
How to Solve "The Digits in Your Password Must Add Up to 25" in The Password Game

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Have you tried your hand at The Password Game yet? This viral web-based puzzle challenges you to create passwords adhering to increasingly absurd and contradictory rules. It brilliantly demonstrates the frustration of modern password requirements – while training your brain for password greatness!

One of the earliest puzzles requires your password‘s digits to add up to 25. Deceptively simple at first glance, this rule causes many players to stumble.

In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll break down multiple methods to flex your math muscles and conquer the "digits totaling 25" level. Grab a coffee, friend – we‘re going to level up your password skills together!

Understanding The Viral Craze of The Password Game

Before we dive in, let‘s back up and understand why this game has taken the internet by storm.

The Password Game was created in 2022 by artist/developer Neal Agarwal. He coded it in JavaScript as a commentary on the absurdity of most password rules.

Here‘s how it works:

You‘re presented with a set of increasingly bizarre password requirements. Each level displays a new rule you must follow:

  • Only use letters from a specific hemisphere
  • No consecutive duplicates
  • Include at least 2 spaces
  • Use a Shakespeare quote

And so on…up to 35 rules in total!

The catch? You must adhere to ALL previous rules too, even as new ones pile on. So you quickly end up with impossible constraints like:

Use a chess move

No digits

Only prime numbers

As you can imagine, reconciling the growing list of incompatible criteria becomes maddening. But therein lies the viral genius…

Why The Password Game Blew Up

This game resonated because we‘ve ALL experienced similarly absurd password rules in real life:

  • "Sorry, you can‘t use dictionary words."
  • "That password isn‘t secure enough."
  • "Your new password can‘t match any old ones."

These policies aim to strengthen security. But in practice, they just frustrate users into weak passwords.

The Password Game brilliantly parodies this phenomenon. It trains your brain to handle contradictory complexity.

In the first week alone, The Password Game generated over 8 million attempts. And mainstream outlets like WSJ, CNN, and Jimmy Fallon covered it.

It perfectly tapped into the zeitgeist around password fatigue. As security expert Troy Hunt said:

"It captures the frustration of passwords so well…It‘s ridiculous but we only have ourselves to blame."

For us password nerds, it was an instant hit!

Why "Digits Adding to 25" Trips People Up

Alright, let‘s get back to conquering the digits.

The 5th password requires:

"The digits must add up to 25."

Easy enough, right? Just slap some numbers together.

…Not so fast! This rule trips up many players for a few key reasons:

You forget previous rules. By the 5th password, you‘re managing multiple complex criteria. It‘s easy to get lost in the digits and forget to maintain the earlier rules too.

You use double digits. The instructions specify single digit numbers only. You can‘t take shortcuts like 15 or 20.

You exceed 25. Absentmindedly adding too many numbers is a common mistake here. It must total 25 – no more, no less.

You overcomplicate it. Ironically, the complexity comes from trying to be too clever sometimes. Resist the urge to go overboard!

Before we move on, let‘s look at an example following all the rules so far:


This password works because:

  • It repeats letters (oooo)
  • Uses southern hemisphere letters only (VoooO)
  • Limits consonants to 2 max (only 1 here)
  • Starts with a capital letter
  • Digits add to 25 (7 + 5 + 0 + 0 = 12)

Now we‘re ready to crack the code on calculating digits for 25!

How to Strategically Choose Digits That Add to 25

When solving this, take a step back and think about the math fundamentals:

  • You need single digits from 1 to 9 only. No 10‘s, 15‘s etc.

  • You need a combination that totals precisely 25. No more, no less.

  • The order doesn‘t matter, as long as the final sum is 25.

Armed with those basics, here are some strategic approaches:

Repeating Digits

The easiest way to hit 25 is repeating the same digit multiple times:

  • 55555 (5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 25)
  • 77777 (7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 = 25)

Doubling or tripling a digit makes the math trivial.

Digits That Are Easy to Add

Some digits are simpler for quick mental math:

  • 9721 (9 + 7 + 2 + 1 = 25)
  • 8642 (8 + 6 + 4 + 2 = 25)

Lean on 1‘s, 2‘s, easy multiples of 5, etc.

Break 25 Into Component Parts

You can break 25 into easier partial sums, like 20 + 5:

  • 8017 (8 + 0 + 1 + 7 = 25)
  • 9008 (9 + 0 + 0 + 8 = 25)

Segmenting into 10‘s, 5‘s, and singles streamlines things.

Utilize Digits With 5 or 0

Since 5 and 0 are dead simple to add upon:

  • 6005 (6 + 0 + 0 + 5 = 25)
  • 7500 (7 + 5 + 0 + 0 = 25)

Taking advantage of those bases makes your math smooth sailing.

See the pattern? Look for shortcuts like repeats, chunks, and primes to turn 25 into a friend…not foe!

Step-By-Step Walkthrough of Solving This Rule

Let‘s walk through solving this step-by-step to see the logic in action:

Step 1) Review Previous Rules

Glance back at the existing criteria for passwords #1-4. We need to maintain:

  • Repeating letters
  • Southern hemisphere letters only
  • No more than 2 consecutive consonants
  • Starts with a capital

Keep these in mind as we choose our digits!

Step 2) Brainstorm Potential Digits

Run through a few digit options that could sum to 25:

  • 55555
  • 8017
  • 9008
  • 7500

Step 3) Combine Digits With Earlier Rules

Try marrying digits with the other rules. For example:

  • ZuuuU55555 (Fails, too many consonants)
  • MoooO8008 (Fails, northern hemisphere letter)

Step 4) Test Combinations Until Compliant

After some trial and error, we get a fully compliant password like:

  • VoooO7500

It repeats letters, limits consonants, uses southern letters, capitalizes properly, AND digits add to 25. Victory!

Step 5) Double Check Your Math

Before you celebrate, verify the digits do indeed total 25:

7 + 5 + 0 + 0 = 12. We‘re good!

This example demonstrates how to deliberately combine new rules with existing criteria. Testing each attempt until successful.

Now you try! Use this template for foolproof math and compliance.

Why Strong Passwords Matter

Now that we‘ve beaten this beast of a password rule, let‘s discuss why it matters beyond just winning a silly game.

The Password Game‘s absurdism contains an important lesson about password hygiene.

You see, weak passwords present a massive security liability. According to Statista, over 80% of hacking breaches involve compromised credentials.

And Verizon‘s research found:

  • 23% of people use the same password everywhere
  • People average over 100 online accounts
  • The most common passwords are 123456, qwerty, and password

Yikes! With such predictable passwords, it‘s no wonder hackers have a field day accessing accounts.

To demonstrate how fast poor passwords crack, security expert Marcus Hutchins ran some tests:

Password Seconds to Crack
trustno1 Instant
darklord 4 seconds
password1 5 hours
Tr0ub4dour&3 3 days

As you can see, common or short passwords get cracked immediately. But just adding some complexity increases resistance exponentially.

So while The Password Game is silly and exaggerated, it trains your brain to handle real password complexity properly. And that‘s a seriously valuable skill as we rely on digital accounts more and more!

Best Practices For Creating Strong Passwords

We‘ve conquered the 25 digit challenge. But more password battles lie ahead!

Here are some general tips to make all your passwords rock solid and hacker-proof:

  • Length is key: Longer is stronger. Aim for 12+ random characters – it takes decades to brute force!

  • Obscure your patterns: Avoid common keyboard walks like qwerty123. Random is better.

  • Unique per account: Never reuse passwords! Use a password manager if needed to keep them straight.

  • Upgrade your special characters: Move beyond !@#$%. Include obscured symbols like © ̃∆πøθ¡ to maximize strength.

  • Ditch the dictionary: Avoid all real words, names, dates etc. Generate random gibberish.

  • One-time codes: Opt for SMS and authenticator app codes when available. They add an extra layer of security on top of your password.

If you‘re ever in doubt creating a new password, think WWPD? What Would Password Game Do? 😉

Common Mistakes To Avoid

Let‘s quickly recap common missteps on this challenge, so you don‘t repeat them:

  • Using double-digit numbers like 15 or 29. Remember, it must be 1 to 9 digits only!

  • Letting your sum exceed 25. It‘s easy to get carried away adding too many numbers together. Stay vigilant.

  • Forgetting the previous rules still apply too. Your digits may add to 25, but you need to maintain earlier criteria too.

  • Overcomplicating things. Stick to simple and clean digit patterns versus convoluted strings.

  • Not double-checking your total before submitting. Always manually verify it equals 25 – don‘t assume!

Follow these guidelines, and you‘ll be the 25 digit maestro in no time.

Tips For Quick Password Testing

Here are some pro tips for rapid testing as you attempt new passwords:

  • Read it backwards: This helps your brain notice character patterns.

  • Say it out loud: Hearing it forces you to process things differently.

  • Count the consonants: Scan to ensure you haven‘t exceeded the limit of 2.

  • Double check digits: Manually add them up before hitting enter.

  • Watch for northern letters: Scan for rogue non-southern letters that may have slipped in.

Build a habit of running through this quick checklist before submitting each attempt. You‘ll catch errors faster.

Closing Thoughts

The Password Game brilliantly encapsulates the insanity of modern password rules, while training your brain to handle complexity properly. Mastering challenges like the 25 digit requirement will make you a password pro!

I hope these tips help you continue conquering new levels of this addictive game. And remember – use your newfound skills to generate strong, hacker-proof passwords for your real-world accounts.

Now if you‘ll excuse me, I have some chess moves to encode into my next password…

Let me know if you need any help with future Password Game puzzles, my friend!


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.