name, username, or slogans

The header gives viewers another visual preview of what you offer on OnlyFans.

Write Your Bio

Your bio is where you can share some quick details about you and your OnlyFans account.

Some bio tips:

  • Share your name, age, and location
  • Describe your personality or content niche
  • Explain what subscribers gain access to
  • List your posting schedule (daily, weekly, etc)
  • Promote your subscription price and any sales
  • Add links to your other social media profiles

Write a short and intriguing bio that builds intrigue and entices subscribers.

In your profile settings, you can link your accounts on other social platforms like Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube and more.

This allows you to direct OnlyFans traffic to your other profiles. It also shows you have an established brand and following.

Be sure to link any accounts where you already have an engaged audience. This makes cross-promoting your OnlyFans page much easier.

Chapter 4: Setting Your Subscription Price

One of the biggest decisions when launching your OnlyFans is choosing your monthly subscription price. This pricing directly impacts your potential earnings.

Here are some tips on how to set your OnlyFans subscription price:

Know Your Niche Rate

Research accounts similar to yours and see what price range they charge for monthly subscriptions. This gives you an idea of competitive pricing in your specific niche.

For example, fitness accounts typically charge $5-20 per month while adult content creators charge anywhere from $10-50 per month.

Price in line with your niche averages.

Consider Your Content Amount

Will you be posting multiple times per day? Once a week?

Accounts that post frequently and regularly can justify charging subscribers more per month. If you only post occasionally, keep your price on the lower end.

Also factor in content length. If you‘ll be uploading long videos and sets of high-res photos, you can reasonably charge more than accounts only posting quick selfies.

Calculate 75-85% Revenue Share

Since OnlyFans takes a 20% commission on creator earnings, you actually only receive 80% of your subscription revenue.

When pricing your account, calculate 75-85% of what you want to earn to account for the OnlyFans cut.

For example, if your goal is to earn $1,000 per month, charge a subscription price of at least $1,200 ($1,000 / 0.80 = $1,250).

Start Low, Increase Over Time

It often makes sense to start with an introductory price to build your initial subscriber base when you‘re first getting started. You can gradually increase your subscription cost over time as you gain more followers.

Many successful OnlyFans creators offer limited time sales and discounts to drive new subscribers, then increase pricing once fans are hooked on their content.

Communicate the Value

In your profile bio, make sure to communicate the value subscribers receive for your monthly fee. Highlight your posting frequency, content types, interaction opportunities, etc.

This helps justify your pricing to potential fans and reduces subscription abandonment after signup. Be transparent upfront!

By considering these pricing factors, you can land on an optimal monthly subscription cost for your OnlyFans account. Remember you can always change your price later as your following grows!

Chapter 5: Creating Engaging Content

Let‘s shift gears to talk about creating content for your OnlyFans account…

Producing fresh, exclusive content is how you provide value to your subscribers and keep them renewing those monthly fees.

Here are some tips to create binge-worthy OnlyFans content:

Kick Off With a Welcome Post

Make your first OnlyFans post a special welcome message for new subscribers. Thank them for supporting you and let them know what kind of content to expect.

Give subscribers an excited, personal introduction to make them feel appreciated from day one.

Take Photos and Videos With Production Value

Invest in high-quality equipment like cameras, microphones, ring lights, etc to give your OnlyFans content a polished, professional feel.

Shoot photos and videos in well-lit spaces for flawless visual quality. Pay attention to angles, framing, and composition.

HD, well-produced content is worth the monthly fee for subscribers.

Show Some Skin, But Keep It Classy

While explicit content is popular on OnlyFans, you don‘t have to bare it all to succeed. Find your comfort level for how revealing you want to be.

Many successful OnlyFans creators promote their pages as exclusive, while staying classy and not over-exposing themselves.

Interact and Engage With Fans

Post content that allows you to interact with fans like:

  • Live streams
  • Q&A videos
  • Ask me anything posts
  • Challenges and dares
  • Fan polls to pick content

Keeping the conversation two-way is key for subscriber retention and building real relationships with your audience.

Offer Pay-Per-View Content

In addition to your subscription feed, use pay-per-view posts that fans unlock for an extra fee. This is a major revenue stream for creators.

PPV is perfect for your more explicit or higher demand content that goes above your standard subscription offerings.

Reward Loyal Subscribers

Surprise your longtime supporters who renew each month with an occasional free exclusive photo or video.

A little monthly reward or freebie incentivizes subscribers to stay active long-term.

Chapter 6: Promoting and Growing Your OnlyFans Page

Once you begin consistently posting great content, it‘s time to kick your OnlyFans promotion into high gear.

Here are effective ways to get more eyes (and subscriptions) on your page:

Leverage Your Existing Followers

If you already have an audience on social platforms like Instagram, Twitter, etc. let them know about your OnlyFans!

Post teasers natively in these platforms and drive your engaged followers to subscribe for more exclusive access to you.

This is by far the easiest subscriber acquisition strategy thanks to your existing reach.

Run Targeted Paid Ads

Use paid advertising platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Google to promote your OnlyFans profile.

Target your ads based on location, interests, behaviors and more to reach potential superfans of your niche and content.

Allocate a monthly ad budget to consistently drive new subscriptions.

Network and Cross-Promote

Connect with other creators in your niche and exchange OnlyFans promotions. The crossover traffic can help you tap into new audiences.

Leverage each other‘s existing subscriber bases by promoting collaborations and exclusive content across your accounts.

Interact In Niche Communities

Engage in your industry‘s communities on Reddit, Discord, forums and more. Provide value by sharing your expertise and OnlyFans creators can organically discover you.

But avoid overly self-promotional spam – focus on building relationships first.

Consistently network both online and offline within your niche to sustainably grow an audience that converts to OnlyFans subscribers.

Offer Limited Time Discounts

Periodically run sales, contests and discounts on your OnlyFans subscription to incentivize new signups.

Adding scarcity and urgency with promotions is an easy psychology tactic to drive subscriptions from potential followers sitting on the fence.

Over time, these OnlyFans marketing tactics will compound to grow your subscriber base and multiply your earning potential.

Chapter 7: OnlyFans Tips and Tricks for Creators

Let‘s wrap up this guide with some pro tips to maximize your success on OnlyFans:

Post Consistently In Your First Month

Frequency is especially key when first launching to prove you‘ll be actively posting. Shoot for at least 3-5 posts per week in your first few weeks.

Interact and Engage With Every Fan

Reply to all comments, answer DMs, and learn your fans‘ names and interests. Building personal relationships leads to lasting supporters.

Poll Fans to Create Desired Content

Ask subscribers what types of content they want to see more of. Then produce it for them! Fulfilling requests leads to satisfied subscribers.

Analyze Your Metrics

Track your subscriber growth, churn, higher performing posts and more. Let the data guide your content strategy and business decisions.

Invest Earnings Into Production

Use your OnlyFans revenue to improve your content quality with new equipment, software, locations, etc.

Collaborate With Non-Competing Creators

Team up with creators from other niches to tap into each other‘s audiences for new subscribers.

Don‘t Put All Your Eggs in One Basket

Continue building your brand and income streams on other platforms like Instagram, YouTube, TikTok. Diversify beyond OnlyFans.

Have an Exit Strategy

While OnlyFans is hot now, no platform lasts forever. Have a plan to take your audience elsewhere if needed. Own your audience data.

By applying these OnlyFans best practices, you can build a profitable, sustainable creator business.

But remember – be patient, work hard, and focus on value to grow your subscribers. Rome wasn‘t built in a day.


And that wraps up this complete 4,000+ word guide to creating an OnlyFans account!

I hope you now feel empowered to get your profile set up and start monetizing your exclusive content.

Here‘s a quick recap of the steps we covered:

  1. Sign up for an OnlyFans account
  2. Customize your profile and bio
  3. Set your monthly subscription price
  4. Consistently produce engaging content
  5. Promote your account to gain subscribers
  6. Analyze data to improve performance

With the rightmix of marketing, content, and audience understanding – anyone can build a successful OnlyFans creator business.

So what are you waiting for? The tools are in your hands now. Time to show the world what you got!

I wish you the best of luck on your OnlyFans journey ahead. This is just the beginning!


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.