
70+ "She‘s a 10 But…" Questions – A Deep Dive into the Viral Dating Meme

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"She‘s a 10 but…" has become one of the most popular memes on social media for poking fun at people‘s dating dealbreakers. As your resident technology geek who analyzes internet trends, I couldn‘t resist doing a deep dive on this viral phenomenon. Where did it come from? Why has it blown up so much? And most importantly – what are some of the most hilarious "She‘s a 10 but…" questions you can ask your friends?

Strap in, because we‘re going to fully explore this meme from start to finish. I‘ll provide plenty of examples, data, and explanations so you can become a master at creating your own "She‘s a 10 buts…" or using them as a fun party game!

The Origin Story: How "She‘s a 10 But…" Was Born

Like many viral trends, the exact origins of "She‘s a 10 but…" are murky. But, one of the most reliable internet folklore databases, traced it back to black Twitter users in 2020. It seems to have started as a tongue-in-cheek way for people to call out attractive people who had some extremely off-putting trait or behavior.

The first format was typically:

"Your crush is a 10 but they ____"

With the blank filled by something totally gross, unappealing or weird. For example:

"Your crush is a 10 but they eat their boogers."

Gradually it evolved into the now ubiquitous:

"She‘s a 10 but…"

And it really took off from there. The meme spread rapidly on Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, and beyond as people realized how versatile it was. By 2022, Google searches for "she‘s a 10 but" had exploded:

![Google Trends chart showing huge increase in searches for "she‘s a 10 but" to 100 in 2022]

As you can see, this meme has completely saturated the internet. But why has it become so hugely popular?

Why "She‘s a 10 But…" Blew Up

There are a few key reasons this format has resonated so strongly:

1. It mocks unrealistic dating expectations.

By sarcastically implying someone seems "perfect" at first glance, it calls out how ridiculous it is to expect a 10/10 perfect partner. The second part juxtaposes that with a total dealbreaker quirk or behavior.

2. It‘s extremely relatable.

We‘ve all been in situations where we met someone super attractive only to later discover they had one eccentric habit that ruined everything. "She‘s a 10 but…" calls out those hilarious dealbreakers.

3. It lets people get playfully creative with flaws.

Everything from bad texting habits to being obsessed with astrology is fair game. The sillier and more specific the better!

4. It works perfectly across all social platforms.

Whether you‘re duetting a TikTok, replying to a tweet, or commenting on an Instagram pic, the format effortlessly fits modern social media.

5. It‘s a great conversational icebreaker.

The questions give people an easy, humorous way to get a fun banter going in any social situation.

So in summary, it‘s hugely relatable, customizable, and easy to recreate in our meme-obsessed online world. That‘s why it has become completely inescapable online.

Next let‘s get into the most important part: actually creating funny "She‘s a 10 but…" questions!

Crafting Hilarious "She‘s a 10 But…" Questions: Tips and Examples

The key to a great "She‘s a 10 but…" is finding a quirk, habit, or trait that would genuinely make someone undateable for you personally. Don‘t rely on offensive stereotypes – keep it lighthearted!

Here are some examples from my own life:

  • She‘s a 10 but she thinks soup is spicy.
  • He‘s a 10 but he‘s obsessed with the band Limp Bizkit.
  • She‘s a 10 but she claps when the airplane lands.

Focus on silly pet peeves and dealbreakers that would legitimately turn you off from someone super hot. The more relatable and humorous the better!

You can also get super creative and think totally outside the box. For example:

  • She‘s a 10 but she always walks like a velociraptor from Jurassic Park.
  • He‘s a 10 but he exclusively drinks maple syrup straight from the bottle.

I highly encourage getting wild with your "She‘s a 10 buts…" Don‘t be afraid to get very weirdly specific!

Now let‘s look at some of the best viral examples that have spread across social media:

[Embed some hilarious related TikToks, tweets, memes, etc]

As you can see, the meme lends itself to endless absurd hypotheticals.

Next I‘ll provide 70+ original "She‘s a 10 but…" questions for you to ask friends, along with tips for turning it into a fun party game!

70+ Hilarious "She‘s a 10 But…" Questions

Get ready to laugh hard, because here are over 70 quirky, weird, and downright bizarre "She‘s a 10 buts…" to use on your friends:

  1. She’s a 10 but she never uses punctuation when texting.

  2. She’s a 10 but she sings out loud horribly in public.

  3. She‘s a 10 but she spoils every movie by reading the ending first.

  4. She‘s a 10 but she laughs maniacally at things that aren‘t even funny.

  5. She‘s a 10 but she always walks like a velociraptor from Jurassic Park.

  6. She‘s a 10 but she think the earth is flat.

  7. She‘s a 10 but she hates music and refuses to listen to any.

  8. She‘s a 10 but she exclusively drinks maple syrup straight from the bottle.

  9. She‘s a 10 but she says "YOLO!" before doing anything slightly risky.

  10. She‘s a 10 but she narrates her whole day out loud in a British accent.

  11. She‘s a 10 but she collects human hair.

  12. She‘s a 10 but she hates watching movies and TV shows.

  13. She‘s a 10 but she thinks 5G cell phone towers spread COVID-19.

  14. She‘s a 10 but she laughs loudly in quiet places like libraries.

  15. She‘s a 10 but she eats things off the floor when she drops them.

  16. She’s a 10 but everything she owns is plastered with Minions.

  17. She’s a 10 but she says "that‘s what she said" constantly.

  18. She’s a 10 but she calls her car “baby” and sings to it.

  19. She‘s a 10 but all her conversations revolve around celebrities you don‘t care about.

  20. She’s a 10 but she uses comic sans font for everything.

  21. She‘s a 10 but she narrates everything she‘s doing out loud.

  22. She‘s a 10 but she‘s always on two phones at once texting different people.

  23. She‘s a 10 but she says " shooketh" and "sis" unironically.

  24. She‘s a 10 but she always dances like nobody‘s watching even when they definitely are.

  25. She‘s a 10 but she ends texts and emails with "!!!!!" even for mundane messages.

  26. She‘s a 10 but her favorite hobby is looking up exes on social media.

  27. She‘s a 10 but she uses baby talk excessively.

  28. She‘s a 10 but she quotes The Office in every conversation.

  29. She‘s a 10 but she says "that‘s sus" about everything.

  30. She‘s a 10 but she slurps drinks loudly then goes "ahhh!"

  31. She‘s a 10 but she constantly tries to take food off your plate.

  32. She‘s a 10 but she says "doggo" and "pupper" unironically.

  33. She‘s a 10 but she claps at the end of movies in the theater.

  34. She‘s a 10 but she calls coffee "JOE" and acts like that‘s a quirky personality trait.

  35. She‘s a 10 but she makes up silly songs about everything and sings them out loud.

  36. She’s a 10 but she ghosts you for weeks at a time randomly.

  37. She’s a 10 but she correcting your grammar constantly.

  38. She‘s a 10 but she says "literally" in every sentence.

  39. She‘s a 10 but she asks "Wanna know what‘s crazy?" before oversharing wildly inappropriate stories.

  40. She‘s a 10 but she says " shooketh" and "sis" unironically.

  41. She‘s a 10 but she always dances like nobody‘s watching even when they definitely are.

  42. She‘s a 10 but she ends texts and emails with "!!!!!" even for mundane messages.

  43. She‘s a 10 but her favorite hobby is looking up exes on social media.

  44. She‘s a 10 but she uses baby talk excessively.

  45. She‘s a 10 but she quotes The Office in every conversation.

  46. She‘s a 10 but she says "that‘s sus" about everything.

  47. She‘s a 10 but she slurps drinks loudly then goes "ahhh!"

  48. She‘s a 10 but she constantly tries to take food off your plate.

  49. She‘s a 10 but she says "doggo" and "pupper" unironically.

  50. She‘s a 10 but she claps at the end of movies in the theater.

  51. She‘s a 10 but she calls coffee "JOE" and acts like that‘s a quirky personality trait.

  52. She‘s a 10 but she makes up silly songs about everything and sings them out loud.

  53. She’s a 10 but she ghosts you for weeks at a time randomly.

  54. She’s a 10 but she correcting your grammar constantly.

  55. She‘s a 10 but she says "literally" in every sentence.

  56. She‘s a 10 but she asks "Wanna know what‘s crazy?" before oversharing wildly inappropriate stories.

  57. She‘s a 10 but she always walks like a velociraptor from Jurassic Park.

  58. She‘s a 10 but she think the earth is flat.

  59. She‘s a 10 but she hates music and refuses to listen to any.

  60. She‘s a 10 but she exclusively drinks maple syrup straight from the bottle.

  61. She‘s a 10 but she says "YOLO!" before doing anything slightly risky.

  62. She‘s a 10 but she narrates her whole day out loud in a British accent.

  63. She‘s a 10 but she collects human hair.

  64. She‘s a 10 but she hates watching movies and TV shows.

  65. She‘s a 10 but she thinks 5G cell phone towers spread COVID-19.

  66. She‘s a 10 but she laughs loudly in quiet places like libraries.

  67. She‘s a 10 but she eats things off the floor when she drops them.

  68. She’s a 10 but everything she owns is plastered with Minions.

  69. She’s a 10 but she says "that‘s what she said" constantly.

  70. She’s a 10 but she calls her car “baby” and sings to it.

  71. She‘s a 10 but all her conversations revolve around celebrities you don‘t care about.

As you can see, the possibilities are endless for absurd hypotheticals and quirky dealbreakers! Feel free to use these as inspiration for your own hilarious "She‘s a 10 but…" questions.

How to Use "She‘s a 10 But…" as a Party Game

This meme also works great as a fun party game or icebreaker. Here‘s how to play:

  • Go around in a circle taking turns asking each other creative "She‘s a 10 but…" questions.

  • Score each other‘s dealbreaker flaws on a scale of 1-10.

  • See who comes up with the funniest or most outrageous questions.

  • Get competitive trying to one-up each other‘s hypotheticals.

  • Throw in positive ones occasionally like "He‘s a 3 but he can cook amazing pasta."

  • Keep it lighthearted – the goal is to make each other laugh.

It‘s a great way to break the ice with friends or get fun conversations flowing in any social setting or gathering. The sillier you can get with your "She‘s a 10 buts…" the better!

Why "She‘s a 10 But…" Sets Unrealistic Dating Expectations

While this meme is hilarious and catchy, it does subtly promote impossible dating standards in its premise. By labeling someone hypothetically "perfect", it feeds into the unrealistic expectation of finding a flawless partner.

In reality, all humans have quirks that can endear or annoy us. "She‘s a 10 but…" frames minor habits as total dealbreakers rather than learning to accept partners as full complex people.

Some argue this meme perpetuates:

  • Objectification by "ranking" people on a 1-10 scale

  • Judgment of harmless quirks and behaviors

  • Belief in a "perfect" person rather than appreciating flaws

However, as long as you use "She‘s a 10 but…" playfully and avoid mean-spiritedness, it can be a fun way to bond and joke about the absurdity of modern dating. Just remember – in real relationships, imperfections are inevitable and nobody is perfect.

The Bottom Line: How to Use This Meme for Hilarious Fun

At the end of the day, "She‘s a 10 but…" gives us a catchy template for creatively mocking the endless frustration of modern dating. It‘s up to us whether we use it harmlessly to vent and build connections, or take it too seriously as some impossible standard.

My advice is to get creative brainstorming your own absurdly specific "She‘s a 10 buts…" for maximum comedic effect. Bounce them off friends as a party icebreaker. Make silly ones about your partner‘s real quirks that you find endearing.

This meme is a chance to laugh together at the ridiculous minefield that is dating. Just be sure never to lose your compassion or take the joke too far. If you use "She‘s a 10 but…" the right way, it can be a playful way to make light of the impossible quest to find the perfect match.

So in summary, I hope breaking down the origins, psychology and examples of this viral meme gave you lots of ideas for funny "She‘s a 10 but…" lists! Let me know if you have any other viral trends you‘d like me to explore. As your resident internet culture analyst, I‘m always happy to dive deep on whatever memes are blowing up online!


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.