
Redirect Subfolder to Root Folder – A Comprehensive Guide for Developers

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![Website folders](

Hey there! Have you ever managed a website with content divided into multiple subfolders? It can make internal linking and navigation more complex. As a fellow developer, I‘m sure you‘ve considered consolidating everything under a single root domain folder to simplify things.

The problem is, how do you seamlessly redirect all those subfolder URLs to the new structure? Well, you‘ve come to the right place!

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll explore subfolder to root folder redirects in depth across the most popular web servers – Apache, NGINX, IIS, and Cloudflare. I‘ll provide code examples and step-by-step instructions tailored to each platform. Read on to learn how to easily consolidate your subfolders without breaking a single link!

Why Migrate Content to Root Folder?

Let‘s first look at some of the key reasons you may want to ditch subfolders in favor of a single root domain:

Simpler URL Structure

Removing lengthy subfolder paths makes your URLs much cleaner. Instead of you can just have This makes linking internally and sharing URLs simpler.

As developers, we know how messy things can get linking between pages in different subfolders. Eliminating that complexity improves the experience for both users and site editors.

Consolidate Multiple Sections

Often sites use separate subfolders or subdomains to organize different sections – like or Consolidating under one root domain combines everything under a single namespace.

This aligns better with the intent of most sites to provide one cohesive experience. Breaking things out into subfolders made sense early on but can now feel fragmented.

Boost SEO Performance

Lengthy subfolder paths can dilute keyword targeting and page authority in search rankings. Studies show root domain URLs tend to perform better for SEO.

By removing subfolders, you can strengthen targeting for branded and root level keywords – improving organic visibility and traffic. Every bit counts in competitive niches!

Simplify Site Navigation

For users, having content buried in subfolders adds extra steps to accessing information. They shouldn‘t have to click through layers of folders find what they need.

Putting all content under the root directory makes everything readily accessible from the home page. This improves navigation and the overall site experience.

Eliminate Subfolder Issues

If you‘ve dealt with caching headaches, inconsistent configurations, or performance issues between subfolders, consolidating everything under one folder can solve those problems.

Fewer moving parts makes diagnosing problems easier as well. You have one unified codebase instead of managing separate subfolder quirks.


  • Simpler URLs and site structure
  • Unified site sections and experience
  • Improved SEO visibility and keyword targeting
  • More accessible navigation from home page
  • Eliminate subfolder-specific issues

The benefits are clear. Now let‘s look at how to make this change smoothly for each platform.

Apache: Redirect Subfolder to Root

The Apache HTTP server still powers over 30% of active websites. If your site runs on Apache, redirecting subfolders is straightforward using .htaccess rewrite rules.

Edit your .htaccess file in the root folder, or update the core httpd.conf file. Add the following:

RewriteEngine On  
RewriteRule ^subfolder/(.*)$ /$1 [R=301,L]

Let‘s break this down:

  • RewriteEngine On enables the rewrite module to process our rule.

  • ^subfolder/ matches any URL path starting with our subfolder we want to redirect.

  • (.*) is a regex capturing group that matches everything after "subfolder".

  • /$1 redirects to the root folder, preserving the rest of the URL with our capture group.

  • [R=301,L] returns 301 permanent redirect status and stops processing rules.

This seamlessly redirects a request like to – our new simplified structure!

To redirect multiple subfolders, simply add additional RewriteRule lines to your .htaccess file. With a few lines of regex-powered code, you can easily consolidate your content in Apache.

NGINX: Subfolder to Root Redirect

For sites using the speedy NGINX web server, we can accomplish the same subfolder redirect with the rewrite directive.

Open your main nginx.conf file or your server block config file in /etc/nginx/conf.d/. Add this:

location /subfolder/ {
  rewrite ^/subfolder/(.*)$ /$1 redirect; 

This will match any request under /subfolder/, rewrite it to the root folder while preserving the original path, and return a 302 temporary redirect.

To make it a 301 permanent redirect:

rewrite ^/subfolder/(.*)$ /$1 permanent;

The key is capturing the original path after our matched subfolder using a regex group, which we append to the root redirect URL.

As with Apache, you can simply add more location blocks with rewrite rules to redirect multiple subfolders in NGINX. Straightforward but powerful!

IIS: Redirecting Subfolders to Root

On Windows servers, IIS is the most common web server. We can leverage its URL Rewrite module to redirect our subfolders.

Open your web.config file in the root site folder – usually C:\inetpub\wwwroot. Add this rule:

<rule name="RedirectSubfolder" stopProcessing="true">
  <match url="^subfolder/(.*)$" />
  <action type="Redirect" url="/{R:1}" redirectType="Permanent" />

Here‘s what‘s happening:

  • match detects requests starting with /subfolder/

  • redirect sends a 301 permanent redirect to the root folder, preserving the original path

  • stopProcessing skips other rules once this matches to improve performance

The key advantage of IIS – you can add these redirects entirely through the web UI without touching XML! The UI gives you full control over creating rewrite rules.

With a couple quick rules, you can seamlessly move your subfolders to the root folder on IIS.

Cloudflare: Subfolder to Root Redirect

For sites using Cloudflare‘s CDN, redirects can be applied directly through their web interface.

Follow these steps:

  1. Login to Cloudflare and select your domain

  2. Go to the Rules page and click Create Page Rule

  3. Under If URL matches, specify your subfolder path like*

  4. Click Add Setting and select Forwarding URL

  5. Enter your root domain like$1 to preserve the original path

  6. Select 301 Permanent Redirect and click Save and Deploy.

With this simple workflow, Cloudflare will automatically redirect any subfolder requests to your new consolidated root domain. Pretty handy!

You can create multiple page rules to redirect various subfolders for a seamless consolidation.

One catch when redirecting subfolders is any internal links pointing to those locations will now break. Make sure to properly update them to the new root folder URLs.

Here are some tips for catching broken links:

  • Crawl your site with a link checker like ScreamingFrog to identify broken pages.

  • Review navigation menus and fix any hardcoded subfolder paths.

  • Perform find and replace on links within your CMS like WordPress.

  • Update XML sitemaps and canonical URLs to use root domain.

  • Redirect key broken pages using 301 redirects.

  • Check your server logs to see which broken links are being accessed frequently.

Putting in the effort to fix internal links ensures visitors and search engines seamlessly transition to your new simplified subfolder-free URL structure.

Final Checklist When Consolidating Subfolders:

  • Always use 301 permanent redirects when consolidating – this preserves SEO value.

  • Redirect to the same URL structure – to

  • Watch out for duplicate content issues if combining multiple subfolders.

  • Monitor traffic after migrating to catch any other broken links.

  • Disallow original subfolders in robots.txt to prevent duplicate content.

  • Test things out in a staging environment first before going live.

With the steps in this guide, you can take control of your subfolder chaos and consolidate everything under a clean root domain URL structure. I covered the specifics for each major platform, but the concepts are universal. Feel free to reach out if you have any other questions!

In Summary:

  • Main reasons to consolidate subfolders: simplify URLs, unify site structure, improve SEO, easier navigation

  • Use .htaccess rules in Apache to redirect subfolders to root folder

  • NGINX rewrite module makes subfolder redirects easy

  • Leverage IIS URL Rewrite for seamless subfolder redirects

  • Cloudflare page rules let you redirect subfolders through web UI

  • Make sure to update internal links to new root URL structure

  • Take care to properly implement 301 redirects and avoid dupes

With the right redirects in place, consolidating your subfolders can greatly improve site architecture and user experience. I hope this guide provides a comprehensive overview of how to make this transition smoothly across all major platforms. Let me know if you have any other questions!


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.