
How to Add Friends on Venmo in 2022: The Complete Guide

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Friends using Venmo on their phones

Adding friends on the popular payment app Venmo allows you to easily send and receive money between accounts. With over 80 million users, chances are many of your friends and family already have Venmo.

Connecting to them on Venmo provides a quick and convenient way to split bills, pay each other back, and even request money when needed. The app makes it simple to manage shared expenses, avoid IOUs, and eliminate the need to exchange cash.

In this comprehensive guide, you‘ll learn multiple methods for finding and adding friends on Venmo for iOS and Android devices:

  • Add Friends by Username
  • Add Friends via Personal QR Code
  • Add Contacts from Your Phone
  • Connect Facebook Friends
  • Accept Friend Requests
  • See Mutual Friends
  • Make Your List Private
  • Remove or Block Friends

Let‘s get started!

How to Add Friends on Venmo

Adding a friend on Venmo is a quick and easy process. Once they accept your friend request, you‘ll be connected on Venmo and can start sending payments. Here are the steps:

Add Venmo Users by Username

  1. Open the Venmo app on your iOS or Android device.
  2. Tap the profile icon in the top-left corner.
  3. Tap "Add Friends" or "Find Friends" depending on your version.
  4. Tap "Search" at the top of the screen.
  5. Type in the exact Venmo username of the friend you want to add.
  6. Tap on their profile picture when it appears.
  7. Tap "Add Friend" on their profile.

You‘ll then need to wait for them to accept your friend request before you can interact on Venmo.

Add Friends via Personal QR Code

  1. Open Venmo and tap the profile icon.
  2. Select "Add Friends" or "Find Friends".
  3. Tap "Scan Personal QR Code".
  4. Use your camera to scan your friend‘s unique Venmo QR code.
  5. The app will automatically find their Venmo profile.
  6. Tap "Add Friend" to send them a friend request.

Ask your friend to share their personal QR code with you so you can scan it and connect instantly on Venmo without needing their username.

Add Contacts from Your Phone

  1. Open Venmo and tap the profile icon.
  2. Go to "Settings" then "Friends & Social".
  3. Turn on the "Sync Phone Contacts" option.
  4. Venmo will compare your existing contacts to Venmo users.
  5. For any matches, you can send automatic friend requests.

Granting access to your contacts enables Venmo to cross-reference your phonebook with Venmo members. You‘ll instantly be able to find friends already on Venmo and connect your accounts.

Connect Facebook Friends

  1. Open Venmo, go to your profile, and tap "Add Friends".
  2. Select "Connect Facebook Friends".
  3. You‘ll be redirected to Facebook to log into your account.
  4. Choose which Facebook friends you want to find on Venmo.
  5. Request will be sent automatically to matched accounts.

Connecting Facebook friends allows you to easily transfer money with friends and family you‘re already friends with on Facebook without needing to know their Venmo username.

Accept Friend Requests

If someone sends you a friend request on Venmo, you‘ll get a notification on your homescreen or activity feed. To accept:

  1. Open the request notification or go to your profile.
  2. Tap the "Friend Requests" tab.
  3. Tap "Accept" next to the request.

Once you accept, that user will be added to your friends list. You can now send payments and interact seamlessly on Venmo.

Other Ways to Manage Venmo Friends

In addition to adding friends, Venmo has other useful features for managing your friends list and connecting with other users.

See Mutual Friends

See which of your Venmo friends also know another user by:

  1. Going to their Venmo profile
  2. Scrolling down to the "Mutual Friends" section

This makes it easy to discover new connections.

Make Your List Private

If you don‘t want others browsing your connections, you can make your list private:

  1. Go to your Venmo profile
  2. Tap the gear icon
  3. Go to Privacy Settings
  4. Toggle "Friends List" to private

Remove or Block Friends

Need to delete a friend or block someone?

  1. Go to your friends list
  2. Tap the three dots next to their name
  3. Select "Remove Friend" or "Block this User"

You can always reconnect later by sending them a new friend request if needed.

FAQs About Venmo Friends

Does Venmo Automatically Add Friends?

Venmo will automatically send friend requests to contacts from your phonebook or Facebook friends list if you enable syncing. But both parties need to accept the request before officially becoming Venmo friends.

How Often Does Venmo Sync Contacts?

Venmo regularly checks your contacts list for new additions and matches to Venmo users. It typically syncs contacts every few days. You‘ll get notified when new friends are found from your phonebook.

Can I See Someone‘s Friend List?

You can only view the friends list of someone who has their list set to public. Tap on their profile and look for the "Friends" section. If it‘s empty or you get an error, their list is private.

Is There a Limit to Venmo Friends?

Venmo does not limit the number of friends you can have. You can connect with as many Venmo users as you want by adding friends or syncing contacts.

Add Friends on Venmo Today!

Adding friends makes it fast and convenient to manage money among your contacts on Venmo. Use the tips in this guide to connect your account to friends and family in just a few taps.

With over 80 million Venmo users, chances are high your closest connections are already on the app. Start sending payments, splitting expenses, and managing shared costs with Venmo friends today!


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.