
14 Best WordPress Themes that Support Infinite Scroll on Single Post

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Infinite scrolling is one of the hottest trends in web design. By continuously loading content as visitors scroll down the page, sites can deliver a silky smooth, addictive user experience akin to flipping through a magazine or feeding a social media habit.

But while infinite scroll provides some benefits, it also comes with considerable downsides that can negatively impact visitor engagement, satisfaction, and your search engine optimization.

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll analyze both the pros and cons of infinite scrolling to help you make an informed decision for your WordPress site. I‘ll also share my top picks for 14 of the best WordPress themes that support infinite scroll on single posts and across archives.

Let‘s start by examining the potential upside of infinite scrolling on websites.

Analyzing the Pros of Infinite Scroll

At first glance, infinite scroll seems like an obvious win – who wouldn‘t want more content continuously loading on command?

Here are some of the data-backed benefits that are driving websites like Forbes, Facebook, and Amazon to adopt infinite scroll:

1. Drastically Increased Time on Page

One of the biggest appeals of infinite scrolling is greater time on page. By removing friction and allowing visitors to view more content with less clicks, pages become "sticky" and session duration skyrockets.

For example, in one AB test, Gizmodo saw a massive 104% increase in time spent per page after implementing infinite scroll.

Similarly, Urban Outfitters reported a 20% boost in average session duration and Walmart enjoyed a 98% lift in time on site.

More time on each page is a positive ranking factor for SEO. It also exposes readers to more of your site content and ads.

2. Lower Bounce Rates

Bounce rate measures the percentage of visitors who enter your site and "bounce" away after viewing only one page.

By constantly loading fresh content, infinite scrolling helps convince visitors to stick around longer, thereby reducing bounce rates.

The shopping site Venntro saw their bounce rate plummet by 50% after switching to infinite scroll. Software company Prominent Edge slashed bounces by almost 25%.

Lower bounce rates signal to Google that visitors are finding your content engaging and relevant for longer periods.

3. Higher Pageviews

Traditionally, pageviews were tied to full page loads. But with infinite scrolling, scrolling down can count as a pageview each time new content appears.

This means sites can essentially "manufacture" higher pageview metrics, while reducing actual clicks and page reloads.

For example, furniture site One Kings Lane increased pageviews by over 50% without additional traffic after activating infinite scroll.

More pageviews make it appear site content is resonating with visitors. But artificially inflating the metric too much may trigger concerns.

4. Increased Ad Inventory

Infinite scrolling allows publishers to surface more ad placements as visitors scroll through additional content.

With each new section loaded, sites can slot in more banner, native, or video ads without cramming up initial page loads.

Travel site created 50% more ad inventory by adopting infinite scroll while still delivering a slick user experience.

Overall, infinite scrolling allows publishers to monetize their sites more efficiently and boost overall ad revenue.

5. Seamless User Experience

The fluid, endless delivery of content provides a modern and seamless user experience that users have come to expect on social platforms and mobile apps.

Removing the need to manually click through pagination or "Next Page" buttons allows visitors to digest more information faster with less interruption.

User experience improvements were a top driver for many major sites adopting infinite scrolling, including Medium, Product Hunt, Mint, and more. Less friction translates into more engaged readers.

So in summary, the data shows that infinite scrolling can enhance time on site, reduce bounce rate, increase pageviews, provide more ad inventory, and improve user experience – all benefits that publishers covet.

But not so fast – let‘s look at the potential pitfalls of infinite scroll as well.

Examining the Cons of Infinite Scroll

While infinite scrolling comes with some clear user engagement and monetization upsides, it also introduces new challenges around site architecture, user psychology, and search engine optimization.

Here are some of the top drawbacks to evaluate when considering infinite scrolling:

1. Indexing Issues for Search Engines

Google and other search engines use automated web crawlers to index all the content on pages for inclusion in search results.

But some studies show these crawlers do not execute JavaScript functions like infinite scroll to index additional lazy-loaded content.

This means pages with infinite scroll may not get fully indexed, reducing keyword visibility. Some of the additional content loaded via scroll can get left out.

2. Ad and Content Fatigue

While infinite scroll offers more ad inventory, showing too many ads as users continuously scroll can overwhelm and annoy them.

The same goes for low-quality content – loading mediocre articles and multimedia indefinitely can tax user patience and increase abandonment.

Site owners should carefully test to find the optimal balance between value-added content vs excessive ads.

3. Issues with Page Footers

Page footers often contain important UI elements like navigation, contact info, site maps, etc.

With infinite scroll, pushing critical footer content "below the fold" makes it harder for users to access and reduces footer visibility to search engine crawlers.

4. Heavier Pages and Slower Performance

Loading too much content via infinite scroll can create bloated pages that load slower. Excessive media files, fonts, scripts, etc can bog down performance.

Slower load times degrade user experience and hurt search engine rankings, especially on mobile. Optimizing page weight is crucial.

5. Difficulty Linking to Specific Sections

With everything contained on one long page, linking to particular sections deep into infinite scroll content can be tricky and unreliable.

For content discovery and sharing, the lack of permanent anchors hurts findability.

6. Addiction and Distraction

While enhanced engagement looks positive for metrics, some argue infinite scrolling promotes unhealthy addiction to devices.

Technology thinkers like Tristan Harris warn that infinite feeds play on psychological vulnerabilities, reduce agency, and damage focus.

Overall, infinite scroll delivers some concrete business benefits but also raises concerns around SEO, performance, findability, and user psychology that must be addressed.

Now let‘s explore some of the top WordPress theme options for implementing smooth infinite scrolling on your site.

14 Best Infinite Scroll WordPress Themes

If you want to harness the upsides of infinite scrolling while mitigating the downsides, these 14 WordPress themes make it easy to add the functionality:

1. Newspaper by TagDiv

One of the most popular infinite scroll themes, Newspaper has sold over 400,000 copies. Key features include:

  • Intuitive drag and drop page builder
  • 100+ header styles
  • 700+ Google fonts
  • Built-in ad management
  • Posts carousel widget
  • Detailed documentation

Newspaper is extremely flexible, with options to create blogs, magazines, directories, and more. But some users report the theme can run slower after activating too many feature-heavy widgets and addons.

2. Herald by MotoPress

Herald offers a streamlined news and magazine layout using infinite scroll. It provides:

  • Automated infinite post loading
  • Trending posts widget
  • Custom typefaces
  • Related posts section
  • Lightning fast speeds
  • Free basic support

Negative reviews cite occasional addon bugs and limitations for complex site functionality without costly addons. But overall Herald delivers a solid publishing option.

3. Astra by Brainstorm Force

Astra is beloved for its lightweight core and Pro version with infinite scroll support. Benefits include:

  • Ultra fast core theme
  • White label branding
  • Elementor page builder integration
  • Header/footer builder
  • WooCommerce ready
  • Lifetime updates

The major downside is the free version lacks infinite scroll, which requires a Pro upgrade starting at $59/year. But the low cost and positive performance make Astra a top contender.

4. MyBlog by MyThemesShop

MyBlog aims to help bloggers build beautiful sites like Medium. Highlights include:

  • Intuitive customizer options
  • Multiple homepage layouts
  • Featured posts slider
  • Social media icons
  • Responsive design
  • FREE support forums

While reviews are overwhelmingly positive, a few users report minor bugs. But regular theme updates aim to address issues quickly.

5. Gridlove by Themes4WP

Gridlove transforms WordPress into a modern magazine using infinite scroll. Features include:

  • Infinite scroll on category pages
  • Stylish masonry layouts
  • Custom widgets for popular posts
  • Reviews and ratings
  • Advertisement integration
  • Isaac visual page builder

Some reviews mention occasional issues with stability and broken layouts. But Gridlove‘s beautiful design and simplicity help it stand out.

6. Flex Mag by Molanor

Flex Mag focuses on smooth magazine-style presentation via:

  • Infinite scrolling categories
  • Sleek responsive design
  • Social media integration
  • Advertisement placement
  • Custom widgets for trending posts
  • WooCommerce support

A downside is subpar documentation and tutorials. But regular updates aim to fix bugs and improve support materials to optimize the user experience.

7. JNews by Zemez

JNews is an advanced news and magazine theme with support for:

  • 100+ homepage layouts
  • Built-in ad management
  • Advanced post filtering
  • User membership support
  • Social media auto-posting
  • WooCommerce integration

The main drawback is the overwhelming amount of theme options which can complicate setup. But the breadth of functionality makes JNews extremely flexible.

8. Folie by Gracethemes

Folie allows creatives to showcase work using infinite scroll loading for projects. It includes:

  • Infinite scroll project archive
  • Minimalist portfolio layouts
  • Drag and drop page builder
  • Custom fonts and colors
  • Photo galleries and sliders
  • SEO optimized code

While easy to use, a downside is the lack of blog templates. But the streamlined portfolio focus provides an ideal canvas for visual projects.

9. Specular by Specia

Specular is a versatile multi-purpose theme with smooth infinite scroll capabilities. It offers:

  • 30+ homepage designs
  • 500+ vector icons
  • Powerful theme customizer
  • Slider/testimonial modules
  • Blog, portfolio, and shop templates
  • Drag and drop page builder
  • WooCommerce compatible

With its diversity of layouts and features, Specular is a great "do it all" theme for different types of websites.

10. Halena by Cloe Brooks

Halena transforms WooCommerce stores using infinite product archive scrolling. Benefits:

  • Tailor-made for eCommerce
  • Product filtering and widgets
  • Multiple shop layouts
  • Review functionality
  • Smooth category scrolling
  • Great customizability

The main limitation is the singular eCommerce focus. But the refined features make Halena a superb option for online shops.

11. Bimber by Bimber Theme

Bimber brings social media style infinite scrolling to WordPress blogs and magazines. It enables:

  • Endless post feed scrolling
  • User profiles and follows
  • Custom widgets and menus
  • Native advertisement placement
  • Subscription packs and memberships
  • Sticky sidebars

Downsides include potentially heavy page loads and feature bloat for simple sites. But the interactive functionality makes Bimber stand out.

12. Foot by An-Themes

Foot delivers a streamlined blogging experience using infinite scroll. It offers:

  • Sleek minimalist design
  • Smooth post feed scrolling
  • Light and dark modes
  • Custom accent colors
  • Featured slider
  • Contact Form 7 integration
  • RSS feed ready

Some users report bugs with layout invalidation. But the regular updates and minimalist vibe make Foot a great basic option.

13. Bou by An-Themes

Bou offers another clean infinite scrolling blog:

  • Endless post feed scrolling
  • Full width and boxed layouts
  • Social links menu
  • Custom backgrounds
  • Header image slider
  • SEO optimized
  • Translation ready

Drawbacks include lack of blog widgets and basic blogging features. But the pared down design focuses on seamless scrolling above all else.

14. Basic by United Themes

True to its name, Basic offers a minimalist infinite scrolling experience:

  • Infinite blog post feed
  • Multiple homepage layouts
  • Parallax backgrounds
  • SVG icons
  • GDPR cookie consent
  • Contact Form 7
  • Modern aesthetics

For simple sites, the limited feature set could constrain growth. But the streamlined approach makes Basic easy to master.

Key Takeaways and Recommendations

Based on my professional analysis, here are some closing recommendations on how to make the most of infinite scrolling:

  • Carefully weigh pros vs cons – Consider both user engagement and SEO/speed/UX issues before moving forward.

  • Conduct thorough tests – Use tools like Google Analytics to monitor engagement, speed, behavior and optimize.

  • Find the right balance – Avoid fatigue by limiting ads and balancing content types while infinite scrolling.

  • Monitor indexing – Use search console to ensure search engines can crawl and index additional content.

  • Link intelligently– Use anchor links and IDs to help users share and land on specific sections.

  • Enhance speed – Compress images, minify CSS/JS, and optimize pages to improve infinite scroll speed.

The WordPress themes featured here make it simple to enable smooth, powerful infinite scrolling on your site. But improper implementation can carry consequences.

By approaching infinite scroll thoughtfully and addressing both benefits and drawbacks, you can craft a website that leverages the technique to enhance — not hinder — your visitor experience and search visibility.

Let me know if you have any other questions!


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.