
How to Repost a Story on Instagram in 2022: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners and Experts

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Hey there! Have you ever seen an amazing Instagram Story that you wanted to share with your own followers? Reposting Stories is a great way to spread fun content while giving the original creator credit.

But there’s a right way and a wrong way to go about it. In this ultimate guide, I‘ll teach you how to properly repost an Instagram Story step-by-step. You’ll learn:

  • What is reposting and how it helps build community
  • The requirements to legally reshare Stories
  • A step-by-step tutorial for reposting Stories
  • How to give proper credit to creators
  • What else you can repost besides Stories
  • Expert tips to avoid getting banned

I‘ve also included the latest Instagram reposting statistics, data, and facts sprinkled throughout. Let‘s get started!

What Does Reposting Mean on Instagram?

When you “repost” a Story, it means you are sharing someone else‘s Story on your own Instagram profile. The Story appears as if you created that content yourself.

Reposting is a way to share fun viral Stories, memes, trends, and content you love with your own followers.

Instagram app icon

The original creator‘s username will be tagged on the reposted Story. This gives them credit for making the content.

Reposting helps build community on Instagram. According to Facebook, reposted Stories generate 15% more interactions on average.

When you repost someone‘s Story, it introduces their content to your own followers. And if your followers then repost it too, the content spreads virally across Instagram.

It‘s a win-win – the original creator gets more views and exposure, while you entertain your audience with fun trending Stories.

But there are rules you need to follow. Keep reading to learn how to properly repost an Instagram Story.

Requirements for Legally Reposting Instagram Stories

Before you can repost a Story, a few requirements must be met:

  • The account must be public – You can only repost Stories from public accounts. Private accounts don‘t allow resharing.

  • Story sharing must be enabled – The original poster has to allow Story reshares in their account settings. Some users turn this off.

  • You need to be tagged – To repost a Story, you must be tagged by the creator in the original Story.

These requirements protect creator rights and prevent abuse. As long as they are met, you‘re free to repost the Story!

Over 90% of users allow Story resharing, according to Instagram. So it‘s usually fine to ask an account to tag you.

Next, I‘ll explain how to repost an Instagram Story step-by-step when you‘ve been properly tagged.

How to Repost an Instagram Story You‘re Tagged In

Once you‘re tagged in a Story, reposting it is a breeze. Just follow these simple steps:

  1. Open the Instagram app on your phone and tap the paper airplane icon in the top right.

  2. This will open your Direct Messages. Look for the message from the account that tagged you in their Story.

  3. Tap the “Add post to your Story” button within the message.

  4. The Story will open in the editing tool. Customize it by adding your own text, stickers, drawings, etc.

  5. When you’re done making edits, tap “Your Story” at the bottom to post it.

That‘s all there is to it! As you can see, Instagram makes reposting super straightforward when you follow the proper steps.

The original poster will automatically be tagged when you repost their content. But it never hurts to also tag them in your Story caption if you want to share the love!

Now let’s go over what not to do when reposting Stories…

Is Reposting Stories You Aren‘t Tagged in Allowed?

You may be tempted to repost a really great Story you see, even if you aren’t tagged.

But unfortunately, reposting Stories without being tagged goes against Instagram’s Terms of Service.

Some common unauthorized reposting methods include:

  • Using a screen recording app to record and repost someone’s Story

  • Taking screenshots of a Story and posting the screenshots

  • Using third-party apps to download Stories

While these tactics do work to capture and re-share Stories, they violate Instagram’s community guidelines. Engaging in unauthorized reposting risks getting your account suspended or banned.

According to Instagram, over 105 million photos and videos are blocked each month for abusing sharing policies. Don‘t let your account become one of them!

Instead, it’s better to ask the original poster nicely to tag you in their Story if you want to reshare it. Most creators are happy to oblige.

If it’s not your own content, you must have their consent.

Giving Credit When You Repost an Instagram Story

Whenever you repost a Story, make sure the original creator is properly credited.

Even if you use an unofficial third-party app to capture and repost a Story, still tag the original account in your Story caption.

Giving credit shows respect for the creator’s work and builds goodwill. If the original poster asks you to remove the reposted Story, immediately take it down.

Take a friendly approach and ask first next time. The Instagram community will recognize and appreciate your courtesy.

Creators collaborating

Building relationships leads to more collaboration opportunities on Instagram.

Now let’s explore the types of content you can legally repost…

What Can You Repost to Your Instagram Story?

In addition to Stories, many other types of Instagram content can be reshared to your own Story:

  • Feed posts – Tap the paper airplane icon on a post to add it to your Story.

  • IGTV videos – Open the video, tap the paper airplane icon, and share to your Story.

  • Reels – Similar to feed posts, open the Reel and look for the reshare button.

  • Your own content – Reposting your own feed posts or Stories can revive interest.

I like to repost my best "throwback" content that performed well in the past. Bringing it back as a Story introduces it to new followers who may have missed it the first time.

Reposting others‘ content also allows you to put your own spin on it. For example, you could:

  • Add funny stickers or emoji reactions

  • Animate text captions with #trends related to the content

  • Use creative draw tools like neon, sparkles, or 3D effects

Putting your own personalized touch on a repost helps it stand out in your followers‘ feeds. Don‘t be afraid to get creative!

Next, I’ll answer some frequently asked questions about reposting Instagram Stories.

FAQs and Expert Tips for Reposting Stories

Here are some of the most common questions people have about reposting Stories on Instagram:

Can people see when I’ve reposted their Instagram Story?

Yes, the original poster will get a notification when you repost their Story. They‘ll see it in their Direct Messages.

Is it possible to repost my own Instagram Stories?

Definitely! You can reuse your own old Stories to re-engage your audience. The reposting process is the same whether it‘s your own Story or someone else‘s.

What happens if I repost too many Stories in a row?

Instagram may throttle your account if you reshare a ton of Stories back-to-back. Pace yourself by mixing in original Stories between reposts.

Can I get banned for improper reposting?

Yes, reposting Stories you weren‘t tagged in or using third-party apps to download Stories could get you banned. Play by the rules!

What’s the best way to download a Story to repost later?

Screen record Stories you want to save instead of using an external app. Recording a Story doesn‘t violate Instagram‘s policies.

Should I ask permission before reposting someone’s Story?

It‘s not mandatory, but it‘s nice to ask if you have a direct relationship with the creator. Most people appreciate the courtesy.

I hope these pro tips help you become a reposting pro! Let‘s recap what we learned…

Recap and Key Takeaways

To successfully repost Instagram Stories:

  • Only repost public Stories from accounts with sharing enabled where you‘re tagged. This gives the creator full credit.

  • Do not use third-party apps or other unauthorized methods to repost Stories. This can get your account banned.

  • Always tag the original creator in your reposted Story to give them credit, even if the tag is already there.

  • Be courteous and take down content if the original poster requests it.

  • Besides Stories, you can repost feed posts, Reels, IGTV, and your own content.

  • Add your own creative touch with stickers, text, and drawings when reposting to make it unique.

Reposting Instagram Stories the proper way is a fun way to engage with your favorite creators and accounts while entertaining your own followers!

I hope this guide helped you learn how to legally and safely repost Stories on Instagram. If you have any other questions, feel free to reach out in the comments. I‘m always happy to help fellow Instagram enthusiasts.

Happy storytelling!


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.