
Get a WordPress Site on Google Cloud in Less Than 8 Minutes Using Cloudways

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Setting up a WordPress site on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) provides you with a highly reliable and scalable hosting solution. However, managing everything on GCP requires technical expertise that not everyone has.

That‘s where Cloudways comes in. It allows you to launch WordPress on GCP with just a few clicks, without needing to handle any complex configurations yourself.

In this detailed guide, we‘ll explore:

  • The benefits of using GCP for WordPress hosting
  • How Cloudways simplifies setting up WordPress on GCP
  • Step-by-step instructions to get a WordPress site running on GCP via Cloudways
  • Tips to optimize your WordPress site‘s performance on GCP

Why Choose Google Cloud Platform to Host WordPress?

Here are some of the key advantages of using GCP for your WordPress site:

High Reliability

Google Cloud Platform runs on the same infrastructure that powers Google‘s own popular services like Gmail, YouTube, and Google Search. So you can expect excellent uptime and reliability.

GCP offers an industry-leading 99.95% monthly uptime SLA for its computing services. This is vital for any business-critical WordPress site.

Top-Notch Performance

Google Cloud Platform utilizes a global network of data centers and edge nodes to deliver fast page loads across the world.

Your WordPress site hosted on GCP will benefit from Google‘s massive network capacity and low latency connectivity. This results in great performance for your website visitors regardless of their location.

Scalability on Demand

One of the biggest advantages of using a cloud platform like GCP is the ability to scale your infrastructure up or down based on real-time demands.

So if your WordPress site experiences a sudden spike in traffic, GCP can automatically allocate more resources to smoothly handle the increased loads. You only pay for the additional resources used.

Advanced Security

GCP provides multiple layers of security to safeguard your WordPress site, including encrypted data transmission, firewalls, DDoS protection, and more.

Since Google has years of experience running security-critical services, you can trust GCP to keep your WordPress site and data protected.


With its sustained use discounts and preemptible VM instances, GCP makes it easy to optimize costs for workloads like WordPress hosting.

So you get the power of Google‘s infrastructure at a very affordable price point. The costs can be lowered further as your site scales.

Managed Services

GCP offers fully managed services like Cloud SQL, Cloud Storage, and more. These services handle time-consuming tasks like database administration, backups, patching, etc.

This enables your team to focus on developing your WordPress site rather than managing infrastructure.

Challenges of Self-Managing WordPress on Google Cloud

While GCP provides an excellent hosting platform, setting up and managing WordPress on it does require significant technical expertise.

Some key challenges faced when self-managing WordPress on GCP include:

  • Installing and configuring the LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) stack needed to run WordPress.
  • Properly securing the VM instances and network configurations.
  • Setting up managed services like Cloud SQL, Cloud DNS, etc.
  • Performing OS and software updates, patches, and configuration changes.
  • Monitoring infrastructure health, resource utilization, uptime, etc.
  • Scaling out manually to handle traffic spikes when needed.
  • Debugging issues with configurations or failed deployments.
  • Lack of 24/7 support for troubleshooting problems.

Handling all this on your own can be complex and time-consuming. It detracts your focus from developing your WordPress site.

This is where using a managed hosting provider like Cloudways makes the process incredibly smooth.

How Cloudways Simplifies WordPress Hosting on Google Cloud

Cloudways is a managed cloud hosting platform that automates provisioning, configuring, deploying, and managing applications like WordPress on various cloud providers including GCP.

Here are some of the key ways Cloudways streamlines running WordPress on Google Cloud:

Fully Managed Infrastructure

Cloudways provisions optimized Google Compute Engine VMs and handles all OS, software, and security updates for you. This removes the need to manage infrastructure yourself.

Automated WordPress Installation

Once the GCP resources are ready, Cloudways will automatically install the latest version of WordPress for you with just one click.

Integrated Services

Services like managed MySQL from Cloud SQL, Content Delivery Network, Redis caching, etc. are pre-integrated to enhance WordPress performance.

Built-in Security

Cloudways enables essential security like firewalls, SSL certificates, VPN access out of the box so your WordPress site is protected.

Seamless Scaling

Based on the load, Cloudways will auto-scale your GCP resources vertically and horizontally to maintain optimal performance.

Team Collaboration

You can add team members and selectively control access to different aspects like server access, billing, support, etc.

24/7 Expert Support

Cloudways provides 24×7 chat and email support to help troubleshoot and resolve any issues related to your managed WordPress installation.

Intuitive Control Panel

The Cloudways control panel enables you to manage everything related to your WordPress site and associated cloud infrastructure through an easy-to-use graphical interface.

Automated Backups

Cloudways performs automated daily backups of your WordPress site‘s files and database to ensure your data remains protected.

With these capabilities, Cloudways reduces the complexity involved in running WordPress on Google Cloud significantly. Next, let‘s go through the steps to get started.

Step-by-Step Guide to Launch WordPress on Google Cloud via Cloudways

Here is a step-by-step walkthrough of how to get a new WordPress site deployed on Google Cloud Platform through Cloudways in less than 8 minutes:

Step 1: Create a Cloudways Account

First, you need to sign up for a Cloudways account if you don‘t have one already.

The signup process is quick – you just need to provide your name, email address, and password to register.

Cloudways signup page

Step 2: Add a Google Cloud Project

Once you log in to the Cloudways dashboard, you need to connect your Google Cloud account.

Under Settings, choose Connected Accounts and select Connect Account below Google Compute Engine.

This will open a popup where you can sign in to your Google Cloud account and choose the project you want to use.

Connect Google Cloud in Cloudways

If you don‘t have a GCP account, you can quickly create one for free.

Step 3: Launch a New WordPress Server

Go to Apps > Add Server and choose WordPress as the application.

Under hosting providers, select Google Compute Engine and your connected GCP project.

Give your server a label, pick your preferred region, and adjust other settings like server size, storage, etc.

When ready, hit Launch and your WordPress server will be deployed on GCP within 5-7 minutes.

Launch WordPress server in Cloudways

Step 4: Access Your WordPress Site

Once the server is ready, you will receive an email from Cloudways.

Go back to the Cloudways dashboard and open your new WordPress server.

Under Access Sites, you will find your WordPress site‘s temporary URL. Click on it to access the WordPress installation wizard.

Run through the setup wizard to configure your site‘s base settings. Your new WordPress site is now ready!

Access WordPress site in Cloudways

Step 5: Add a Custom Domain

To use your own domain, go to the Domains tab in your WordPress server‘s details page.

Enter your domain name and click Attach Domain. This will assign your domain to the GCP Load Balancer fronting your WordPress site.

Once your domain is verified in Cloudways, you can go to the WordPress dashboard to update the site and home URLs to your custom domain.

Step 6: Install an SSL Certificate

For security, you should install a free SSL certificate for your domain by going to the SSL Certificates section.

Enter your domain, email address, and click Issue SSL Certificate. The SSL will be auto-configured on the Load Balancer.

This will enable HTTPS access for your WordPress site‘s visitors.

And that‘s it! In less than 8 minutes, you have a new WordPress site hosted on Google Cloud‘s reliable infrastructure while Cloudways manages everything seamlessly for you.

Tips to Optimize Your WordPress Site on Google Cloud

Here are some tips to get the best performance out of your WordPress site running on GCP via Cloudways:

  • Choose the optimal server size – Pick an appropriate GCP machine type based on your expected traffic and resource needs. You can start small and scale up later.

  • Enable caching plugins – Install plugins like WP Rocket or WP Fastest Cache to leverage browser and page caching.

  • Minify CSS/JS – Minify and combine your CSS and JS files to reduce page weight. Cloudways has built-in minification.

  • Compress images – Use image optimization plugins to compress your images for faster loads.

  • Use a CDN – Cloudways includes a global CDN for free to speed up static asset delivery.

  • Set up redirects – Redirect non-www to www or HTTP to HTTPS in Cloudways for optimal SEO.

  • Limit plugins – Avoid installing too many unnecessary plugins that can slow down your site.

  • Monitor performance – Use Cloudways‘ integrated monitoring to track metrics like server load, response times, etc.

  • Scale when needed – Leverage GCP‘s autoscaling to automatically add more resources during traffic spikes.

Following these best practices will help you get maximum value out of using Google Cloud to host your WordPress site.


I hope this detailed guide gave you a good overview of how Cloudways simplifies deploying WordPress on Google Cloud Platform. With Cloudways managing the infrastructure, you can focus on developing your WordPress site without any hosting headaches.

Some key takeaways:

  • GCP provides a reliable, high-performance, and scalable cloud hosting environment for WordPress.

  • Managing WordPress deployments on GCP involves complex configurations.

  • Cloudways automates provisioning, installing, securing, and managing WordPress sites on GCP.

  • You can launch a new WordPress site on GCP in less than 8 minutes using Cloudways.

  • Follow best practices like caching and scaling to optimize WordPress performance on GCP.

With Cloudways, you get the best of GCP‘s power and none of the infrastructure management overhead. This enables you to concentrate on your WordPress site and content instead of technical complexities.


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.