
How to Get Your Spotify DNA Chart – A Comprehensive Guide

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Have you seen those cool, colorful Spotify DNA charts making the rounds on social media? The swirling strands visualize your top Spotify artists based on their audio traits. If you want to make your own shareable DNA chart to showcase your musical tastes, you‘ve come to the right place.

In this detailed guide, we‘ll cover everything you need to know about Spotify DNA charts – what they are, how to make them, customizing and analyzing the results, and tips for sharing on social media. Let‘s dive in!

What Exactly is a Spotify DNA Chart?

A Spotify DNA chart analyzes your top artists and represents them visually as different audio attributes. It‘s almost like a musical DNA test, highlighting the unique traits in the tunes you love.

Specifically, it looks at characteristics like danceability, energy, acousticness, instrumentalness, valence, and more. These traits are determined through audio analysis on each track by Spotify.

Here‘s a quick overview of what each trait measures:

  • Danceability: How suitable a track is for dancing based on musical elements like tempo, rhythm, beat strength, and overall regularity. A high danceability score means the song has qualities that make you want to move and groove.

  • Energy: The intensity and activity of a track, which is related to fast tempos, loud volumes, and energetic performances. Upbeat, exciting songs will have a high energy rating.

  • Acousticness: The level of acousticness versus electric sound in the instrumentation. A high acousticness score means the song is predominantly acoustic guitar and vocals rather than amplified or synthesized sounds.

  • Instrumentalness: The amount of vocals versus instrumental sound in a recording. High instrumentalness means the track is mostly instrumental with few vocal portions.

  • Liveness: Detects the presence of a live audience in the track. A high liveness score picks up crowd cheers, applause, and other signs of a live performance setting.

  • Valence: The musical positiveness conveyed by a song‘s melodies, harmonies, rhythms, and lyrics. High valence tracks will tend to sound more cheerful, euphoric, and happy.

So in your DNA chart, artists are assigned different traits based on their overall musical attributes. Plus, each artist gets a rarity score, which indicates how unique they are compared to other musicians on Spotify.

This gives you a snapshot of your favorite artists and the audio characteristics of the music you love. It‘s a fun way to showcase your personal music profile.

Step-by-Step Guide to Making Your Spotify DNA Chart

Ready to whip up your own groovy Spotify DNA chart? Let‘s break it down step-by-step:

Step 1: Visit the DNA Chart Website

Head to to access the web app that generates the DNA charts. This site was created by Anshay Saboo specifically for making Spotify DNA graphics to share online.

Step 2: Connect with Your Spotify Account

To analyze your top artists, you‘ll need to connect to your Spotify account. Click the "Connect with Spotify" button and log in when prompted.

This allows the site to read your Spotify data but doesn‘t give access to anything else in your account.

Step 3: Agree to Share Your Spotify Data

After logging into Spotify, you‘ll be asked to agree to share your listening information with the DNA site. Check the box to approve access to your top artists and audio metrics.

This grants permission just temporarily while generating your chart. The site won‘t store or retain any access after you leave.

Step 4: Select Your Time Range

Now you can customize the time range for calculating your top artists. The default is "Top artists all time" but you can change it to time frames like:

  • Last month
  • Last 6 months
  • Last year

There‘s also options for your top tracks from a playlist or album. Select the parameters you want for your chart.

Step 5: Hit "Share Card" to Generate Your DNA Chart

Once you‘ve picked your time range, simply scroll down and click the "Share card" button. This will instantly analyze your top artists and generate your unique DNA chart.

Step 6: Save the Image to Your Phone

Your colorful DNA chart will appear along with social sharing options. To save it to your camera roll, tap and hold the image, then select "Save image" or "Save to Photos" depending on your device and browser.

And voila! You now have your own shareable Spotify DNA chart saved on your phone.

Customizing Your Chart with Different Parameters

One of the great things about Spotify DNA charts is you can customize and update them endlessly.

Experiment by generating new charts based on different time ranges, like your top artists from each year over the past decade. It‘s cool to see how your audio traits evolve.

You can also pull charts from specialized playlists rather than your overall top artists. Try making a DNA graphic based on your:

  • Favorite summer jams
  • Top pump-up workout playlist
  • Chill study beats
  • Guilty pleasure tunes

The possibilities are endless for tailoring your chart to different music moods and tastes.

Analyzing the Traits of Your Top Artists

Once you‘ve created your initial DNA chart, you can analyze the audio attributes of your featured artists.

Tap on any artist name, and you‘ll open up a panel showing their stats for danceability, energy, acousticness, etc.

You can also filter the chart by specific attributes using the toggles on the left. For example, turn on "Energy" to highlight high energy artists.

Digging into the audio traits is a great way to learn what characteristics all your favorite musicians have in common. Discover those shared qualities that really resonate with your musical tastes.

Top Tips for Sharing Your DNA on Social Media

Part of the appeal of Spotify DNA charts is posting them on social media. It‘s a cool, artistic way to showcase your music interests and listening stats.

Here are some tips for sharing your chart on different platforms:


  • Post your DNA chart on your Instagram feed or stories. Use stickers and gifs to jazz it up.

  • Tag any of your top artists who have official accounts so they can see your support.

  • Use relevant hashtags like #SpotifyDNA #spotifywrapped #spotifytopartist


  • Upload your DNA chart as a new Facebook post or photo album.

  • Challenge friends to guess your top artists based on the traits in your chart.

  • Ask people with similar music tastes to share and compare DNA charts.


  • Tweet your Spotify DNA image to your followers.

  • Reply to artists featured in your chart so they can see your top listening stats.

  • See if any Spotify fan accounts want to retweet your chart.


  • Post your DNA chart video with a trending sound or song from your top artists.

  • Duet with friends to reveal your charts in a split screen video.

  • Use on-screen text and captions to highlight your top traits.


  • Include your DNA chart graphic in a video about your favorite music.

  • Create a timelapse of your DNA charts from each month or year.

  • Film yourself reacting to your Spotify stats for the first time.

Have fun sharing your chart across social platforms and connecting with fellow music lovers. Your Spotify DNA is totally unique, so spread the musical word!

Evolving Your DNA Over Time

One really cool aspect of Spotify DNA charts is tracking how your traits change over time.

As your music tastes grow and expand, your DNA will evolve right along with it. Here are some ways to document your musical DNA journey:

  • Generate a new DNA chart each month on the same date. Watch how your top artists shift.

  • Make an end of year DNA chart to look back on your listening profile for that time period.

  • Take a snapshot of your chart at big milestones like college graduation or a big move.

  • Revisit special playlists years later and observe how your traits have changed.

It‘s fascinating to see how your musical identity transforms through different life stages and experiences. So embrace your changing DNA!

Summing Up Spotify DNA Charts

That wraps up this comprehensive guide on retrieving your Spotify DNA. To recap:

  • Spotify DNA charts visualize your top artists based on audio traits like danceability, energy, and valence.

  • It‘s super quick and easy to make your own sharable DNA chart at

  • You can customize charts by time range and see detailed stats on each artist.

  • Posting your DNA on social channels is a fun way to highlight your musical identity.

  • Watching your traits evolve over time provides insight into your listening journey.

So if you‘re ready to unlock your musical DNA, get out there and start stranding! Creating and sharing your Spotify chart is an awesome way to bond with fans, artists, and music lovers worldwide.


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.