
How To Finally Fix Annoying Telegram Connection Issues

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Is your Telegram app getting stuck on the endless "Connecting…" screen no matter what you try? I‘ve been there, and I know how frustrating it is when this important messaging app won‘t work properly.

Not to worry – with my comprehensive troubleshooting guide, you‘ll get Telegram connecting and sending messages again in a jiffy.

As a long-time Telegram user and mobile tech specialist, I‘ve helped hundreds of users resolve persistent Telegram connectivity problems.

In this detailed post, I‘ll share all my insider tips and tricks to get your Telegram working flawlessly again. Just follow along with the step-by-step solutions, and you‘ll be chatting securely in no time.

Here‘s what we‘ll cover:

  • Why Telegram Gets Stuck Connecting (and How to Diagnose the Issue)
  • 12 Ways to Fix Telegram Connection Problems
  • Advanced Troubleshooting Tips for Tough Cases
  • How to Optimize Telegram‘s Settings to Prevent Future Problems
  • FAQs About Telegram Connection Errors

So if you‘re pulling your hair out from Telegram constantly "connecting…", let‘s get started fixing it!

Why Does Telegram Get Stuck Connecting?

Before jumping into solutions, it helps to first understand what causes Telegram connectivity issues in the first place.

As a messaging app, Telegram relies on having a stable internet connection to send and receive data from its servers. So any disruption in that connection will lead to loading problems.

From my technical experience, here are the most common reasons Telegram gets stuck perpetually "connecting":

Outdated App Version

Like any app, Telegram releases constant updates to fix bugs and improve performance. Using an outdated version makes you more vulnerable to connection issues.

Unstable Internet Connection

A spotty Wi-Fi or mobile data signal prevents Telegram from communicating with its backend servers.

Telegram Server Outages

Service disruptions due to maintenance or technical problems on Telegram‘s end can temporarily cause connection failures.

App Permissions Not Enabled

Telegram requires certain permissions like location and storage access to work correctly. If they aren‘t granted, you‘ll face "connecting" problems.

Too Many Background Apps Open

Lots of apps running simultaneously can drain resources needed by Telegram to function smoothly.

Battery Saver/Data Saver Turned On

These power-saving modes often disrupt apps‘ background activities, leading to connectivity problems.

VPN or Proxy Causing Conflicts

Some VPNs, firewalls, and proxy connections interfere with Telegram‘s traffic. This prevents seamless access to Telegram servers.

Corrupted App Cache or Data

Over time, damaged cache or data files can accumulate and affect Telegram‘s performance.

Now that you know what‘s causing Telegram to get stuck in the first place, let‘s move on to the step-by-step solutions.

12 Ways to Fix Telegram Connection Issues

Based on my extensive technical experience, here are the best methods to resolve Telegram connectivity problems and get your messages flowing again:

1. Check Your Internet Connection

Let‘s start with the basics – if the internet isn‘t working properly, Telegram definitely won‘t connect.

Open your browser or other internet-using apps to test the connection. If they aren‘t working either, you have a broader connectivity issue to address first.

Try these steps to revive your internet access:

  • Reset your Wi-Fi router
  • Toggle Airplane mode on and off
  • Disable Data Saver if you‘re on mobile data
  • Connect to a different Wi-Fi network or cellular data

Once you‘ve confirmed that the internet is working fine, move on to troubleshooting Telegram specifically.

2. Update Telegram to the Latest Version

One quick fix is to check for Telegram app updates, which patch bugs and fix performance issues.

On Android, open the Play Store, go to Updates, and install any available Telegram updates. On iOS, do the same in the App Store.

After updating, restart your phone and then launch Telegram again to see if it resolves any connectivity bugs.

3. Force Stop Telegram and Clear Cache

Sometimes Telegram gets "stuck" due to corrupted app cache or background processes interfering.

Clearing the cache and force stopping the app forces Telegram to start fresh, often fixing connection issues.

On Android:

  • Open Settings > Apps > Telegram > Force Stop
  • In the same Telegram info screen, tap Storage > Clear Cache

On iPhone:

  • Go to Settings > General > iPhone Storage
  • Select Telegram and tap Offload App, then reinstall it

Now reopen Telegram to see if the connection problems persist.

4. Check Telegram Server Status

Before you pull your hair out troubleshooting, check Telegram‘s server status to see if the problem is actually on their end.

You can view Telegram‘s current server status here on their official channels:

If global outages are reported, just sit tight until Telegram‘s engineers resolve it on their end.

5. Disable Battery Optimization

Does your phone have Battery Saver or Adaptive Battery enabled? These modes restrict background app activity to save power.

Unfortunately, this also interrupts Telegram‘s constant syncing with its servers, leading to connectivity issues.

Disable battery optimization for Telegram in your phone‘s Settings:

On Android

  • Go to Settings > Apps & Notifications > Advanced > Special App Access
  • Select Battery Optimization > All Apps
  • Find Telegram, tap it and toggle Off ‘Optimize‘

On iPhone

  • Go to Settings > Battery
  • Make sure Low Power Mode is turned off

With battery optimization disabled, Telegram can maintain a stable internet access.

6. Reinstall the Telegram App

If all else fails, the nuclear option is to uninstall and reinstall Telegram. This wipes any corrupted app data that could be disrupting connectivity.

On Android:

  • Open Settings > Apps > Telegram > Uninstall
  • Restart your phone
  • Reinstall Telegram from the Play Store

On iPhone:

  • Hold down the Telegram icon until the shortcuts appear
  • Tap Remove App to delete it
  • Download Telegram again from the App Store

After reinstalling, try using Telegram again. Hopefully, a clean slate resolved any lingering bugs.

7. Switch Between Wi-Fi and Mobile Data

Have you tried using Telegram only on Wi-Fi until now? Give mobile data a shot and see if connectivity improves.

Similarly, if you‘ve only used it on mobile data, switch to a Wi-Fi network instead.

Sometimes connection issues arise on specific networks. Changing networks forces Telegram to establish a fresh connection which could fix problems.

8. Disable VPNs and Proxy Settings

Do you use a VPN, firewall, antivirus, or proxy service that could be interfering with Telegram‘s network traffic?

As a test, temporarily disable these services and attempt to use Telegram normally.

If Telegram starts working, you know that the VPN or proxy was preventing proper access to Telegram‘s servers. Contact their support team to whitelist Telegram.

9. Reset Network Settings

Resetting all network settings forces your device to reconfigure internet access from scratch. This can resolve odd connectivity bugs.

On both iOS and Android, go to Settings > General > Reset > Reset Network Settings. This will revert Wi-Fi, mobile data, and Bluetooth to their defaults.

Once your device restarts, try using Telegram again to see if a fresh network setup did the trick.

10. Update Your Device‘s Operating System

Besides app updates, your device‘s OS updates also include tons of bug fixes and performance improvements.

Updating to the latest OS version can potentially fix Telegram connectivity issues stemming from the device rather than the app.

On Android, install the newest OS update from Settings > System > System Update.

On iPhone, install iOS updates from Settings > General > Software Update. With the latest OS, give Telegram another go.

11. Disable Background App Refresh (iOS)

A hidden setting on iPhones is Background App Refresh, which allows apps to load data and update content when not in active use.

While helpful, it can also drain battery and resources. Try toggling it off for Telegram:

  • Go to Settings > General > Background App Refresh
  • Turn off the switch for Telegram

With background refresh disabled, Telegram works only when the app is open. This forces it to make a fresh connection each time.

12. Contact Telegram Support

If you‘ve tried every solution and tactic I‘ve suggested, but Telegram still won‘t connect no matter what – it‘s time to contact their customer support.

Reach out to Telegram‘s support team through the in-app chat:

On Android:

  • Open Telegram > Menu > Settings > Ask a Question

On iOS:

  • Go to Settings > Contact Support

Explain every troubleshooting step you took. Their team can investigate your account logs and pinpoint what is blocking Telegram from connecting properly on your specific device.

Advanced Tips for Tough Connection Issues

For extra pesky Telegram connectivity problems, don‘t give up just yet! Here are some advanced troubleshooting techniques to try:

Log Out and Log Back In

Signing out and signing back into Telegram forces it to re-authenticate your account which could resolve issues.

Try Different Telegram Accounts

See if the problem only affects your main account by attempting to sign in with another Telegram account. This indicates an account-specific issue.

Reset Advertising ID

On Android, reset your advertising ID from Settings > Google > Ads. On iOS, go to Settings > Privacy > Apple Advertising > Reset Advertising Identifier. This clears any glitches related to Telegram ads or data.

Factory Reset Device

The nuclear option – reset your phone back to factory default settings. Make sure to backup your data first! With a 100% clean slate, Telegram connectivity issues stemming from your device software will be eliminated.

Optimize Telegram‘s Settings

Once you‘ve solved the current connection issues, here are some tips to optimize Telegram‘s settings and prevent future problems:

  • Always keep Telegram updated to the latest version
  • Disable battery optimization so background activity isn‘t limited
  • Turn off auto-update apps over mobile data to conserve bandwidth
  • Avoid using Telegram on public Wi-Fi or unstable connections
  • Periodically clear cache to prevent corrupted files over time
  • During server outages, resist uninstalling Telegram – just wait it out!

FAQs About Telegram Connection Problems

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about fixing Telegram connectivity issues:

Why does Telegram say connecting to proxy?

This usually means your VPN or firewall is blocking Telegram‘s access. Try disconnecting from the proxy or whitelisting Telegram in your security settings.

How can I tell if Telegram is down?

Check Telegram‘s @telegram Twitter or Downdetector to see if lots of users are reporting connection problems too. This indicates wider server issues.

Why is Telegram not connecting to the internet?

Reasons can include poor internet connectivity, outdated app version, low storage space, battery optimization enabled, corrupt cache, etc. Run through all the troubleshooting steps in this post.

Why does Telegram get stuck connecting to the server?

An unstable internet signal, interference from a VPN, too many background apps, and outages on Telegram‘s end are the main culprits. Follow my detailed troubleshooting flow to identify and fix the cause.

How do I fix Telegram server unavailable error?

First, check Telegram‘s server status pages to confirm there are actual outages, rather than something on your end. If it‘s just you, reinstalling Telegram or contacting their support team usually resolves server connection errors.

Get Your Messages Flowing Again!

And there you have it – with these tips, you can get Telegram working flawlessly again in no time.

No more frustrating "Connecting…" screens when you just want to chat with friends!

Bookmark this guide so you have an instant troubleshooting reference whenever Telegram misbehaves. Share it with any fellow Telegram users who could use the help too.

Did these solutions fix your Telegram connectivity problems? Let me know in the comments if you have any other odd issues arise down the road!


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.