
17 Tactics to Create Wildly Persuasive Marketing Presentations

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Marketing presentations represent pivotal milestones that can convince potential customers to hire you or influential partners to collaborate. However, simply presenting information isn‘t always effective in our increasingly distracted world.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore 17 techniques I’ve developed over 10 years of creating presentations that persuaded even the toughest executive audiences. I’ve organized these by three crucial phases.

Before the Presentation: Setup and Design Fundamentals

One Stanford study on superior design found simple yet visually striking slides were up to 30% more convincing. We’ll begin by using that psychology to strategically craft memorable presentations.

1. Showcase Your Successful Previous Work

Social proof builds immense credibility and trust. According to a HubSpot report, featuring proven examples of campaigns you orchestrated for past clients that delivered impressive metrics shows you’re capable of replicating results. Ensure you have explicit permission before displaying any proprietary information from previous clients.

For instance, include specific examples like:

“Ran an Instagram hashtag challenge for Acme Inc that generated over 5,000 posts and 10 million impressions in just 2 weeks.”

2. Use Brand Colors, Fonts and Visual Identity

Customizing the color palette, typography and graphical elements to match your company’s existing visual identity presents a polished, professional impression. Consider even using the exact brand hex colors across all presentation slides.

Pro Tip: Create a slide template with shapes, logo position and font styles to easily apply your custom branding.

3. Carefully Source Relevant Photographs and Media

Imagery breaks up potentially boring slides and symbolizes meaningful concepts without complex text explanations. Always source royalty-free photographs legally. I recommend sites like Unsplash, Burst or even stock photos from Adobe.

For example, use an image of a finish line to reflect achieving key goals I’ve enabled for other clients. Properly cite any external media used.

4. Design Intuitive Infographics and Data Visualizations

Turning intricate ideas into easily digestible infographics or data visualizations allows audiences to absorb details at a glance. For example, illustrating the full customer acquisition process using simple shapes, arrows and icons.

Expert Tip: Infographics improve willingness to read content by up to 80% according to cognitive science research.

5. Animate Graphs Alongside Voiceover Narration

Speaking aloud graphs, statistics and other elements as they animate step-by-step guides viewer attention. Modern text-to-speech generators create cost-efficient voiceovers automatically.

I once created a short video snippet visualizing monthly traffic growth on a website project. The smooth animated line chart paired with an AI voiceover explanation captivated executives.

During the Presentation: Engage and Persuade

Once core slides are designed, we shift focus to delivery techniques for maximum influence.

6. Lead with the Big Picture Before Diving into Details

Cognitive load theory shows how our working memory gets overwhelmed by too much data at once. Start broader then progressively reveal finer details to avoid losing anyone.

For example, when showcasing my Instagram marketing competency, I’ll start by explaining the platform’s high-level value before diving into specific algorithmic nuances.

7. Pose Intriguing Questions to Spark Deeper Interest

The art of Socratic questioning asks strategic open-ended questions, encouraging audiences to think critically beyond surface facts. This interactive format forges stronger connections and interest.

For instance, I might ask: “Based on our understanding of your goals, what specific areas would more Instagram visibility actually help you?”

8. Use Storytelling and Framing Techniques

Stories allow us to see ourselves in characters overcoming similar problems, building empathy. Framing refers to contextualizing raw information into emotionally-compelling narratives.

For example, when presenting research on how I grew website traffic, I frame it by introducing a fictional brand in a relatable struggle to be discovered online. Stories and framing make dry data impactful.

9. Summarize Complex Data into Memorable Takeaways

Reiterating especially vital information cements retention, preventing confusion about what requires immediate action post-presentation.

Quick Tip: Repeat your 3 most critical takeaways across closing slides using bulleted lists or charts.

10. Contrast Before and After Transformation

Illustrating a positive “after” state resulting from working together makes imagined benefits feel tangible. Show where they are today versus the aspirational scenario you enable.

For example, contrast low website visits initially to a much larger figure by the end of our hypothetical contract. This emphasizes value.

11. Insert Occasional Memes (Yes, Really)

Memes or GIFs strategically hesitate key points in our minds through humor and absurdity. Of course, remain mostly professional, only using memes that organically align with your brand personality. Although unusual, it works wonders.

Choose meme context carefully or even create your own using sites like Kapwing to match the situation.

After the Presentation: Follow Up

The presentation itself is one touchpoint within a longer sales process. Post follow-up determines whether decisions turn into contracts.

12. Send a Thank You Email Summarizing Next Steps

Reinforce key information about deliverables and responsibilities in a prompt follow-up email. This facilitates momentum instead of allowing excitement to dissipate over time.

13. Provide Easy Access to Slide Deck

Email exported presentation PDFs to share or publish them to platforms like SlideShare so viewers access slides without hassling you constantly.

14. Create a MEMORABLE Acronym

Spell out a summary using the first letter of each idea you need remembered. Like this article structures presentation techniques across three distinct phases. Acronyms significantly boost information recall.

In my follow-ups, I’ll often include:

Metrics we’ll optimize

Expected milestones

Measuring success

Objectives & outcomes

Resources required

Approximate costs

Brand alignment

Launch cadence

Evaluation process

15. Send Periodic "Nurturing" Content

Continue providing value in the form of relevant articles, case studies or data relating to challenges you discussed. This nurtures the relationship, keeping your solutions top of mind until they’re ready to officially hire you.

16. Segment and Personalize Outreach

Track individuals who interacted with your presentation closely using CRM tools. Tailor follow-up messaging to their priorities gathered during Q&A. Personalization dramatically bolsters conversion rates.

17. Keep Following Up (4x Minimum)

It takes an average of 4-7 touchpoints before opportunities become clients. Yet, 44% of sales reps give up after a single follow-up attempt according to Harvard Business Review. Persistently follow up within 2 weeks of presenting.

The most captivating marketing presentations interweave visual impact and influence techniques seamlessly. Marry scientific research on persuasion with beautiful aesthetic design for presentations that convert.

Now that you’ve got 17 evidence-backed tactics for turning dull slides into sales-driving machines, where should we begin amplifying your marketing efforts first? Let me know if any part of the plan remains unclear or requires refinement. I’m here to help!


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.