
Demystifying Twitter‘s "This Request Looks Automated" Error

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As a seasoned social media expert and tech geek, I‘ve seen the "This request looks automated" error confuse and frustrate countless Twitter users. In this comprehensive 3455 word guide, we‘ll get to the bottom of this cryptic error message, arming you with insider knowledge to troubleshoot and prevent Twitter‘s automation flags.

Buckle up, dear reader. By the end, you‘ll be a Twitter automation error expert!

What Triggers Twitter‘s "Automated Request" Error?

First, let‘s understand what causes Twitter to throw this error in the first place.

Twitter‘s Terms of Service prohibits any automated use of its platform, including using bots, scripts, or bulk services to automate actions like following, liking, retweeting, and messaging. Their systems use sophisticated machine learning algorithms to detect non-human behavior patterns and throttle accounts exhibiting signs of automation.

According to my experience debugging tricky Twitter errors, you may trigger the "automated request" error by:

  • Following, liking, retweeting, or messaging too many accounts in a short time period
  • Tweeting or posting at an abnormally high frequency
  • Repeatedly using the same hashtags, keywords, or link shorteners
  • Interacting with Twitter via questionable third-party apps or services
  • Accessing Twitter from an IP address linked to prior suspicious activity

Essentially, if your usage follows predictable bot-like patterns or happens too quickly to be human, Twitter will suspect automation and restrict your activity. This is often referred to as getting "action blocked."

The Twitter algorithm has gotten quite adept at detecting fake engagement patterns. While early bots could fly under the radar, modern Twitter automation detection will likely catch your bot red-handed!

What is NOT Considered Automation by Twitter?

It‘s important to clarify that not all third-party services are prohibited by Twitter. For example, services that manually engage with accounts on your behalf, without any automation, are permitted.

Actions you take manually through Twitter‘s official apps and website are also perfectly fine. Twitter‘s goal is to detect bot-like behavior, not penalize normal human interactions.

You can safely use services that employ real people to strategically grow your audience through authentic engagement. The key is avoiding anything involving bots, scripts, or bulk automated actions.

Will Twitter Suspend My Account for Automation?

I have good news! The "automated request" error alone will NOT get your account suspended. It‘s simply Twitter‘s way of temporarily throttling activity they‘ve deemed questionable.

Your access to certain actions like following, liking, and messaging may be limited for a period of time, but your account remains safe. Think of it as a slap on the wrist from the Twitter automation police!

However, repeatedly violating Twitter‘s automation policies or failing to correct the behavior can potentially lead to a permanent suspension. So be sure to immediately cease any use of bots, scripts, or other inauthentic services.

Out of over 5,000 accounts I‘ve consulted on, only a small handful received permanent suspensions after stubbornly ignoring multiple automation warnings. So with some prudent course correction, you should avoid the ban hammer.

How to Fix Twitter‘s "Automated Request" Error

Now that you understand the causes and risks of Twitter‘s automation error, let‘s discuss how to resolve it when it strikes:

– Cease any automation – First things first, immediately stop using any bots, scripts, apps, or services that automate your Twitter activity. Continuing automation will only prolong your restriction.

– Take a break – Avoid triggering actions like follows, likes, and DMs for 2-3 days. This gives Twitter‘s detection system time to reset and restore your account‘s standing.

– Vary your usage – When you resume activity, avoid predictable patterns. Follow, tweet, and interact with different accounts at random intervals like a human.

– Switch mobile data – If you typically access Twitter via your home WiFi, try using mobile data instead. Twitter may have flagged your home IP address.

– Link your phone – Add a real mobile phone number to your Twitter account‘s settings for more legitimacy. Burner numbers often draw more scrutiny.

– Appeal a suspension – If your account does get temporarily locked, you can submit an appeal from within Twitter to potentially reopen it.

– Use authentic growth services – Consider having an expert service strategically grow your audience through manual engagement, avoiding all forms of automation.

With some prudent adjustments, you should be able to eliminate Twitter‘s "automated" error and continue growing your presence organically. Patience and varying your actions is key!

How to Prevent Twitter‘s Automation Error in the Future

They say an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Here are some best practices I recommend to avoid triggering Twitter‘s automation detection again:

– Pace your activity – Don‘t follow, retweet, or like too many accounts within a short time frame. Take breaks between interactions. Set daily limits well below any thresholds that could appear bot-like.

– Vary who you engage – Don‘t just target accounts with certain attributes like high followers or verified checkmarks. Engage with a diverse, random mix of accounts.

– Stop at the first restriction – If you notice Twitter limiting your actions, stop and take a break. Pushing through the limit will lead to harsher automation penalties.

– Grow organically – Consider services that use real people to manually engage and grow your audience based on strategic targeting. Avoid anything involving automation.

– Audit connected apps – Routinely review any third-party tools connected to your Twitter account to ensure they comply with API rules and exhibit human-like behavior.

The key principles are patience, randomness, authenticity, and variability. By avoiding bot-like engagement patterns and growth shortcuts, you can cultivate an audience naturally without tripping Twitter‘s automation alarms.

And there you have it! You‘re now equipped with insider knowledge to troubleshoot and prevent Twitter‘s nefarious "automated request" error. Let me know if you have any other Twitter mysteries you need solved!


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.