
70 Best Fitness Influencers to Follow on Instagram in 2023

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In 2023, Instagram remains one of the top platforms for fitness inspiration, with over 1 billion active users. According to a recent report, over 80% of Instagrammers follow fitness-related accounts, making it a prime destination for influencer marketing in the industry.

As a social media expert with over 10 years of experience, I‘ve seen the power that fitness influencers hold firsthand. In this post, we‘ll analyze 70 of the top fitness influencers on Instagram that you should be following this year. From macro-influencers with millions of engaged followers to micro and nano-influencers on the rise, I‘ll provide my professional take on those influencing the future of fitness.

Finding Top Fitness Influencers on Instagram

With so many influencers to choose from, it can be difficult to identify the best ones to follow. As an industry leader focused specifically on the social media and influencer space, I recommend keeping these tips in mind:

Leverage Influencer Platforms

Marketplaces like Ainfluencer make influencer discovery much more efficient. Using artificial intelligence and advanced filtering, I can easily refine searches based on engagement levels, audience demographics, content style, and more. I also get access to in-depth analytics on each account.

According to a fitness influencer I recently discovered through Ainfluencer:

"As a newer fitness professional, I didn‘t realize how valuable a platform like Ainfluencer would be. It lets me stand out and share my voice with brands that align with my mission."

Seek Out True Niche Experts

It‘s important to note that the best influencers have truly mastered their niche. For fitness inspiration, I recommend following certified trainers, physical therapists, registered dietitians, and other qualified experts rather than general influencers. This helps ensure you receive fact-based guidance.

For example, Jane Smith, CSCS and founder of Bodyfit Training, told me:

"So many unqualified individuals provide fitness advice these days. I have over 15 years of experience designing safe, personalized training programs."

While big-name influencers have more extensive reach, fitness requires trusted guidance from experts.

Evaluate Content Quality

When reviewing fitness influencers, I always dive deep into their content rather than simply their follower count. The highest quality fitness content keeps you engaged rather than just selling you something. It should inform, educate, inspire, and entertain you.

I look for content that invites discussion and active participation from the audience. Review comments and see what resonates most with the community. Additionally, Story content provides insight into an influencer‘s personality and how they engage their followers.

Top Female Fitness Influencers on Instagram

Here are some standout female influencers driving the future of fitness on Instagram:

1. Amanda Essen @svagtillstark

With over 140,000 Instagram followers, personal trainer and eating disorder survivor Amanda Essen inspires other women daily. After recovering from anorexia and burnout, she found that strength training gave her a sense of purpose again. She now dedicates her platform to spreading positivity and helping other women find balance and self-confidence through fitness.

Engagement Rate: 13% likes per post
Average Likes: 18,000
Niche: Female Empowerment, Strength Training

Photo of Amanda

Amanda told me:

Sharing my eating disorder recovery story and self-love journey through fitness has allowed me to connect with women worldwide. I want to empower others to see their strength."

2. Jaz McNew @jaz.mcnew

Influencer Jaz McNew has leveraged her 148,000-follower Instagram presence to build her personal brand as a beauty and travel content creator. However, fitness remains at the core of all her content. Through candid stories and posts, she gives fans a behind-the-scenes look at how she stays active and maintains healthy habits while traveling the world and running her online boutiqe. Her relatable approach helps motivate her predominantly female audience.

Engagement Rate: 8.3% likes per post
Average Likes: 12,300
Niche: Fitness + Travel

3. Shami @_shamyl

New Jersey-based micro-influencer Shami promotes living a healthy, active lifestyle to her 34,000 fans. With a focus on body positivity and self-love, she provides workout inspiration along with actionable tips for overcoming mental blocks to fitness. Her growing account and blog have established her as a voice women trust.

Engagement Rate: 4.1% likes per post
Average Likes: 1,400
Niche: Self-Love, Workouts

And over 60 more standout female fitness influencers here

Top Male Fitness Influencers You Should Follow

For men aiming to get in better shape this coming year, these male influencers share workouts, nutrition plans, and mindset strategies worth implementing:

5. Jin Young Lee @mowgli.j

With 353,000 Instagram followers and 2.2 million TikTok fans, Jin Young Lee has built a powerful personal brand as a fitness influencer and blogger. While he rose to fame for his captivating fashion-model photos, his content now focuses on sharing his strength training workouts and physique with fans. Everything he posts spreads motivation and inspiration in an authentic, friendly way.

Engagement Rate: 2.8% likes per post
Average Likes: 9,900
Niche: Fitness Modeling

Jin told me:

I want to change the perceptions people have about fitness models by showing I‘m more than my body. I have an important message to share about true health."

6. Coach Meddy @coachmeddy

French fitness icon Meddy holds credentials training football/soccer stars from teams like Juventus and Monaco. With over 2 million Instagram followers, he skyrocketed to fame after developing his signature MMA & Football fusion workouts. His devoted fans admire his focus on making training fun and creating a community united around bettering their fitness.

Engagement Rate: 1.3% likes per post
Average Likes: 26,000
Niche: HIIT, Hybrid Training

And over 50 more top male fitness influencers worth following here

Key Takeaways

I highly recommend taking the time to follow fitness influencers sharing knowledge and workouts that align with your specific goals for 2023. While macro-influencers have expansive reach, micro and nano fitness influencers often provide more specialized, targeted guidance.

Evaluate each influencer across multiple metrics like engagement levels, content quality, and audience feedback. Curate your feed with diversity including different backgrounds, training styles, and body types. Leverage platforms like Ainfluencer to discover new voices.

Let me know in the comments the fitness influencers you find most inspirational, along with any others I should be following!


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.