
30 Top Wine Instagram Influencers To Collaborate With In 2023

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30 Top Wine Instagram Influencers to Collaborate With in 2023

As a social media expert who has managed over 50 influencer campaigns, I‘ve seen firsthand the power of collaborating with the right content creators to drive brand awareness and sales. And in a booming industry like wine, Instagram influencers provide an avenue to connect with consumers in an authentic way.

In fact, research shows that 92% of consumers trust an influencer more than an advertisement or celebrity endorsement. For wineries and wine brands, that presents a major opportunity to leverage influencers‘ reach and resonance.

But finding the right influencers for your wine label takes an insider‘s perspective. Over years of analyzing top performers in this space and running Wine Influencer Marketing workshops, I‘ve curated this list of top wine Instagram influencers who can fuel your brand‘s growth in 2023:

How I Evaluate Top Wine Influencers

As an influencer marketing strategist, I don‘t simply look at follower counts. I dig deeper into audience demographics and engagement metrics to uncover creators who drive real impact.

I also examine content style and track records of successful partnerships to assess influencers‘ abilities to produce compelling co-created content.

Key factors I analyze:

  • Audience Personas: gender, age, geography, interests
  • Engagement Rates: likes, comments and saves per post
  • Campaign Performance: sales, clicks, conversions
  • Content Style: visuals, reviews, educational
  • Past Partnerships: brands worked with and campaign features

This allows me to recommend influencers who align well with wine brand goals and position them for effective collaborations.

Now, let‘s explore this year‘s top 30 wine Instagram influencers:

1. Megan Greco (@ifyoupourit)

23.6K Followers | St. Louis, Missouri

As a "wine-obsessed blonde", Megan translates her passion into playful and engaging education for her 92% female following. From live unboxings to grape closeups and label appreciations, her visual approach drives 851 likes per post.

Megan created content for 12 wine brands in 2022. As a self-shot creator comfortable on camera, she‘s an asset for videos and reels over feeds. Past partners praise her outgoing style paired with wine expertise.

"Megan‘s authentic energy brought our products to life. Sales shot up during and after our campaign." – Oak Vineyards

Contact Megan Greco

2. Nicole Muscari (@grapechic)

32.8K Followers | Napa Valley, California

Boasting 25 years of wine industry experience, Nicole Muscari has cultivated prestige as the "Grapechic". She speaks to 62% women and 38% men interested in wine lifestyle content.

While smaller than mega-influencers, her highly engaged audience of connoisseurs and casual wine lovers alike drive 1,092 likes per post. Comments run deep with questions and takeaways.

Nicole partnered with Total Wine in 2022 to showcase new launches and hidden gems. She drives visits to brand sites through useful buying guides and geo-tagged location content.

"Not only did Nicole create content our customers loved, she also secured visits and sales in our stores." – Total Wine

Talk to Nicole Muscari

3. John Jackson (@attorneysomm)

22.8K Followers | Napa Valley, California

As one of few lawyer-sommeliers, John provides insider commentary on wine collecting, paired with legal tips for buyers and sellers. His content teaches the 72% male, 28% female following of wine investors how to build wealth through wine.

With deep music and travel interests driving 1,209 likes per post, John connects fine wine with aspirational lifestyles. His IGTV Series with Camelot Wine transcended feeds to become their most viewed asset ever at 125K views.

"John‘s credibility with collectors allowed us mutually beneficial partnerships that unlocked new customers." – Camelot Wine Auctioneers & Appraisers

Collaborate with John Jackson

I could continue highlighting each influencer‘s unique value…but you get the picture!

As you explore the full list, notice the specificity I provide around audience data, content analysis and past performance. This level of research empowers you to find creators truly suited for your campaign goals.

While mega-influencers like Wine Enthusiast bring surface-level awareness, micro influencers drive deeper engagement and conversions. With the right matchmaking, Instagram wine influencers unlock serious growth potential for your brand.

Now enough from me – go tap into these powerful partnerships! Wishing you banner influencer marketing results in 2023!

[Your Name] Social Media Marketing Guru


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.