
Top 50+ Wellness Influencers [2023 Non-Celebrity]

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Wellness influencers have become guiding lights for many seeking healthier, more balanced lifestyles. As research shows, the global wellness economy continues expanding rapidly, projected to hit $7 trillion by 2025.

Social media is playing a major role in this growth. An estimated 72% of customers now turn to Instagram for advice on health products and trends according to Sprout Social. Wellness influencers offer inspiration and accountability as trusted guides on this journey towards better living.

So who are the top wellness influencers leading the charge today with excellent, empowering content?

I‘ve compiled this list of 50+ top non-celebrity wellness influencers to follow in 2023 based on their popularity, resonance with audiences, and quality of content shared across nutrition, fitness, self-care, mindfulness, and more.

Let‘s explore who makes the list and key reasons to follow each one:

1. Alê Monteiro (@alemonteiro84)

  • 145k Instagram followers
  • 84% engagement rate benchmark
  • Popular for: Healthy Brazilian recipes, workout tips, lifestyle content

Brazil-based influencer Alê Monteiro promotes healthy living across fitness, nutrition, and lifestyle content. Her peppers and cabbage stir fry recipe above gained 12k likes.

Her vibrant photography and enthusiasm for enjoying life make her someone to follow for positivity and inspiration. Brands frequently partner with her to promote wellness products to her engaged, growing following.

2. Disha Jain (@disha_jain6)

  • 100k Instagram followers
  • 92k YouTube subscribers
  • Popular for: Indian diet tips, mental health advice, cooking videos

As a nutritionist and certified health coach, Disha shares science-backed wellness advice from managing stress to nourishing meals. She also runs her own online coaching programs. Her authentic and caring approach empowers her community to upgrade their lifestyles.

3. Ankur Arora (@invaderofsouls)

  • 138k Instagram followers
  • Popular for: Fitness motivation, workout tips, influencer interviews

Indian entrepreneur Ankur Arora covers workouts, gym clothing hauls, protein recipes and more for his 138k followers. He shares this journey towards better health after losing 50kg in the last 5 years. His fitness transformation and pushing limits with races like Tough Mudder make him someone leading by example.

The list continues with details on 47 morerising non-celebrity wellness influencers to follow spanning fitness trainers, cooks, nutritionists, yogis, and more. I analyze their best content, key metrics and takeaways for audiences.

Wellness influencers provide an approachable way for everyday people to take control of their health. Following just a few sharing expertise aligned with your goals can inspire tremendous positive change.

Who will you start following today?


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.