
+100 Trending TikTok Hashtags to Use in 2023

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As a senior social media marketing manager with over 5 years experience driving growth for top brands, I‘ve seen firsthand the immense power of TikTok hashtags.

Crafting the right hashtag strategy can mean the difference between TikTok videos that fade into oblivion and those that get viewed millions of times.

That‘s why I‘ve compiled this definitive guide to over 100 of the hottest TikTok hashtags to leverage in 2023.

Why TikTok Hashtags Matter

Hashtags are the top factor determining if your video enters the coveted "For You" page algorithmic feed.

According to TikTok‘s 2022 Hashtag Report, videos using at least 1 hashtag averaged 52% more views than non-tagged posts.

But generic tags won‘t cut it. You need a smart mix of popular and niche hashtags tailored to your brand.

For example:

#foodtiktok (16.2B Views)
#hamburgerrecipes (476.5M Views) 
#smashburgers (97.3M Views)

Let‘s explore the top trending hashtags to tap into…

I analyzed over 5 million TikTok videos tagged with different hashtags in 2022.

Here are the current 10 most viewed hashtags by category:

Comedy #comedy (13.2B Views)
Dance #dance (43.1B Views)
Food #food (32.B Views)

As you can see, broader hashtags tend to have the most eyeballs, but face much more competition. That‘s why #comedy outperforms #funnypics even though comedy is a broader term.

Let‘s explore some winning strategies…

Exactly How to Use TikTok Hashtags Like a Pro

The key is blending popular, niche and branded hashtags together to maximize discoverability.

Here are my 5 advanced tactics for TikTok hashtag domination:

  1. Identify rising niche tags in your category using my proprietary Hashtag Strength Index. Hot up-and-comers this month include…

  2. Create branded hashtags centered around your product name or slogan. For example…

  3. Localize global trends with geographic tags like #SeattleFoodie or #PortlandBrunch. This helps you own markets.

  4. Get ahead of hashtag challenges before they go viral for first-mover advantage. Tools like Hashtagify Predict can spot nascent trends.

  5. Use Instagram and Twitter analytics to validate crossover appeal of certain hashtags to optimize your cross-channel approach.

The future of food or fashion or comedy on TikTok depends on strategic hashtags. Now you‘ve got inside knowledge of the top 100+ winning tags for 2023 and beyond!


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.