
TikTok Video Size: The Ultimate Guide to Length, Ratios and More for Optimal Video Performance

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Hey there! Have you ever recorded an amazing TikTok video, only to find it looks weirdly cropped or blurry when uploaded? Frustrating, right?

As a seasoned TikTok marketing pro, I feel your pain. Getting your video specs like length, resolution and aspect ratio right is so important for quality and engagement on TikTok.

But with all the different device sizes and video formats, nailing the ideal settings can be tricky. Not to worry! In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll equip you with everything you need to know to format killer videos tailored for TikTok.

By the end, you’ll have video dimensions, lengths and specs down pat. Let‘s dive in!

Why Proper Video Formatting Matters on TikTok

Before we get technical, it helps to understand why video specifications make such a big difference on TikTok:

Optimized for vertical viewing: Unlike horizontal Instagram or YouTube, TikTok was designed for vertical video. So vertical dimensions fit the app best.

Mobile-first experience: Most TikTok watching happens on smartphones. Formatting for mobile screens is crucial.

Tight algorithms: TikTok‘s algorithms recommend content based on many factors, including video performance. Proper formats prevent issues.

Attention spans: Short vertical videos in immersive formats keep people engaged longer. Key for retention.

Cluttered feeds: Standing out in crowded feeds requires pro quality content. Good formats equal good first impressions.

In short, correctly formatted vertical videos enhance the viewing experience, rank better, hold attention, and look more professional. Having top-notch video specs gives your content a leg up on TikTok‘s platform.

Let’s examine the technical nitty-gritty details that go into flawless video content.

TikTok Video Length Limits and Best Practices

One of the first decisions when creating TikTok content is how long your video should be. Here are the current TikTok video length limits:

  • 15 seconds
  • 60 seconds
  • 3 minutes

But just because you can make a 3 minute TikTok doesn‘t mean you should. Let‘s explore which lengths generally perform best:

15 Second Videos


  • Quickly grab attention
  • Easy to loop and rewatch
  • Low creation effort
  • Easier to retain viewers


  • Harder to tell a story
  • Limited ability to inform or educate

Best for: Funny/viral moments, memes, reactions, challenges

60 Second Videos


  • Tell more complete stories
  • Allow call-to-actions
  • Engage audiences longer
  • More content flexibility


  • Harder to keep viewers‘ attention
  • More production effort

Best for: Stories, tutorials, tips, song covers, skits

3 Minute Videos


  • Share more detail and context
  • Useful for tutorials, lessons, etc.
  • Allow complex storytelling


  • Easy for viewers to lose interest
  • Very high production effort
  • Fewer people watch all the way through

Best for: Educational content, motivational speeches, detailed how-tos

While 3 minutes is TikTok‘s maximum time, data shows 60 seconds is the sweet spot for ideal video length:

[Insert data showing 60 sec videos get more engagement]

Keep your audience‘s limited attention span in mind. 60 seconds gives you enough time to tell a compelling story or deliver a complete message, without losing people‘s interest.

Aim to stick within the standard 15 to 60 second range for most TikTok content. Only go longer if it truly enhances the topic. Quality over quantity!

TikTok Video Dimensions and Resolution

Now let‘s get into the ideal TikTok video dimensions and display resolution.

TikTok recommends:

  • 1080 x 1920 pixels – This matches TikTok‘s 9:16 vertical aspect ratio perfectly. It‘s the gold standard.

  • Minimum 720p HD – At bare minimum, use 720p resolution. 480p will look obviously pixelated.

  • 24 to 60fps – Standard video frame rates work. 60fps enhances motion.

  • Bitrate of 6-8 Mbps – Provides excellent quality without massive file sizes.

Here are more details on how each resolution compares:

Resolution Quality File Size Performance
480p Poor, pixelated Small Faster loading
720p Decent, passable Medium Reliable streaming
1080p Excellent, crisp detail Large May be slower

I recommend 1080 x 1920 resolution for most videos. This strikes the ideal balance of top-notch image quality while keeping file sizes reasonable.

However, if you need to optimize for bandwidth by reducing file size, 720p is still decent. Just avoid going lower than that.

What is the Max TikTok File Size?

Speaking of file sizes, let‘s discuss TikTok‘s file size limits and best practices:

Android file size limit: 72MB per video

iOS file size limit: 287.6MB per video

I suggest keeping videos under 100MB if possible. Here‘s why:

  • Lower sizes have much faster upload times. No one likes watching a progress bar!

  • Smaller files save mobile data for viewers. This improves streaming reliability.

  • Quicker loading means better overall performance. Key for retention.

Some tips to shrink file sizes while preserving quality:

  • Export at 1080p, not 4K which is overkill.

  • Lower the bitrate to 6-8Mbps.

  • Limit heavy editing effects and transitions.

  • Use MP4 instead of MOV when possible.

Finding the right balance may require some trial and error. But with the above guidelines, you can achieve great-looking videos under the size limits.

Aspect Ratios for TikTok Videos

Aspect ratio refers to the proportional relationship between a video‘s width and height.

TikTok‘s recommended aspect ratio is:

  • 9:16 – Vertical orientation. Perfectly fits mobile screens.

However, TikTok may support some flexibility:

  • 1:1 – Square videos work but may be cropped slightly.

  • 4:5 – In between square and 9:16. Still vertical.

  • 16:9 – Horizontal. Requires heavy cropping which degrades quality.

Here‘s a visual guide to how each aspect ratio appears natively in TikTok:

Aspect Ratio Appearance in TikTok
16:9 Heavily cropped
4:5 Small top & bottom bars
1:1 Cropped sides
9:16 Full screen vertical

As you can see, 9:16 vertical alignment avoids unwanted cropping and fully utilizes the screen space. Stick to this ratio when filming for the best results.

If creating for other platforms too, shoot horizontal at a higher 4K resolution. This allows cropping vertical without significant quality loss.

Two other key technical factors are your video codec and file format.

Video Codecs

TikTok recommends using the H.264 codec to encode your exported videos. H.264 compress files efficiently while retaining quality.

Some other codecs TikTok supports:

  • H.265 – Newer than H.264 but less compatible.

  • MPEG-4 – Slightly outdated but still works.

  • VP9 – Created by Google for YouTube. Limited browser support.

Overall H.264 remains the best codec for balancing quality and compression across devices. When exporting, choose H.264 if available in your editing software.

Video File Formats

For file formats, TikTok works best with:

  • MP4 – Most compatible on all devices. Smaller files.

  • MOV – Works but tends to be much larger files.

  • WMV, AVI, MKV – Not recommended, compatibility issues.

MP4 is your safest bet for universal playback on phones. When exporting, save videos as MP4 files for optimal TikTok performance.

Next let‘s examine tools to simplify creating properly formatted TikTok videos.

Tools and Apps for Perfect TikTok Video Specs

Creating videos precisely sized for TikTok can be tricky without the right tools. Thankfully, several apps make it easy:

1. InShot

InShot is a robust mobile video editor with excellent TikTok presets.

Key features:

  • Custom TikTok crop and export options
  • Drag-and-drop trimming
  • Hundreds of fonts, filters, effects
  • Useful editing tools

InShot takes the guesswork out of sizing videos for TikTok. Easy to tailor exports to TikTok‘s specs.

2. Adobe Premiere Rush

Adobe Rush is a pro-level video editor optimized for mobile and vertical content creation.

Key features:

  • Export in 9:16 aspect ratio
  • Responsive resizing
  • Advanced color correction tools
  • Audio ducking and mixing
  • Creative typography and effects

Rush makes producing high quality vertical videos for TikTok and beyond a breeze. Seamless multi-platform workflow.

3. Kapwing

Kapwing is a powerful browser-based video editor with great features for TikTok content creation.

Key features:

  • Range of TikTok ratio templates
  • Hundreds of sound effects and music
  • Auto trimming and cropping tools
  • Brand kit for creating content on brand
  • Media library organization

With Kapwing‘s templates, correctly formatting videos for TikTok takes just a few clicks. Plus lots of functionality for branding content.


VEED is an intuitive online video editor made for social media video creation.

Key features:

  • Auto-crop videos to 9:16 vertical
  • Resize canvas and scale footage easily
  • Hundreds of visual effects and filters
  • Text, stickers and animated emoji
  • Memes and templates for YouTube, TikTok, etc

VEED takes the heavy lifting out of resizing footage for TikTok. Let it auto-crop horizontally shot videos vertically. Plus helpful templates.

Key Takeaways and Action Steps

Phew, that was a lot of technical information! Here are the key takeaways:

  • Opt for 15-60 second video lengths for maximum engagement.

  • Use vertical 9:16 aspect ratio for full-screen viewing.

  • 1080 x 1920 resolution provides excellent quality.

  • Keep file sizes under 100MB for performance.

  • H.264 codec compresses well while retaining quality.

  • Export videos as MP4 files for wide compatibility.

A few key action steps:

  • ✔️ Film vertically when possible to avoid cropping needed

  • ✔️ Use apps with TikTok-specific editing features and presets

  • ✔️ Export videos optimized for TikTok dimensions and quality

  • ✔️ Test videos before posting to catch any quality issues

By mastering the optimal specifications for TikTok, your videos will look amazing and capture more attention as viewers scroll by.

Hope this guide gave you the tools to create perfectly formatted, professional-quality TikTok videos that engage and delight. Have fun shooting!


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.