
So You‘re Locked Out of Your TikTok Account? Here‘s How to Get Back In

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Has this ever happened to you? You go to open TikTok and find that your account has been deleted, hacked, or you simply forgot the password. Cue the panic!

Losing access to your TikTok profile can feel like the end of the world. But don‘t worry, with the right steps, you can recover and regain access to your account. This comprehensive guide will walk you through exactly how to get your TikTok back when you‘re locked out.

An Overview of Common TikTok Account Recovery Scenarios

Before we dive into the step-by-step instructions, let‘s quickly break down some of the main reasons you may need to recover your TikTok account:

  • Forgotten password – Hey, it happens to all of us. Thankfully, resetting your password is simple.

  • Deleted account – If you deactivated your account, you have 30 days to reactivate it.

  • Hacked account – Urgently change your password or contact TikTok if a hacker got in.

  • No access to email/phone number – Reach out to TikTok support to confirm your identity.

  • Banned account – You can appeal bans, but a permanent ban likely won‘t be reversed.

According to TikTok, the most common scenario is users forgetting their password. In a 2021 survey, 63% of respondents said they had trouble recalling passwords for their various online accounts, with Gen Zers particularly prone to forgetting.

So take comfort knowing you‘re not alone! The good news is that in most cases, you can get back into your TikTok by resetting your password, reactivating your account, or contacting TikTok support directly.

Step-by-Step Guide to Resetting Your TikTok Password

Resetting your password is by far the easiest and quickest way to recover your TikTok when you just can‘t remember that pesky password. Thankfully, it only takes a few minutes to complete.

Here is a simple walkthrough:

  1. Download and open up the TikTok app on your iOS or Android device.

  2. Tap "Log in" on the home screen.

  3. Below the password field, tap "Forgot password?"

  4. Choose to reset your password via text message or email.

  5. TikTok will send a password reset link to your phone number or email on file.

  6. Tap the link and you‘ll be directed to create a new password.

  7. Enter and confirm your new preferred password.

  8. Click "Save" and voila, you‘re back in your account just like that!

If your TikTok account is also connected to other social platforms like Facebook or Twitter, you can opt to reset your TikTok password through these linked platforms for even faster access.

Once you‘ve regained entry to your account, take a moment to beef up your security by turning on two-factor authentication. This adds an extra step to logging in, like requiring an SMS code, for better protection.

Here‘s how to switch on 2FA:

  • Tap your profile icon > Settings > Privacy and Safety > Two-Factor Authentication

  • Toggle on the switch for "Require Security Code"

Adding this extra verification step makes it much harder for a hacker to access your account, even if they have your password.

Recovering a TikTok With No Email or Phone Number

Let‘s say you remember your TikTok username but have no access to the original email or phone number associated with the account. What then? Not to fear, you can still potentially recover your account through TikTok‘s direct support.

Here are the steps to take:

  1. Head to TikTok‘s account recovery request form.

  2. Fill in the form with your TikTok username and any other details about your account, like:

  • Profile photo

  • Bio details

  • Previous associated emails or phone numbers

  • Last known password

  • Date of birth

  • Location

Basically, provide as much identifying info as possible.

  1. In the description box, explain clearly that you are unable to access your account and wish to recover it.

  2. Double check all the information and click "Submit".

Once received, TikTok will review your request and any verifiable details on your account to confirm you are the legitimate owner. If approved, TikTok will contact you to begin the account recovery process.

How long does this take? Typically 2-5 business days to hear back after submitting the request. Be patient and be sure to check the email you provided regularly for a response.

The more precise details you can provide upfront, the easier it will be for TikTok to authenticate you as the true account owner.

Reactivating a Deleted TikTok Account

Accidentally deleted your TikTok and now regretting that moment of impulsiveness? Not a problem. As long as it‘s been less than 30 days since deactivating your account, recovery is quick and painless.

Follow these simple steps:

  1. Re-download the TikTok app if you had deleted it.

  2. Open TikTok and tap "Log In" on the home screen.

  3. Tap "Sign Up" at the bottom instead.

  4. On the next screen, tap "Log In" again.

  5. Enter the username, password, email or phone number tied to your deleted account.

  6. Tap "Reactivate" when prompted.

  7. Success! Your account will be restored along with all of your previously posted videos.

Unfortunately any draft videos will be lost after deactivation, so post those gems before closing your account!

The key is to act fast within 30 days. After that, reactivation is much more difficult and TikTok may not be able to recover certain account data.

Retrieving a Hacked TikTok Account

No one should have to suffer the nightmare of having their social media account hacked. But if a hacker has managed to access your TikTok and change the password, immediately take action to get it back.

Every second counts when your account has been compromised, so here‘s what to do ASAP:

  1. If you‘re still logged into TikTok on any device, quickly change your password before the hacker does.

  2. If you‘re locked out, immediately submit an account recovery request to TikTok with as many verifiable details as possible proving you are the legitimate owner.

  3. Provide the original email, phone number, password, etc. Explain clearly that the account has been hacked.

  4. Also change the passwords for the associated email and phone number accounts in case they were compromised.

  5. Enable two-factor authentication the moment you regain access for much stronger security.

TikTok should be able to recover your account for you as the rightful owner, as long as no personal details have been altered yet. Acting quickly is key to locking the hacker out and regaining control.

Tips to Avoid Losing Access to Your Account

They say that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. While account recovery is often possible, it‘s much less headache to avoid losing access in the first place.

Here are some pro tips to keep your account secure:

  • Use unique passwords – Never reuse the same password across multiple accounts or sites.

  • Enable two-factor authentication – Adds an extra step to log in for enhanced security.

  • Avoid suspicious links/emails – Don‘t click questionable links that could steal your login info.

  • Monitor account activity – Check your profile regularly for any suspicious posts or changes.

  • Link to Facebook/Twitter – Allows resetting your password through connected social accounts.

  • Write down account details – Keep your username, password, and associated emails/numbers stored securely offline.

Key Takeaways and Conclusion

Losing access to your beloved TikTok account can certainly be aggravating. But fear not, in most cases you can recover and regain access by:

  • Resetting your password – Quick and easy for forgotten passwords.

  • Reactivating – Restore deleted accounts within 30 days.

  • Contacting TikTok support – Recover hacked or fully inaccessible accounts.

  • Enabling two-factor authentication – Adds extra login security once you‘re back in.

With TikTok‘s 1 billion monthly active users, there‘s a strong community on the platform. By following this guide, you can recover your account and reunite with fellow TikTokers in no time. Just be sure to take precautions to avoid losing access in the first place.

So chin up if you find yourself locked out! Just follow the steps outlined above and you‘ll be back scrolling through your For You feed again in no time.


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.